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OLTL PLUS PreVUE: Week of August 13 Edition

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Watching three teenagers play strip poker - No Thank You!!

But bring on the rest of the spoilers, they actually sound really good. Are they really taking Todd back to actually BEING Todd. I sure hope so, can't wait to see what he does to embarrass Viki.

And Viki/Dorian locked in a wine cellar. WAHOO!! That always brings great viewing. Can't wait.

Thanks Scotty.

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Your welcome Christina. And the strip poker spoiler is not as bad as it seems....it will serve to further explore Langston and Markko's relationship, but in a way that doesn't involve sex. It will be interesting as to what happens there.

On a sad note, John is being his usual conflicted self as imagines he is talking to his dead daddy when asking a priest for advice. What is it with Higley and dead people anyway?

Otherwise, there is a lot more really good stuff coming up that week, and it was hard to narrow it down to just those few sentences. ;)

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Thanks for posting them Scotty, Wow Marcie is a suspect, I can't wait to see how Michael reacts to that one. Remember how nuts she went when He was a suspect??? I hope this means there is more Mike and Marcie to come, especially more Marcie. Michael has had too much to do with this tommy story already, Marcie needs some time in the story as well.

all in all the week looks very promissing.

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I had the same reaction as others, until I read this. Now, I'm a bit excited to see it...

John suspecting Marcie... so anyone but his precious Marty? He doesn't believe at once that Marty killed Spencer, but yet everyone else needs to be looked at twice? Blah... John and competent are two words that don't go together.

Does Marcie even know about Tommy? If so, I must have missed that spoiler. Only then, will I understand that John suspects Marcie... but as far as I know, Marcie doesn't know until everyone else (or major players involved) find out.

The plus side, more Marcie... which is long overdue. I hope this means that she will be around for more than two days.

Alex is my favorite wife of Asa ever. As far as I'm concerned, no one will ever top her craziness when she was with Asa.

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There will be sone Nora airtime that week, as well as Lindsay. Nora will be there alongside the other Buchanans, in-laws and former in-laws as they mourn Asa. The following week will be even more interesting for her as she has to present Lindsay with something.

No Marcie doesn't know about Tommy....but John thinks maybe she has figured it out, and imagines something interesting.

As for Langston and Markko, he turns her down when she asks, but only because he realizes something else is bothering her with regards to her family, and he wants to help her through it.

And now, my lips are sealed. :P

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