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ATWT: Monday July 23 Episode

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P.J. I love your posts,too. :)

I liked Luke with Carly too but wasn't he at the studio before and then showed up at the studio afterward?Did he have to go to the farm to pick something up and then go back to work?

AND~ when is there not forty-eleven-hundred people at the farm so that someone would know what was going on with J.J.? Lately Emma's farm has been Oakdale's answer to Grand Central Station.

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The writing is just horrible for this story. Not enough dialogue and too much touching and massages. I would rather Luke and Noah have a serious conversation about their lives instead of this touching/massaging. What a better way to know a guy. ;)

It didnt bother me that much. Last we saw Emma was at the Lakeview. Which btw Jack rented for the night on a cop's salary? :blink:

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I'm not sure why Luke ran to the farm in time to conveinently answer Carly's phone call. It was nice that Luke actually seemed to know who Carly was...sometimes, I think the "story bubbles" have kept family from knowing family. I don't think Carly and Luke have been in a scene together since Carly nearly burned to death in his old camp trunk, when Jake Weary was in the role. :D

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How expensive could it be? There's usually all of three people there. :)

Sigh...I guess CBS wants the Luke/Noah story to go at a snail's pace...just in case it's not received well. Too bad they didn't do the same with Kack...it might have saved us all some pain.

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Love PJ's posts as well...As she puts it Jack's scenes were definitely speed worthy...As I said, I see no chemistry on screen with Michael Park and Terri...Terri has excellent chemistry with Mark Collier and Paul Leyden, etc, but she simply doesn't have any at all what-so-ever with Michael; and he's a great actor. The scenes he has with Terri are just snooze worthy for me, and that's sad to say about two actors that I truly like.

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I agree that there is zero chemistry between Michael and Katie. I think it's showing that Michael at least knows the pairing is ridiculous. There was nothing romantic about that proposal and Jack looked like hw would prefer having a root canal.

The JJ kidnapping did start out over the top but looks like it gets interesting in the promo that WG posted.

While it may have been odd that Bob was getting home now, I'm glad he was brought into the story as opposed to Dr. Schiller. And I'm guessing it was supposed to be several hours later if Barbara was already sorting through some of Paul's things. So if this was some special watch of his, wouldn't he have been wearing it? I did really love the scenes with Bob/Gwen/Will/Barbara.

Aaron has become just as sanctimonious as his father! Ali is better off without him and I hope they try pairing her with Dusty.

That hard to identify couple in the bumper was Henry/Vienna.

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I enjoyed today's episode - nice mix of stories and characters. ATWT has improved a lot recently IMO. It helps that Cleo is gone and Paul/Meg/Craig was getting a bit tedious - I'm looking forward to Rosanna being added to the mix.

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I thought it was a great episode. The Luke/Noah/Maddie stuff, the Ali/Susan/Aaron stuff, and the Bob/Gwen/Will/Barbara stuff could have been the only stories featured and it would have been even better.

Loved the part when Noah put his arm on Luke's shoulder. That look on Luke's face...he may be all nice and innocent on the outside, but I wouldn't doubt that he'd be a freak in the bed. I don't think Luke's silly for acting the way he's acting. I've been there before, hell I'm still there very often, so I get it. Noah's touch didn't make him horny. That touch just went against what he's been trying to make himself believe. He doesn't want to think that Noah is gay because the more he thinks that he is, the more pathetic he's going to feel about falling for a straight guy (which I still don't think we've seen enough of the "falling for," but Noah's praising of Luke's writing was good today). But when Noah touches him like that, it's magnified for Luke, it's something that he's probably thought of, and to actually have that happen, whether it was just a random touch or not, it was a big deal to him. That was my interpretation of it, at least.

Absolutely adored the stuff at Gwen and Will's. Perfect family moments, IMO. The young couple thinks they may be expecting, but they're not sure, so they call up their dear old uncle, a respected physician, to make sure. He confirms and then the expectant-grandmother comes and is overjoyed to hear the news. Just some great stuff.

Loved Susan and Alison a lot. Susan...gah, I just love her. She wants everything to be okay, but she knows it really isn't. I know I'm in the minority, but I really love Marnie S. as Alison. I liked Dunphy's Ali, but I adjusted to Marnie's very quickly. I might even like her better. It broke my heart to see her preparing to snort the crack off the back of her hand. And Susan talking about her temptations to drink? Loved it.

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I know I'm in the minority, but I really love Marnie S. as Alison.

I think the story for Ali has been atrocious. I'm sure some peeps have really fond memories of Jessie, but not me so much. If they'd get the hair out of her face, and write something better for her, I think Marnie would be accepted better. Personally, I wouldn't mind a Dusty/Ali hookup. I'm not getting any vibes between Ali and Aaron.

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