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Days - Why is it doing so poorly in the ratings?

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I dont watch this show on a regular basis but I do catch some of it on the Sunday marathon and a little bit more now that its on at 7 on SN. Why is it doing so bad? From what Ive seen, its alright and has been worse. I can sit through it enought to continue watching and not want to turn the channel. I love the Chelsea/Nick stuff and EJ/Sami. I liked the quad story with Shawn/Belle/Phillip and Willow, but its gone downhill a bit since it looks like they took Willow out of the current equation and have Belle/Shawn seperated in their own thing with not enough Phillip. I do feel like the show is lacking something though and I cant quite put my hands on it but overall the show is decent and much better than when JER was writing. Im surrpised it isnt doing better and this is only the opinion of a casual watcher. How do fans of the show actually percieve it?

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Focusing on the wrong characters, at the moment. Balance is way off... the same (newer) characters are on the frontburner daily while the veterans sit on the backburner. I think I read someplace that Kristian Alfonso hasn't even been in 12 episodes since the start of the new year? And Deidre/Drake have been in even less than that.

The stories aren't bad at all. It's who they're being written for that's off putting. And the bad part is that the newer characters aren't even bad... I like them all. They're just being used way too much, and it's turning people against them.

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Hope has only been in less than 12 episodes in 3 months? Thats just crazy! Thanks for the insight Kenny bc like I said i only catch bits and pieces here. One thing Ive noticed which may be attributed to balance is that there are less characters in each story Like Sami and Lucas story consists of them, Kate, Celeste and EJ. Shawn/Belle's story consist of them, Willow and Phillip, etc... Is this a fair assesment? Theres overlap of course but there doesnt seem to be alot of major players in the storylines that are going on. Just a small handful with other characters popping in to be supporting

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Passions maybe? Despite the fact that it was trash and represent everything wrong with Daytime today it was a part of NBC's line up and once it was announced as being cancelled people probably realized it won't be long before Days hits the slammer too unfortunately. I like millions around the world rejoiced when it was cancelled but then realized Days would have to go it alone from now on. I think its possible if NBC gives it real support.

The cast is great right now. EJ is the best villian on Daytime on my opinion and hes so damn good at being so damn sexy its incredible. I don't know what Sami is thinking. I'd be praying to God EJ fathered that chld if I were her cuz Lucas is just not doing anything for me right now. Yes we know EJ can be cruel, ruthless, and quite simply evil but I do think he is capable of real love and I honestly think Ejami is way better than Lumi ever was or ever could be.

Bottom line is create some interesting NEW stories and make it a more balanced show. Wheres Shawn Brady? Brandon Beemer is proof that God exists in this world... :D

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They also feature less characters in the episodes now. It's not a rarity to have only six or seven characters in an entire episode lately... last Friday's episode was a good example of that. It was only one story throughout the entire episode, and only six characters were featured. The problem with that is that it was all just re-capping... no plot movement or climaxes. Is it because of budget that they feature less episodes, or what?

The stories are better than when JER wrote -- his tales were like a bad acid trip. They just need to focus on the right characters and all will be well.

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Kenny...you hit the nail right on the head.

That and the slow pacing of the stories that are being focused on. Just now are we getting forward movement daily. The good news is there is hope on the horizon and we can only hope it's as good as it sounds.

The show isn't bad and it's still miles above what JER dished out but when you focus on the same people nonstop for nearly 3 months, things get stale. That is what happened by the end of March. Even I was sick of who we were getting. The past two weeks the show feels alive again and I hope it continues. It's going to take a bit before the numbers improve. Put the big 4 back on and give us a better balance and pace and the ratings will respond.

The ratings for everyone suck so if Days can get hot, they can get back in the game fast. It's not that those that have been focused on are bad. I like them all. The problem is it's too much of the same over a long period of time with hardly any movement until now.

Oh, and Kenny, Kristian and Deidre had those numbers through February. I think they have seen a few more episodes since then. The March episode counts may help you out with that but, off the top of my head, through March I would say Kristian has been in like 16-18 episodes and Deidre has been in like 15 (most of them coming in January). That is not counting April thus far.

The episodes that feature a small cast are not the problem. We were getting those alot under Beth in September and we hadn't seen them much since up until the last two weeks. I think it's a way of saving money. I like them quite a bit because you get some good interaction and, lately, these small cast episodes have had alot of movement in them (especially this past Tuesday and Wednesday). You can also get some great character development in smaller cast episodes.

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My guess is that there's been no real movement in some stories like the EJ/Sami storyline until recently. It seemed like the same conversations b/w characters over and over again. For example, in the Shawn and Belle storyline, I thought Shelle had made real progress and were about to get together a couple of weeks ago. Then Belle pulled away and that was the end of that.

That leads me to my next point. Isn't Days' supposed to be the supercouples show? If you think about it, other than Sami/Lucas and Max/Abby, none of the other couples on the show are really happy right now. For people who want to see their couples together AND on air, they haven't had much to go on lately.

Finally, I don't understand the motivation of some stories, especially the Steve/Kayla one. Why did Stefano brainwash Steve? I don't know. The Stefano-related stories seem kind of muddled. The writers need to speed that storyline along. I'm trying not to fastforward anything so that I can keep up with what's happening on the entire show. But I've grown really tempted to FF with the Steve/Kayla storyline. It's just not holding my attention at all.....

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Its really sad to see DAYS sink as low as they have. I am just like Cheap, a casual viewer and for the first time probably like ever I can actually sit and watch DAYS and not be compelled to change the channel. I just never bought into the overly campy vision the show has had in the past. Hogan is still respecting what DAYS is all about but toning it down. All he has to do now is write for the vets. Hopefully they can rebound.

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Jean don't write for the vets neither on ATWT. ATWT has probably the most veteran laden cast, and one of the most talented.... and they never use them. Barbara though, she was a star under Hogan.... now all she seems to do is meddle.

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I echo that sentiment. It's great to see you posting again ademption :) .

Doolfan...you need to watch the spoilers. It's ok to bring up discussion about upcoming events and so on but, if you create a topic like that, please put the words MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS in the title. Also, do try to keep spoilers out of your post. If you refer to something coming up in your post, warn posters of the fact that you are going to mention a spoiler and then separate it from the rest of your post by putting a big space between the rest of your post and the spoiler and discussion of it. I understand your new here and it takes some time. You may want to take a look at the SON rules for each forum to help you out :)

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