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Highlight today for me was Lulu and Logan. They are SO going to be paired. LOL! The three stooges are funnier without Lulu - she needs to dump all three and get together with Logan.

Um .. yeah no comment on the Sonny sexfest. puke.gif

Carly and Jax were cute - LOVED her line about the bad memories when she goes camping in a trailer! LMAO!!

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I agree about Lulu and Logan and I really hope that they pair them up soon becasue this three stooge bit has run it's course.

I loved the Carly and Jax stuff, and chuckled when Jax mentioned their numerous marriages during it speech. Someone had to.

I wasn't expecting the Jane/Jerry scenes so that was a pleasant surprise for me.

I know other things occurred but I've blocked them out.

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Numelia and Sonny -- YUCK! Horrible scenes. No chemistry!

One of my complaints about GH is that they beat something they seem to be self impressed with to DEATH! Such as this 3 Stooges thing. It's getting to the point where they make me GROAN whenever they come on screen. ENOUGH ALREADY!

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I haven't been commenting lately, because I have been working and therefore didn't have a lot of time to watch, so I was always behind you. But I have managed to catch up in the last few days! :)

First of all, a question for all of you who keep track of spoilers and casting calls... WHY WAS AMELIA RECASTED?!?! This girl is awful! The first was much better...

I knew they were doing Amelia/Sonny, so I wasn't surprised yesterday. But the scene was horrible...

LuLo (Lulu and Logan) could be REALLY hot together! And to think that he could be Scott's son would ad even more drama to their relationship!

Jax and Carly were really sweet. I really like them together until Carly starts to whine for Sonny... which is almost always...

I don't know if this happened in Monday's or Friday's episode, but I was LOL when Alexis presented to everyone Mr and Mrs Jasper Jax and then she kissed Jax and when she had to kiss Carly, they just sort of kiss the air... GREAT STUFF! :lol:

I was very surprised to learn that Craig is Jerry! So this is great to me! Also, Patrick and Emily both finding out is awesome! I am really wondering where this is going now, since I thought this would lead to Robin/Nikolas or Patrick/Emily, but since both Emily and Patrick know about the situation, it cannot possibly go to the switched pairings. So I wonder what will happen. It was great how Jane recognized Jerry even with his surgery! Very good!

I just wish the story with Liz's baby would start to move... we are having same stuff with them over and over... The one thing I HATE about US soaps is when they save the good stuff for the sweeps, so they drag storylines during the rest of the months... why can't they have good stuff on both sweeps and the rest of the year?!

PS I hate how they clearly won't do the Chief of Staff storyline which could have involved Monica, Russell, Noah, Bobbie etc. I hope I'm wrong and they give this storyline a lot of airtime REAL SOON! :D

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Hi Manny, good to see you back :)

I believe that original Amelia woman is working on a movie or a pilot, that's why she is gone.

The chief of staff story will start in May, I saw spoilers for that, but I don't think it will get much airtime. But at least they doing something.

I really enjoy the whole "Craig is Jerry story" but I hope Guza has a good reason for Jerry turning into someone THAT evil.

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I am up for this Craig/Jerry story and got a nice squee out of his tiny scene with his momma.

I'm ready for the Jason/Sam/Liz baby stuff to move along too but I guess there's not much they can do until she pops the kid out.

Amelia/Sonny = blah.

I love Lulu but I'm tired of her, either her or the stories, I think the stooges are cute but it's just not going anywhere and it's making me impatient. I also think they or Julie need to back off the finger-snapping head-swerving "Oh no you didn't!" rendition of Lulu. I don't like Logan, I think to an extent I'm not supposed to since he's supposed to be a bad boy and the Lulu/Logan thing is clearly supposed to be an antagonistic "sparks fly" type deal, but I think that's a different kind of dislike than what I feel, I don't enjoy him much. But I'm willing to see where this goes, some days he doesn't bother me much at all.

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