Members jcar03 Posted May 3, 2007 Members Share Posted May 3, 2007 So there is a big storm a brewin' in Port Charles and there is a pregnant woman. What else could possibly happen expect her going into labor alone. Who will come to her rescue? Jason? More and more people are finding out about Jerry know that Michael and Morgan know he is in town. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted May 3, 2007 Members Share Posted May 3, 2007 JFP and her predictable bag of tricks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Southern Honey Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 Liz is a loathesome biitch. So Jason can only come forward if something happens to her and she doesn't have to face how trifling she is? She literally makes me sick to my stomach and Jason is a dummy for going along with her ish. She is only trying to protect her little angelic repuation. At this point, Liz needs her azz kicked. She has lost her damn mind. I can't believe how much Guza is spitting on Sam and Lucky just to get prop Liason. Jealous Lucky has How in the hell does this man's fecking SISTER not tell him how much his wife is a trifling trick? Give me a BREAK!! I was so through when she married Lucky without telling him the truth, if she had, all would be gravy because she and Lucky are adorable. But she sat right there and stared down another man before trapsing down the aisle. Liz is so gone for me. GONE. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 I actually fell asleep towards te end of the show. IA SH, Liz is a bitch. I HATED that seh brought Jason into LUCKY's house to start that garbage up yet again. 1 minute she's huggign on him and making puppy dog eyes and the next she's kissing on and hugging Lucky as if nothing's happened. I so want her ass to be exposed. I also hate what they are doing to Sam. Yesterday she was so worried that Jason might find out she was a con artist who married rich men. Um Jason already knows she's a con artist! A con is a con and its not like she loved these men. I cant beleive they are making her feel guilty over this bc we all know how shady she was. They are only giving her a lie so that she can be on equal footing with Jason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Southern Honey Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 Thank you! Its so stupid and imaginary. Jason has no right to judge Sam because he is holding on to as big a lie as anyone. He is lying about a child too. And I'm sorry, Sam would not give into blackmail like that nor would she not be able to sniff this Ameila Bish from a mile away! Why are they doing this to her? What I hate about this stupid triangle is that they had to dumb down every single character to get away with it! Lucky is clueless, so is Sam, Jason is a soft cookie and Liz is so completely away from what she was, I'm wondering if she was like this all along and am just now seeing her, maybe Carly was right all along. What's sickening is Liz is doing that ish in that mans mother's House. She has no respect, none, and what really irritates me Cheap is that I have the feeling that Liz is going to get out of this scot free. Lucky is going to go off on her and all she is going to do is move herself and those kids in that penthouse as if she deserves to be there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 Thats what Im afraid of too. I REALLY wish Lucky had adopted Cameron so she cant just up and take him, but as it stands Lucky has no legal claim on that child. I hope she at least has the decency to continue to let Lucky be his father bc that bond cant be easily severed. She keeps whining about how dangerous Jason's life is, yet she wont stay away from him. What if his enemies had been following him and saw her hugging up on him? Did she forget that she's been kidnapped, had a bomb planted in her studio, nearly blown up on the docks, shot and all bc of her association with Jason in the past? She saw Sam stalked, nearly raped, shot and almost dead bc of it, yet she invites that crap around herself and her children? What an irresponsible little twit. She is Courtney the sequel bc she cant handle Jason's life and is wishy washy just like Courtney was. I know alot dont like Sam but at least she gets Jason and fully accepts him and does not try and change him. Id like to see how long Liz lasts in that world. She can barely do so now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Southern Honey Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 At least Sam is a woman and can own up to her man directly to his face with no bull. This Ameila storyline is just Liason propping because Sam had no problem owning up about Rick. Her motives may not have been pure but she owned what she had done. At this point, I just want Liz exposed for the trifling hypocritical liar she is, and I want Carly and Maxie to dig the bish a new one. I'd love it if Lucky doesn't go to drugs and tells Liz to fug off and he and Sam eventually get together and it be about them, not those two. Liz is just loathesome, I can't believe she thinks she's doing Lucky some fuggin favor! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 yeah the one good thing that Jason and Sam always had was honesty. They were always upfront with each other and I hate that they are dragging up some secret from her past to now make her out to be some big liar here. It doesnt vibe well with how they've already established things here. I want Liz exposed too bc this is teh SECOND time she's pulled this crap. She did it with Ric and Zander. I dont get why she thinks its okay to sleep around on her husbands, get pregnant and then go and lie about the paternity by trying to keep the birth fathers from their kids. Who died and made her God? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 Are you both done stroking each other? "Liz sucks!" "Yeah, you're right!" "Sam's great!" "Yeah, you're right!" "Liz's a loathesome bitch!" "Oh, she totally is!" "Sam rocks!" "She's the pillar of strength!" Anyway, since there were OTHER things going on in thursday's episode... Is it clear that JerryCraig is done with Nikolas? I mean there clearly is more to the story since he's sticking around. It was kind of uneventful the way he just... left. I don't really know if I buy this poison/counter agent crap. There had to have been some kind of way to determine what abnormalities were in Nikolas' blood stream long before now. I must be in heat because I think Numelia's assistant is effing HOT! Why was Spam so open about her con artistry to Numelia? I mean, all it took was a phone call for her to become so rattled and unnerved that she started spilling her secrets right there in the middle of the soundstage? I'm necessarily sure what happened on which episode because I watched the last three episodes (5/1, 5/2 & 5/3) all in one day... but why would Jason show up at Carly's house to discuss business with Sonny?! To set up the plot point of CrerryJaig lining up a shot on both Jason and Sonny -- even though it's pretty much chisled in stone tablets that those two will never die? So what's the point? I don't understand Lorenzo's actions of bugging the library. I guess we'll find out, but did he suspect Skye? I mean who else did he think was going to be in his house talking about him while his girlfriend and baby daughter were there while he was "away?" It's hard for me to understand exactly what's going on with this story considering all of these lies and betrayls and deceit going back and forth between Skye and Lorenzo. I'm hoping that May Sweeps winds up being better than what we're seeing so far. This past week has been a snooze fest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Southern Honey Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 We agree with each other, is there a problem? There is no bigger Liz fan than me and she sucks really really hard right now. Is it okay when I only go off with Sam, does that meet with you're approval? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 I don't care who you agree with and who you think sucks and who you think is a loathesome bitch. I just found it funny that I came in here thinking that it was eight posts about the show in general, and it was just the two of you agreeing with each other about one topic. Defensive much? But fine. Since this seems to be the only topic in here, I'll be more than happy to weigh in. I don't like Lucky and I don't like Spam, so I really don't care THAT much about what Liz is doing. I do, however, disagree with it. I've said it since last summer that I've disagreed with every choice she's been making in regards to this pregnancy. But do I think she's a loathesome bitch? No. I understand she's doing what she thinks is the best. And, yes... she's trying to save face. I don't think she's trying to be angelic and holier than thou. She never claims to be. I just think she doesn't want to be the one to hurt Lucky after all the progress he's made. That's a heavy blow for anyone to be burdened with making. Her reasons are legit, it's just that she's taking the easier choice even though it will most likely cause the most complications in the long run. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ATWTCarOn4Ever Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 All the liz hate is sad...Shes does not deserve it. You can't help who you're in true love with. And Lucky is nothing special to be honest. Neither is that whore Sam who could give Brooke on B&B a run for her money. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 You are right. It is sad. It is sad that this once great character who I called one of my favorites has turned into a hypocritical, lying, deceptive little bitch who is bearly recognizable due to the character assasination that they continue to swing her way and act as if nothing is wrong with the way she is written. That really is sad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Southern Honey Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 Liz and Lucky's marriage issues and Sam's past, and Jason's baby issues aren't just one topic, but whatever. I found it odd that you care to single out us talking about these issues when people do it all the time on here and you rolled your eyes, so don't act as if I'm just picking up something out of blue. I'm sorry but I disagree. I was with Liz all the way until she took Lucky back without telling him the truth, but only after he let her go. She can't tell that "its Lucky's pills" lie anymore because Lucky was healthy and whole and saying "I'm stepping back and will not be dependent on you for my happiness anymore." So what does Liz do? After months of treating Lucky like the crap on her shoes, she instantly wants him back. I don't think Liz wants Lucky to be well, she doesn't get to play the martyr if he is. She doesn't get to excuse her choices and her cowardice in being unable to ruin her reputation and get kicked of the pedestal she has created for herself. I have seen no conflict with Elizabeth. I don't know if its the writing or Rebecca's portrayal of what is said, but she does not come off as someone who is in love with two men. She comes off as someone staying with someone because she thinks its safe, and that she'd rather be with someone who isand not the guy who has yet to declare himself in love with her, but keeps talking about his baby. Not to say that I don't think Jason doesn't have feelings for her, because he does and I've always seen it but THAT is what Liz wants from Jason and that is why she keeps angling out the baby bait and still playing games. Liz does not love Lucky, she can't to do this crap to him. She had the best opportunity in the world to tell him when they decided to get back together. I would have been with Liz all the way, Lucky would have had to have been a man and accept his role in his wife sleeping with another man. But she wants to continue this kind of lie for the rest of his life and that is absolutely cruel. Liz was supposed to be better than that, but not only is she pulling this crap, she has done it twice. She is playing these games based on her own comfort. She talked all this garbage about raising her kids on her own but she is a wimp and at the end of the day, Liz is all talk. Maybe she'll get it back, and I will probably like Liz again, but right now I am absolutely disgusted and think Guza and his craptastic writing ruined a pairing I wanted for a long time, all because he isn't clever enough to tell the story properly and wants to stretch out this crap for sweeps. Much of what has happened since February is absolutely ridiculous and strains credulity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted May 4, 2007 Members Share Posted May 4, 2007 Ignoring the petty argument. Moving on. Be that as it may... I still don't find her to be so disgusting and a loathesome bitch. I have yet to feel she's doing any of this out of spite or malice. She just made a bad decision and it's biting her on the ass. And as far as Liz taking Lucky back, that was her being heavily influenced by everyone around her. Lucky, Lulu, Nikolas, Emily, even Luke. They all were putting pressure on her because they wanted Lucky to get what he wanted. They made it seem like all because he "changed" she was the one being petty and vindictive by not taking him back. I think she started to believe the hype. They all kept telling her how much the baby means to him, and how he got clean for the baby, and how he wants a second chance with her, and all of that. Nobody ever said, "You know what, Liz? What he did was very disgusting, cheating on you and lying and putting you and your son at risk due to his drug addiction." No! None of that! It was all, "he's better now. Take him back or else you're just being a meanie!" type of crap. Liz slept with Jason after she left Lucky, intent on divorcing him. Jason and Sam were over, and Sam sealed the deal by spreading her legs for her stepfather. Liz and Jason even used protection which, through no fault of their own, was defective. Okay? Liz has been placed in a position she had NO intention of ever being in and being forced to make huge decisions that she never thought she'd have to make and still worry about doing what's "best" for everyone involved. Unfortunately, what's best isn't always what makes everyone happy -- and that's where she went wrong in her decision making. Speaking of Sam, Sam may have "owned up" to her sleeping with Ric, but she didn't need to. Jason left the skank weeks before, so she didn't owe him any explanation. She just told Jason to manipulate the situation. She knew Jason hated Ric, and she wanted to see what kind of reaction she'd get out of Jason i.e. wanting to cause Ric bodily harm for sleeping with Sam. Sam played up the little victimized by big mean Ric angle, and even continuously did the immature "You know you want this, but you'll never get it again or else Jason will kill you!" So really, Spam didn't own up to anything. If she did, then she would've been, "yeah, I slept with Ric. I may have been drinking, but I knew what I was doing. I wanted to get back at Alexis." THAT'S owning up to it. Admitting to doing something but allowing everyone else to blame Ric wasn't OWNING her situation at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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