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DAYS: How they should handle Alice's eventual demise

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Comparing Mrs. Landingham to Alice..the character and the actress history, that doesn't even make sense. Killing Mrs. L on The West Wing was a plot point for Bartlett, plus it was a show two or three years old...this is ALICE HORTON!!! And Francis Reid who has been on DAYS since day one, she is a daytime icon...they don't compare.

Alice's death if does ever occur would be dramatic in that alone, her death. Not everything has to be drama filled, what if for a change it was just about the family and her loved ones!

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Every death doesn't have to be dramatic to make good TV. I think it's 100% tasteless and disrespectful to the woman for all of her hard work. It would be a fitting tribute to have Alice pass away in her sleep. That would be respectful to the actress and let the cast members act their asses off.

Francis Reid is loved by a majority of DAYS fans and to send her character out with the disrespect that they tried to a few years ago would be just another nail in the coffin for DAYS.

People already bitch about the things DAYS do now, can you imagine what would happen if they gave Alice a tasteless death?

That would be like saying GH should have killed off Anna Lee's character Lila Quartermaine by having her blown up in a car or some nonsense.

Shame on you....

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But not everything has to be dramatic is my point. Honor no only the character but the actress. It would be different if FR was in good health and she could film her exit storyline big sweeps death a'la Alan on GH, but she's not! Plus why would you want something gimicky that wouldn't have long lasting legs, when was the last time we saw precious Alice! And FR would never in a hundred years agree to anything like murder...she only done it in 2005 because Corday told her up front what was going on!

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Maybe it's just me, but discussing ways to grusomely kill off Alice Horton when Frances Reid dies (while the actress is still alive!) just comes across to me as tacky. Following this mentality, let's all go to our grand/great-grandparents and say "Look! I've already got your obituary and funeral notice written out since you won't be around much longer anyway!"

I wonder what's wrong with the youth of today when dignity, respect, and class seem to equal boring, lame, and non-dramatic. The fact that it would be the passing of a daytime icon would be more than dramatic & emotionally significant enough, IMO.

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Okay, that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. Next thing you know, you'll claim that Mary Stuart, Helen Wagner, Eileen Fulton, Charita Bauer, Susan Seaforth Hayes, Jacqueline Courtney, Erika Slezak, Rosemary Prinz and such aren't daytime icons!

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Speak for yourself! Alice Horton is one of the characters that immediately spings to my mind. When I was a kid/teen-ager first getting into soaps (Days in particular), Alice was one of my favorite characters and I adored every moment she was on my screen (and still do!). Alice Horton has always been the heart of Days.

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OMG thats so heartbreaking. I can see Dee just falling to the ground in tears. And Frances...words can't express just how many people will miss her.

I'm a member of todays youth and trust me when I say that my parents raised me to be very respectful of my elders and the history our of family. Days has a legacy behind it and Alice is a BIG part of that legacy and history. NOT for a second would I ever support such a disgusting thought. In fact I'm surprised that a mod hasn't deleted this thread cuz its very upsetting to me and if its upsetting me then I can't imagine what its doing to the long term viewers who come this website everyday to talk about Days news.

Are you for real? I think you just said that to instigate more trouble...so I'm not even going to grace that with a response.

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