Members R Sinclair Posted July 23, 2007 Members Share Posted July 23, 2007 And no way in hell are Sucky the victims. To dislike Jason and Liz is one thing -- to act like Sam and Lucky are heroic for getting rid of them is another. Jason should've left Sam once HE SAW HER SLEEPING WITH RIC ON HER MOTHER'S LIVING ROOM FLOOR. No matter how much of an asswipe anyone thinks Jason is, what Sam did was E-X-T-R-A. Liz should've left Lucky the minute she caught him -- not once but TWICE -- sleeping with Maxie, second time being in HER OWN MARRIAGE BED! No matter how much of a slut, whore, bitch anyone thinks Liz is, what Lucky did was E-X-T-R-A. I can put myself in Sam's situation and know that my sleeping with my MOTHER'S HUSBAND ON MY MOTHER'S LIVING ROOM FLOOR is nothing but vengeful and spiteful, and that Jason would have zero reason to trust me if he witnessed me being capable of such a betrayl. If I don't respect my mother, her marriage or even her home, then how can Jason trust me with a volatile secret as Jake's paternity? I can put myself in Lucky's situation and know that, while being addicted to DRUGS, my sleeping with a vicious, spiteful slut like Maxie while I AM MARRIED TO A WOMAN AND CONSIDER MYSELF A FATHER TO HER CHILD in my wife's bed is a huge betrayl of TRUST. So why would I be so hurt and shocked that Liz wouldn't trust me in return? I can't, however, put myself in their situations and feel that I am some innocent victim in all of this. It's one thing for Sam to be hurt by Jason and feel rejected by Alexis. It's another thing for her to sleep with someone she despises. Someone who happens to be her mother's husband and the father of her sister. It's one thing for Lucky to be dependent/addicted to drugs and feel pressure to live up to Liz's expectations or feel inadequate. It's another to take those feelings and CHEAT ON HIS WIFE IN THEIR MARRIAGE BED just so he can get free drugs. Why are those things so easily overlooked, while Liz's BIG FAT EVIL LIE isn't? Why is Sam being cheered on because she left a relationship SHE ground into dust? That's like cheering on a person who willingly vandalizes their home and then once nothing's left to salvage, they "choose" to walk away. It makes NO SENSE! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ANDREA LOATHES REILLY Posted July 23, 2007 Members Share Posted July 23, 2007 The only whore here is the one having mob babies and passing them off on other men. Lizzard would have you believe her lies are because she cares so much about Lucky...BULLSH!T! She continues to lie because she does not want it to get out that she bedded Jason and had his kid. I don't see why she has an issue because the whole town would name a street after her for given the hit man a spawn. She's a moron for not realizing that. Lucky walked away from Slutzilla, and she pulled him back in so that she could treat him badly. VERY BADLY! Lucky was clean and sober for a while and he cared enough about Lizzard to want her happy. Why was that not good enough for that bitch?! Lizzard is a cold blooded deceitful lying skank who likes to judge others. But again, I can't help but see the bright side of this. Once Lizzard gets her heart's desire, she will experience nothing but eternal pain. That is what Jason brings - PAIN! His code is a bunch of crap, and it's time to retire this character to the back of the stove! The emancipation of Lucky and Sam is must see. Free them from the filth that is Liason! ANDREA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ANDREA LOATHES REILLY Posted July 23, 2007 Members Share Posted July 23, 2007 You see R, Sam and Lizzard's bad behavior cannot be explained or exused. Sam viciously sought out her stepfather to sleep with him as revenge against her mother. That's inexusable. Lizzard rips Lucky a new one. She degrades him, and never let's him forget what he did. In the interim, she sleeps with the town KILLER, gets pregnant by him, each day someone new finds out, she can't tell said killer enough that she does not regret their night together - ALL while lying to the husband she supposedly forgave. The man is going around town like the world's biggest chump thinking that he father a child by his wife. Said wife pulls him back into a marriage he WILLINGLY walks away from to remove the stress from her. Said wife also tells herself and everyone who will listen that she is doing all of this lying for Lucky??? Who's dumb enough to believe that? Lizzard DOES NOT WANT TO GO THROUGH THE SAME PERSECUTION through which she put Lucky. That is what the duplicity is all about. Don't fool yourselves into believing it is anything else - INEXCUSABLE! Now, who's behavior out of the 3 can be explained - LUCKY! The man suffered an on the jub injury and sebsequently became addicted to pain pills (not cocainne, heroine, smack or CM). Is this farfetched? HELL NO! It happens all the time. Of course his behavior should not be exused, but IT CAN BE EXPLAINED. His dealer was supplying him with drugs to keep him in her bed. Is Lucky superman? Hell no, so he can't beat an addiction when he is constantly being fed drugs. If he were superman, Lucky would have never been hurt in the first place. Now, get this...Lizzard is aware that Maxi is feeding her husband's addiction, and what does she do? That's right - NOTHING! Oh, I take that back. She did ask Maxi to stay away from her husband. Big Whoop! Why not turn Maxi in to her father, the commish??? I guess she'd have to care to do that. Lucky has since owned up to all of his bad behavior, and he does not deserve what that whoring wife is doing to him... Ask yourselves, if Lizzard were addicted to drugs and her supplier (a man) were feeding that addiction and taking her to bed, wouldn't you be outraged? I know I would! If you can't admit it to the rest of us, just admit it to yourselves... ANDREA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted July 23, 2007 Members Share Posted July 23, 2007 Outraged at the supplier? Yes, I would -- just like I was outraged with Maxie and hated her that entire summer. Would I be outraged with Liz? Yes, I would -- because she wasn't being seduced into sleeping with the supplier. She willingly chose to have an ongoing sexual affair with him, lie to her husband and make all kinds of promises to the supplier just so she could get a fix. With me, it's never been a case of liking someone=excusing their actions. It has to do with intentions and choices. I don't see Liz's intentions and choices as being made to be mean or bitchy. Yeah, they're made to cover her ass (which is the point of 99% of the lies we tell), but she's not enjoying hurting Lucky. She doesn't seek Sam out to rub the BIG FAT EVIL LIE in Sam's face. She doesn't go stumbling around town every other week in drunken tirades saying hurtful things to people. Sam, on the other hand, makes a shitload of choices to deliberately hurt someone or make someone pay. "At least Sam and Lucky own up to the [!@#$%^&*] they've done," is what was mentioned somewhere around here. Yeah. They do. AFTER THEY GET CAUGHT! Sonny confronted Sam and the bitch was STILL LYING TO HIS FACE about the kidnapping. It was only after she pretty much was backed into the corner that she owned up to her shit. It wasn't this lofty, noble, self-sacrificing gesture she did to admit to witnessing the kidnapping or tell someone Maureen was the kidnapper. She made it all about her. "Jason lied to ME! I'M the one who was betrayed! It's not fair that I can't have Jason's child! I was in shock when Maureen took Jake. Losing MY baby is something I can never get over!" Her drunken tirade that day at the Spencers when Spam was going on and on about the pain of losing a child and how you can never get over it. That was all about her! Because if she was able to get outside of herself, she'd realize that Liz lost two children, so what is this great pain that she feels Liz isn't capable of understanding? There's never been a true "owning up" to her shit. She has yet to understand that the pain she allowed Jason and Liz to go through thinking that their child had been kidnapped and never to be seen again by some unknown mysterious stranger was excruciating. Nooooo... somehow, it comes back to the fact that Jason lied to her and the pain and betrayl she felt. Besides, the kidnapping was all Maureen's fault. Not hers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members d_wsb Posted July 23, 2007 Members Share Posted July 23, 2007 yeah for Lucky & Sam scenes! sonny & kate are too funny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Skin Posted July 24, 2007 Members Share Posted July 24, 2007 Sam might not be a victim. But Lucky is. Lucky is a victim of Elizabeth's lies. Since Lucky's addiction/affair he has been completely honest and has groveled at Elizabeth's feet and she took him back only to lie to him and make him love and believe a child that isn't his. Elizabeth is in the wrong here and Lucky is a victim of Webber's massive web of lies. Jason already left Sam when Sam slept with Ric. Jason leaving Sam is the entire reason Sam was vulnerable enough to sleep with Ric in the first place. I won't even touch the Alexis/Sam portion of this debate since they have both done some of the most horrid things to one another. That mother/daughter relationship is one that would keep the best psychologists paid for years to come. You do realize the difference between Sam's situation and Elizabeth's right? Sam is never able to have any more children then the one she lost. Elizabeth may have miscarried children but she never lost the ability to have more. Sam lost all chances of having children when he daughter died. Sam lost more then a child when she lost her daughter she lost any chance of being able to have any more children along with the loss of her baby. Elizabeth lost two babies. But she also is a mother of two. Sam isn't as lucky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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