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AMC: Thursday

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No McT :) Although Courtney Bugler is back after being gone for weeks...

I bet anything that Kelli Giddish is so fun in real life. Did you see how cute she was throwing that bouquet of flowers during the game? You know she's got such a fun personality. I wish we could see her again in a major major storyline.

How cute was Janet eating that imaginary cake. It looks like 'vision Amanda' is taking Mirror Janet's place in this storyline. I'm ok with that I guess - even though I love Mirror Janet, giving Amanda more screentime is ok with me too. How dare JR tell Amanda she is stupid for praying.

LOL at Hannah/Del. Del asking her opinion on the title of his new book, and she replying with something like "Does it look like I care?" or "Find someone who cares."

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^^Oh, my bad. I must have missed it that day - but at least she's not writing as often as she used to.

Damn - Jonathan just called Ava a "sneaky little bitch!" I hope Ava slaps his a$$.

Whoa - did y'all catch that hot boob shot of Greenlee? Haha - good work cameraman! ;)

And its another BABE-LESS day! That means she's only been in 1 of 3 episodes in May so far. Don't think we'll be seeing her at #1 this month - which will be refreshing. Loving that balance...

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I don't know - I think it's just fine that Kendall is congratulating Ryannie. I mean can't she just be friends with Annie without people being pissed off? It's not like Kendall is a bitch to everyone. Let her be happy for Ryan and I'm for one just thankful she isn't jealous or still hanging on to Ryan! That would be so much worse. She's happy with Zach, Spike, and her little baby inside - and just wants to see Ryan, the father of her child, be happy with another woman! And why can't she be happy for her co-worker that has been nothing but nice to her? I think it's just fine and great. Who cares if she's 'propping'. That term has been thrown around way too loosely lately IMO.

LoL - ok my ranting is over :)

Loving the ConFusion fun scenes today! OMG, how cute were Di and Julia in that bridesmaid outfit fashion show! haha - I loved Di's face. Kelli is just so fun, I can definitely tell.

Go Adam! It was nice seeing him throw Tad's history with taking children in his own face. Great scene.

Another great scene with Janet and "Amanda" - how great were those tears that Chrishell produced...and then the two of them saying their bedtime thing together.

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Whelp - I spoke too soon. (I always do that!) Babe showed up at the 12:40pm mark. But I'm a huge sucker for the Babe/Amanda friendship - and so I loved the scene where Amanda broke down in tears and Babe hugged her. That was so sweet. It felt like Amanda was the main character with storyline and Babe was just the recurring character today. How refreshing!

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It's sickening, I am [!@#$%^&*] sick of Lish being used to prop weaker actors and Kendall being used to prop weaker characters :angry:

Bulger wrote today's episode, that explains why the propping is in overload and why ThadeASS is acting like the ass he is :angry:

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Tad's been acting like an ass for a month now....it's not just bc Courtney wrote today.

And honestly, I don't think MCE is a weak actor. I'm trying to figure out which actors Alicia is propping that are so beneath her in the acting department. Cameron and MCE are on par with Alicia today. I love me some Alicia Minshew, but she isn't the best actress on this show. I'd understand and agree with you if she were propping Alec Musser, Justin Bruening, or Colin Egglesfield (although he's improving)...

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LOL well we'll have to disagree. Lish is a stronger actor than Cam or Melissa. All Cam does it bulge his eyes, and Melissa is okay, but not great.

Stacy Haiduk, I had hopes for her, but she's disappointed me, she's so one note in her acting too.

The only strong actors lately are TK, DC, MEK, KC, AM, KG and CS

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FLASHBACK! Thank you so much AMC for putting in that flashback of Janet and infant Amanda. How sad was that - Janet crying and telling Amanda she'll never forget her - as she was carted off to jail. I soooo remember that back in the day. Today was such a major Amanda day - and I loved it. :)

Wow - I didn't realize that Janet would show up at Krystal's door. That should be interesting tomorrow! The Adam/Tad handcuff twist is kinda fun too actually...

Balance in the episodes has been amazing.

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"Lish" being stronger than Cam and MCE really does not say much because those two are nothing to write home about. She's ordinary. I guess she is kind of fun to watch, but she has nothing great to offer in the acting department.

Stacy could act circles around her, but we need not even go there because it's totally on the screen.

The true talent on this show (I mean the really strong actors) are David, Michael and Thorsten. There are no really strong leading ladies. However, give Stacy the story and the airtime, and I guarantee she'd be Emmy worthy.


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Cameron sucks when he's angry - but he hasn't been angry lately. And MCE is just as good as Lish IMO. I prefer Lish bc her personality is so awesome, but MCE can do crying and emotional scenes a little better.

I've been really impressed with Stacy Haiduk actually. Especially after her crying scenes the other day - and her bitch attitude is great. And her scenes with Josh are good too, bc you can see that little light in her eye, where you know she wants to smile and give in, but she has this status quo to keep up with.

And you can't forget Bobbie Eakes. That woman is an amazing actress - especially in everything this year. Whether you love or hate Krystal, you can't deny Bobbie's acting skills.

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