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ATWT: Monday July 23 Episode

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Good show. I still wish we could have seen more Luke and Noah. I still dont know if they have "that" chemistry. Great to see Bob, Babs and Susan in one show. And Margo is on tomorrow. More vets is fine with me! :)

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Good show today.

I had to laugh when Carly burst in to the Lakeview today because I was seeing it through Katie's eyes.

I especially loved the Susan scenes. I am glad they brought up how she still fights her alcoholism.

That male kidnapper is so stereotypical of Jean's bad guys. The woman reminds me of Cynthia too.

I'd like to thank Jean for the Will and Gwen scenes because it gave her an excuse to use Don Hastings and CZP again. OOPS! I better put my negativity in check,LOL!

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I sure hope the ratings start going up Last week and now this week so far have been great, almost so great that I am doubting JP is writing the show, when was the last time so much balance was in a show, I mean really 5 storylines instead of the crappy 2 per show that we are used to.

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I noticed the new bumpers. Scott Bryce was included. And the color scheme was changed to blue. I liked today's script written by Richard Culliton. Espcially the Fluffy scenes. Where she was having doubts and finally getting a brain!...LOL And the part about Susan and her wanting a drink(fighting it).....good stuff.

And your statement winterguy has me thinking. I might have imagined this but wasnt there a rumor where one script writer was actually HW and SW? Could it be Richard Culliton on ATWT. Just a hunch!

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I can honestly say, today is the first time I've ever FF'd Jack. Most times, I think Michael is one of the most natural actors on daytime. TODAY, the first cliched scenes with FluffZilla were so forced, I couldn't stand it. When I finally thought Carly was going to interrupt, I had to listen to Katie "maturely" (*sigh*, *groan* and *barf*) evaluate their "relationship"...and listen to Jack continue to describe Carly, while looking pitifully at Katie, like some whipped puppy who didn't understand why he was being dragged around by his leash by his bratty owner. I think someone should report this cruel and unusual torture, as it violates the Geneva Convention.

And I'll throw in a word about Fluffy (other than I thought that dress was some kind of joke. I still think Teri has pissed off someone in wardrobe, because that dress was all wrong for her.) A TWO minute reflection on the HELL she made Mike's life, is NOT going to convince me she's matured, or that she's capable of self-introspection. If that were the case, she would have thought about it long before she had Jack on his knees, asking a question he already thought he had an answer to. (But who can think about LIFE decisions when there are dresses and shoes to buy, or she can spend the afternoon snarking with her BFF Vienna about how perfect her life is, now that she's sure Carly is out of the picture.)

Thought the Noah/Luke/Maddie stuff was horrible. Y'know, Luke just needs to get laid, if every brush of Noah's hand makes him horny.

I liked the Susan/Ali talk at the end...the rest of the Ali/Meth/Aaron/3 Drug Dudes was [!@#$%^&*].

Oy...the JJ kidnapping was over-the-top. Even Maura couldn't really save it.

The Gwen/Will/Bob/Barb scenes where nice. I'm a little confused about why Bob was suddenly in town, like TWO hours after Paul's wake. But, it was so nice to see him, I didn't care. It seems like he knows about Paul, since he said something about Will being sad.

Oh....liked the new background on the bumpers today. I thought there was some anonymous couple in the background of one of them...it's not, it's Henry and Vienna!

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Jesus, Luke is acting less mature than Faith. Just because this is a "gay" love story, doesn't mean it has to be spoon-fed and simplified to an after-school special type of "message" story. Any other couple (outside of the pre-teen set) on this show usually bangs first, and "gets to know" each other later.

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