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ATWT: Tuesday June 19 Episode

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Loved, Loved, Loved CARJACK today. Those two just make the show sizzle. When Jack put his hand on hers in the car and she gave him that look....it said it all. I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Damn that Caty for showing up at Carly's tomorrow....talk about insecure!! And you can already see Parker starting to thaw towards Carly. Can't wait for tomorrow!!

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Great show today :) Everytime it thunderstorms on a soap, that means trouble, and it looks like trouble is what Meg is now in. I totally loved the Carly/Jack/Parker's scenes today as well. I love Parker.

And it is about time Luke and Noah in the preview's for Wednesday's show.

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Good show today. The Meg/Craig wedding was great. Plus having the foursome ladies....Lucinda, Lily, Emma and Margo. The CarJack scenes were great as well. Katie and Brad with the kids bored me. Henry and Vienna were cute.

Tomorrow's show looks good too. I can't wait for the Luke/Noah scenes.

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Honestly, doesn't it seem like Paul's visions just make him do the worst possible thing? It's like "yeah, Paul...actually GO to the wedding, and make Meg freak out so she actually does blow the scheme to kingdom come."

That being said...I'm not really sure why Craig's all that surprised Meg's not in love with him, and only marrying him to get the company back for Lucinda. I suppose we're supposed to believe that Meg has denied her involvement with Paul so much to him, that this "blindsides" him. But, Craig did just charge into Paul's room the night before, convinced he'd find them together.

Is Meg supposed to be the heroine here? 'Cause she sure isn't coming off as one. At least not to me.

Loved the Carjack/Parker scenes. It was heartwarming to see Carly and Jack actually working together again, when the last year-plus has had them at odds with each other. And my heart broke for Jack when he told Parker he was wrong to threaten to send him to that camp, and he couldn't take it if Parker "left him."

I actually thought Brad was tolerable today. I think it's one of the few times he's EVER shown any "Snyderness" in him, when he was all worried about Parker, calling and offering to come get him, no questions asked.

Katie....ahhhh....even if I hadn't read spoilers, even if they hadn't shown it in the previews, I would have known she'd buzz right over to Carly's once she heard Jack was taking her and Parker there. Hmmn...insecure much, there, Fluff? I thought the stuff with Brad was lame too. But, then again, I see little hints of her attraction to him surfacing, so I'll grin and bear it.

Henry and Vienna were cute...but the Spa idea sounds lame. I mean, come on....she's a millionairess, and her "big idea" has her using a room at the Lakeview???? *groan*

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Seriously, in addition to my whole 'Free Paul' dream, I hope Paul's

also puts a stop to these ridiculous visions.

I have no sympathy for Meg (and I haven't watched, but just on general principle lol), but I'm sure that is not surprising :)

The CarJack / Parker stuff sounds good, I may have to seek out clips for that!

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Oh wow...

All I can say is that the wedding was perfect. Both before, during, and after. I swear SH really had me feeling sick and sad inside as he expressed his love for Meg and then later found her with Paul. I almost felt mad at Meg for being so deceitful. Just a perfect example of what Craig does to people. Meg is a heroine IMO. But shes fallen low because of this creep. And really we shouldn't care that he loves Meg cuz all the evils he's done over the years cannot be erased by him loving Meg.

But yeah the girl is in trouble...

I'm relieved though. The Look between Jack and Carly wasn't as special as I thought it would be made out to be. It lasted like a few seconds and it didn't occur again. Parker was amazing in this episode as were JJ, Sage, and Faith.

Brad and Katie were amazing. Glad they explored the strong chemistry between the two of them. And that last scene was done beautifully. Too bad shes going to go running back to boring ole Jack tomorrow.

Noah and Luke 2mor... :rolleyes:

Are we really supposed to believe that Luke is now in love with Noah after all the catty remarks and attitude hes given the guy over the last few weeks? Last I remember he gave him a sarcastic grin and walked away without a word leavin a puzzled Noah behind. I can believe Noah is developing or harboring secret feelings for Luke. But the writers are gonna have to show me some real substance there b4 I care whether or not Luke is on the show. Right now hes not doing much.

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Woo-Hoo!!! Bring on evil Craig!!

I could do without the whole Brad/Katie and the Snyder kids. Girl Power! Seriously. :rolleyes:

Man, I was hoping Vienna and Henry would somehow re-open Metro. It could work now that Alison and Aaron are back...

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Speaking of the "girl power" situation....one, it was chees-ily hilarious that Fluff is acting like a 8-12 year old herself. But, otoh, I'm going to be pissed if Sage's only appearance in the last month is going to be with Daddy's Sex Buddy.

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Good show today!

Carly/Jack/Parker was really the highlight for me. Loved Jack holding Carly's hand :) The scenes outside the museum were terrific! Too bad Katie is going to have to butt in once again where she doesn't belong :rolleyes: It's obvious her days with Jack are numbered though.

I enjoyed the Brad/Katie scenes since once again he told her like it is. He may have an agenda but he is telling her the truth about Jack and Carly. And I noticed the way Katie looked at him. I think she likes him a whole lot more than she says. So why not end this nonsense and just put Brad and Katie together.

I also enjoy Henry and Vienna but agree that it is very lame that the "spa" will be in a hotel room :rolleyes: I thought the old gym or the Roller Palace would resurface as the spa. I would have loved for them to reopen Metro or a different club that just happens to look very similar :lol: That would be more fun. If the spa is in the hotel room, it's not like a group of people can hang out there. :rolleyes:

The wedding was pretty good. I'm just not big on this story not any of the characters involved except Lucinda. Maybe if Craig turns evil I'll enjoy him again, because right now he seems like a wimp to me :rolleyes:

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