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OLTL Discussion: Week of May 14th

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Welcome to the One Life to Live Discussion Thread for the week of May 14th, 2007. This week should prove very interesting. Hope you enjoy your visit and are prepared to discuss the interworkings of Llanview, PA and OLTL. If so, then you're in the right place.

So, let's begin our discussion of the good, bad, and ugly that is Llanview, Pennsylvania & One Life to Live...
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I was SO glad that it was Clint looking like the jerk, instead of Viki looking like the bad guy. I sat there in shock listening to Clint go off on Viki for eating her dinner. Excuse me, but isn't that why they were there. I know that they should have used that time to talk about Jessica, but Clint just laid into Viki about her taking care of herself, and I loved that she didn't back down from the guy. This is NOT Clint Buchanan. Clint would be the first one to tell Viki that she needs to take care of herself because if she didn't, there would be nothing for her to do for her daughter. Clint came off like a complete you know what, and Dorian wanting to take him back to her place to have sex. She didn't come off any better. Isn't she suppose to be taking care of Starr? I was cheering Viki on for not sitting there and taking what Clint and Dorian dished out. Go Viki!!

Really enjoyed the John, Natalie and Bree in the park, as well as the Natalie and Miles.

The actress that plays Brittany is really good, since I'm beginning to feel sorry for Brittany. LOL.

Finally Bo went to visit his niece. To bad we couldn't get a little bit of conversation between uncle and niece.

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I think the idea is that we start to feel badly for Brittany. I like the story; it's simple and innocent (with the exception of Henry's death, I guess), but I wish Britttany were connected to a major character.

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I like Miles and Nat together, but I think they are very wrong if they think they can make Marty jealous. Seems to me she's all about John.

The Jash scenes were cute.

OMG. Clint was such a jerk today. I cannot believe that man's nerve. I'm glad Vikki stood up for herself. Screw you Clint!!

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I loved Nat and John in the park. I also loved Nat and Miles!!!

Marty is stupid and boring!!!

Go Jash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love Starr. How sad is it that I am actually looking forward to the musical- I want to see that train wreck!!!!

I heart Brittany!!!!!

Dorian I beautiful. Vicki I would have left too!!!

Clint is becoming so unrecognizeable!!!!!

I miss Blair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Go Jash

What are they doing to Clint? What a jerk. That is not Clint.

I like the teen story. I like Brittney, Starr and BB needs work but I do like Cole

I'm glad Viki left and I'm glad she told Dorian why. I didn't understand the point of the two minute scene with the man.

Hey Scotty, I just saw where Jonathan Groff was nominated for a Tony.

You know OLTL is certainly playing fast and loose with medical reality in this HepC storyline. It is not uncommon for soaps to stretch illness a little bit, but in this story they are just completely re-writing the nature of the disease and frankly, judging from spoilers, they are playing pretty fast with transplant requirements. Shame on OLTL for that. It not only plays viewers for idiots, which we are not, but it also is a disservice to people with an illness.

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If they were smart, which TPTB are not, they would make Brittney into Kevin's daughter by Stephanie (Carlo Hesser's niece). The timing and history are there: Stephanie gave the child to a friend knowing that Carlo would kill Kevin and the kid. After all Carlo brainwashed Viki to kill Kevin to get him away from Stephanie.

Or it could be done with Langston. I'm just sick of all these newbies being unconnected to anything.

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Dena's ineptitude makes attaching Brit and Langston rather hard. Todd and Blair have Starr, Marty has Cole. That eliminates them from consideration unless they want to go with twins or tripplets. They don't like to admit Antonio and John are pushing 40 despite their attachment with the mid twenties Jess and Nat. The last thing Viki, Dorian or Clint need is yet another long lost child. That leaves the twenty something group, the newbies and the group which is old enough to have Todd, Marty, Kevin as their son or daughter.

Carlo brainwashed Viki into killing kevin as a son for a son. Steph and Kevin broke up when she cheated on him with Jason. Still the show does have an out and could use it to create a Kevin/Steph child that was Starr's age and work within the confines of what did play out. TWOP even has a version which gives Viki real story. It also has the added benefit of helping make up for Duke's soarsing and death. It will never happen because Dena doesn't write for characters like Kevin or Viki as she would prefer to create her own new characters.

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Has Frank Valentini, in the four years that he has been in charge of OLTL ever met a newbie he didn't like? My gosh the man has created more newbies in four years, than I believe the show has created in decades. Now he is bringing on some actress from DOOL and instead of bringing her in as Sara, the part he interviewed her for, he is creating ANOTHER IN A LONG LINE OF NEWBIES.

Frankie has got to go. This show does not need anymore newbies. And, let's get right down to the nuts and bolts of it. He cans Dan G. because Dan won't kiss Frank's butt, he dumps the Gannons, he dumps the Holdens, he decimates the Rappaports and what do we get -- strangers. Fire him.

Now I'm not a member of the REG fan club, but bringing on another white character when you are dumping every African-American character on the show is really very inappropriate.

Here are the newbies I can think of in his tenure:

The Santis including several ghosts

John McBain

Michael McBain

The now gone Cousin McBain





The Love House brats





Paige's now dead son




Mad Mags


Miles Laurance

Flynn Laurance

Evangeline Williamson

Layla Williamson



Tate's Daddy

Dead Daddy McBain

It's a never ending list.

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What makes the newbie problem so glaring is that they still only write stories for three characters, if they can be called storie: there's the neverending quest for a story around John McBain to work, there's the save-my-rear Todd story (andnotice how hard they tried to give that story to Spencer and then John) and arguably Jessica, if she IS a character and not just a body for Antonio and Nash to fight over. Newbies only get airtime if they can be attached to one of these characters. Rex and Adrianna are just mindless filler most of the time, even with the Tate antics.

They are bound and determined to spite their older women, when they do give them scenes. Viki gets humiliated over losing Clint, Dorian gets humiliated by fawning over Clint when David is so much the better choice, and Nora gets to chew out the popular newbie or targetted by the OPP (TWICE). How much goodwill could they buy if they would let Viki work at the Banner, fighting the OPP problem? How about making Nora the judge, clearing the way for a new DA character (possibly a love interest for her and Lindsay to quibble over). It gives the women a life, something positive to do.

They let Heather Tom go, won't write for her. They let REG, a popular character finally developing a history with OLTL if not exactly meaningful ties . They won't write for ES/Viki, for HBS/Nora, and barely for KDP/Blair....but Farah Fath gets a character CREATED for her. RIP OLTL.

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Oh How could I forget Adrianna? Just friggin inventing a family member to create a new character. We left out Paul Cramer, another new family member.

Let's see who has disappeared or been killed off under the amazing Frankie's destruction machine:

Max Holden

Gabriella Holden

Al Holden

Sam Rappaport

Jennifer Rappaport

Joe Buchanan (disappears)

Kevin Buchanan (disappears)

Duke Buchanan (dead)

Kelly Cramer (disappears)

Hank Gannon

RJ Gannon



Asa Buchanan

David Vickers


Well my goodness. I believe Frankie has almost totally replaced the cast. And all the while, he talks about how he grew up with this show and so loyal to its history.

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I've only been watching the show for a little over two years and I'm already sick of the newbie invasion. I can only imagine how you long term fans feel. This is getting out of control. They let three core characters go (Kelly,Kevin and Asa) and are now on a out of control hiring spree. They are adding the characters of Hunter, Sarah and this new role they created just for some actress who mos people think sucks. Frons, Valentini and Higs need to go NOW!

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