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OLTL Discussion: Week of May 14th

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Additionally, there has been:

Eve McBain, Peter, Doug, Henry, Britney's friends Amy and Amber (along with her parents, the other dayplayer teens of Garrett, Jim, Gabe and Heather, nu-Sarah, nu-Marty, Hunter, the new character for Farah Fath, Tommy, Bree, Gov. Brooks, Bruce Bartlett, Tess, Tate's ex-wife Paula, his upcoming best friend Jeff, Sean, Evangeline and Layla's mother, uncle and cousins, Denton (Spencer's sidekick), Mrs. Bigelow, and Marty's therapist Dr. Young.

Those are just some of the newbies in the last couple of years that I can think of.

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Tell me about it, and I was actually feeling bad for him and then BAM it all stopped today AGAIN. LOL. I honestly just want them both to be banned from the hospital. I really do. And I don't understand why it has to be Antonio's decision who comes and goes in Jessica's room. I think it should be her parents. But that's just me.

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Exactly! Since when did HIS wishes become more important than Viki's or Clint's? If anyone should not go into Jessica's room it should be Antonio since he seems incapable of NOT fighting anytime Nash comes into view. And you'd think the idiot (Antonio) would notice that Clint is definitely on NASH's side in all of this rather than his. Or the fact that Jessica keeps calling for Nash in her random states of deliriousness. I can't wait till Jessica leaves this loser for Nash. I honestly can't wait. I think I miay just cry tears of happiness when it happens.

In other news tonight Dorian's words to Nash were really sweet. I love the character so much because of the little things like that! And her scenes with Starr and Langston at the school a few days go were priceless!

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Jessica is not incapicatated. She gets to make decisions about her own medical care. She doesn't need permission her husband. Damn, we aren't a paternalistic society anymore -- I hope.

And today's show was a perfect example of Frankie and Dena's unwinding of this show. There were 15 characters on the show today. Six were created by Dena and Nine are new characters since Frankie came on as EP. I don't count Marty who really is a Dena newbie. But today's show told the story.

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The only thing that was enjoyable was the Starr/Dorian/Langston scenes. Loved those, and it was nice that they remembered that Dorian meddled in Cassie and Kelly's lives too. Too bad there's not many scenes like that with Dorian and Starr, made me liked the teen scene a bit more.

As for Antonio, STFU! Really! He just got beyond annoying today. Jessica is not in a coma, she can think for herself... I wish he and others would see that and just ask/go to her. And I wish Jessica would have the guts to just do what she wants. I like Thalia, but why does she have to be added to Antonio's never ending harem of women who prop him up to look like a good guy? Why waste a good character like that?

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Totally loved the scenes with Viki/Jess, but I always love Viki when she's with her children. And I love that she was trying to comfort Jess and tell her that she knows exactly what she's going through. Great mother/daughter moment.

And I will admit it right now, I actually felt sorry for Nash today. Until Clint came in and ruined the moment for me. LOL.

Still not feeling Clint/Dorian, and I don't think I ever will.

I wish Rex would just tell Adriana to take a frigging hike already, and then of course when it comes out that Tate is the arsonist I want Rex to RUB it all up in Adriana's face. LOL.

Okay....Nora, Evangeline, and Talia knew that they were led to Cris's loft but yet they stayed. Why? That would have told me instantly that it was some kind of trap.

Favorite moment: Michael bringing in Bree to see Jess.

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i really like Vike and Jessica's scenes together. I think Erika and Bree have a very comfortable relationship and Erika S is the best actress in daytime.

I'm not getting into Clint and Dorian either. It's just not comfortable. I loved David and Dorian and this just doesn't fit. I admit, I like Viki and Clint.

The man substituting for Antonio is a good actor. He certainly can play the "arse" part of assholio.

Please tell me, OLTL really did not write that some man was carrying a cannister of Carbon Monoxide in a gym bag.

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I love Blair and Bo scenes!!! Kassie looked great. I love that Blair is going to take matters into her own hands.

Jess/Vicki- I love them. This sotry is contrived, but I loved the Jess/Vicki scenes.

Rex needs to take a chill pill. Free Rex!!!!!!

PAige has no right to tell Nash anything. She is a horrible doctor and she needs to be killed off. I still love NAsh though and Dorian saved those scenes for me!!!

Marice should not have Tommy in a bar!!!

Blair is offering 2 million for the return of Todd. Hell I offer 10 is Todd returns to his former greatness!!

Bye, Bye Van. Carbon monoxide poisoning is b*tch!!!! I love Nora!!! Chris is hot as hell!!!

I want David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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