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A little something I heard-OLTL

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According to the story on the front page of this very site that storyline was already filmed back in March and Groff was listed as one of the people involved in it still. Plus, Since him coming to the show was listed in SOD you would think him changing his mind would be as well.

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I saw that posted at the OLTL voy board, but I am taking with a grain of salt.

I could be wrong, but I think that rumor is a hoax.

And, as already pointed out by others, he is 21 and the storyline was taped last month.

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I saw this posted and I believe it's made up.

Like people have said, the storyline was taped in March--if he had not been a part of it, they would have re casted the role and we would have heard.

Second, he was hired for the storyline, and OLTL would have told him that at the start.

But you do have to love a good "I know something" internet rumor, because we all know the track record of those

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ITA....I have yet to se any proof that this is more than a rumor. And like you said, he knew from the start what he was going to be doing. He even talked about it a few weeks ago in the OLTL Podcast which was taped during his first day on the set.

So I don't know why we would quit after he had already taped the scenes for the story.

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There is going to be a shooting at Starr Manning's high school. One of the teens is the killer. The show is going forward with the storyline despite what hapened at VT.

Who does Johnathan Groff play again? Cole? I didn't know you could just quit a show given the nature of iron clad contracts. Melissa Reeves was sued by Days for breach of hers when she left.

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OLTL is planning some kind of Columbne story during sweeps month. The actor being mentioned has a key part in that story. There is a nice little wrap up in the news section.

Hey Jay, I think this time you might have gotten hold of a bad rumor.

It happens. LOL. Anyway, the actor was on The View sometime back talking about the storyline and how much he enjoyed it. It's already in the can. I think he may have been recurring and leaving the show about now anyway. The only question -- and I must admit with Hack it's not much of a question -- is will they change it or delay it because of the tragedy last week.

I hope they do. Maybe it will be a hit, but I don't think you can underestimate how raw this incident is with the public. The fallout from NBC news really doing it's job and showing the CDs of that jackass who killed all those innocent people should send a message to OLTL. NBC news was really doing its job and got blistered. OLTL is doing a sturnt storyline. I think the fallout could be rough.

Anyway Jay, this time, I think someone might have passed you misunderstood information.

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