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OLTL Discussion: Week of May 7th

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that is only my speculation about Miles. It just seems he is taking on the obsessed lover characteristics. What a shame. I think he would have been a fine hook up for Natalie. He's mighty cute.

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I agree. I thought thats what they were building towards as well when I saw them in scenes together a couple of weeks ago at the gym. Also didn't Miles have a 1 night stand with a hooker or something? Like I just remember a phone call between him and what looked like a less than classy woman who he was thanking for "teaching" him something. I guess hes not a virgin anymore or something? LOL OLTL really had me laughing when he revealed that to Marty.

It would be great if the writers did not go that route. Perhaps they're setting us up to think one thing while secretly planning another? Now THAT would be a great twist!

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I could say something here....but I'm not going to because I don't want to reveal too much. LOL

Jess, your speculation on Miles may be more accurate then you think. He will do something low down, especially when you consider what that person has been through all in the name of love.

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It's obvious Miles is becoming obsessed with Marty, but Blair as so far out of line today. She needed to be smakced down a few pegs. She is such a pigeon.

Jash were so bittersweet.

I hate Rex. He's not close to being funny. He doesn't have any proof that Tate is gay but is so happy to smear the man becaue he's flirty with Adrianna. I'm glad Roxie tore him a new one. Homophobia is very real in this country and even if Tate is gay, it's not for Rex to make a mockery of and push him out the closet.

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Well that won't be happening any time soon if at all.

However, he will come up with a sick, twisted plan to win her love.

It involves a showfax script involving Marty that was released awhile back. And the after effects of this incident will result in Marty talking to Dr. Young (Anna Holbrook).

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I agree with you about Rex. I thought it was funny but now hes starting to get on my nerves. He's so jealous of Tate that its ridiculous. And if Tate is gay that would be an interesting twist but it would horrible for Rex to out him like that. Although the drama would be there the character would lose major points with me. As it is Rex is already on my bad side when it comes to Todd.

Where is Evangeline!?

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That makes me sad. I know some here don't like her, but I do and I'll miss her.

Thanks for the tidbit about Miles. I had a feeling he would do something twisted. The show is in need of a villain and I guess it's his turn.

I thought Marty would see Dr. Young for something different. Hmmm

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I have to admit, I miss Evangeline and hope she re-signs soon. My bad reaction to her was more a result of her fanbase at a board I haven't even visited in months so it is somewhat irrational.

I've been watching the show more as an offline viewer lately. I still think too many characters, including those that I like a whole lot, have too much airtime. I also think the show is better with Evangeline. She's a great character who really has not been used well. This is a character who has more to offer than just being the third part of a triangle.

Anyway, I miss her and hope this contract crap ends soon.

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I like Evangeline also and I will miss her the most. I will not watch this show after she is gone next week. I guess I will check out DOOL and ATWT now. There is no other characters left on the show that interest me. Like Jay said, John without Evangeline is useless, although I like Michael Easton as an actor.

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I truly loved the scenes between Viki and Natalie today. It was great to see one of Viki's kids letting her vent and talk about how she feels instead of always being the other way around. Natalie really was good with her mother and I'd love to see more of these two together.

Enjoyed the Clint/Jess scenes, although I'm still not feeling what I should where Jessica is concerned.

Bree is ADORABLE!!!

Tate is a jerk. Rex is being a jerk. Paula is holding something back. And well, Adriana is a twit.

The scenes at the high school didn't make any sense for me. I know that they were spliced together and that's probably why, really tired of this Starr/Cole, Romeo and Juliet thing going on. I want the old Starr back. The one that has spunk and doesn't take crap from anyone. Although, I did enjoy her tude with Dorian, that's always fun to watch.

The scene with Nash and Bree at the hotel was really cute.

I had a MAJOR problem with Clint and Dorian doing that phone sex kind of thing today. Clint should have been ALL about his daughter, and Dorian should have been ALL about Starr. It's just a little bit of the show I could have done without.

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