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OLTL: Robin Strasser talks about Ron Carlivati on her hotline

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Robin talks about a lot of things.

-she notes how she didnt know about Dena being fired until a co-worker mentioned it. She says her reaction was kind of like a football player when they score a touchdown.

-she talks about Ron and how this is good. She says selfishly, she thinks he is a good choice based on his past with the show. She says no hard feelings to Dena who she says "she hears" is a good mom, and human being.

-She talks about Rons close relationship with Frank Valentini. She says that come September, we will start to see a rekindled HW-EP, close knit relationship. Say what you want about Valentini, but he loves the vets too.

-She says she has high hopes for the show, and really thinks things will be good.

-she speaks about Erika Slezak and how she spoke up out of concern and never out of selfishness.

More that I left out regarding Ron. Here is the number


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I've always liked Robin. It's sad that she has been treated like crap by TIIC over the years.

It's rather jarring that she didn't know the HW was fired until co-worker mentioned it. You'd think the actors would be kept abreast of certain situations.

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I've always loved and admired Robin, she's always looked out for excellence and quality for OLTL, it's a shame that they've written Dorian horribly ever since JFP's tenure.

Hopefully with the writer change, they'll restore some of the layers to Dorian, instead of writing her so one note.

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I agree. She spoke of how everyone learned about it on Friday except she who heard on Monday when she arrived. She makes it sound like this was completely unanticipated by all. If this was something that was planned the surprise factor wouldn't be present.

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I am concerned as well. His quote record doesn't instill a tremendous amount of confidence, even accounting for towing the party line. Yelling at cast members publicly, the number of times we hear actors/cast having no idea where story/contracts are headed, the infamous 'we made no mistakes last year,' the IWBASS fiasco, and all the loud, public contract negotiations. At best he is an inept toady, at worst....a willing and even 'visionary' participant in the mess that is now OLTL. FV should go back to directing, which he does do well.

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I agree and all these newbies have been under Frank's tenure with two writers. There is no let up in sight either. Yes three newbies are being cut loose now and he's already put out scripts for three newbies to replace them. I really don't include Paige as a newbie so perhaps I should say two. I also want to point out that you would have to look far and wide for any Frank comments about any veteran other than Robin or IK. I can't think of an instance when he has spoken up about Erika Slezak, Jerry verDorn, Hillary B. Smith or Catherine Hickland. I think we will see a lot more of Roxie and Dorian, but I'm wondering about the others. IK and Frank are personal friends. I bet we also see a whole lot of the Vegas, John McBain and way too much singing and endings scripted to some music.

It was also ol Frank who said, we have written a fun sendoff for Jen. To this day, I believe he was instrumental in Dan G. getting fired. I remain suspicious of his comment about Ron C having a "contemporary" approach to writing. I'm really hoping for the best from Ron, but my hunch is we will see a lot of the same and once again Frank will say it isn't him. Well we won't see a lot of the same, but it will be a limited number of characters. The stories won't be as gross as they were with Dena, I hope.

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I agree Jay. I think Jill Mitwell is excellent. You and I talked about the woman who once played Gabriella. We'll both give up on spelling her name this time. LOL. I think she would make a fine EP too. I am most optimistic about Ron because he loves the show, he gave up a lucrative career to become a writer, he gets high marks from actors I think are smart and because I think he will bring a real world perspective to writing.

Frank concerns me.

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You can always count on Robin to be so open and honest when it comes to backstage stuff at One Life To Live. If she is pleased and excited I think we all should be as well. Here's to hoping Dorian gets her layers back!

Frank Valentini just need to continue doing what he does best, absolutely nothing. I swear he is the most useless executive producer currently in daytime. No vision what so ever.

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