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GH: The Teen Scene

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I love the young set right now. The actors can actually act, the chars are actually intersting, and they all intermingle (is that a word? idk. but i like it and im goin with it...) wint not only eachother but other people in town. i hate it when soaps sep the young set from everyone else.

Maxie is my fave, and its actually not just cuz i have this uber obsession/love with KS as everyone knows. I love the char of Maxie now. shes always had a lil 'tude, and kinda done stupid things. but now maxie is a bitch, and she knows and she owns it, and she rocks it! She knows what she does is wrong - and she dont care. i lvoe it. but then you see this other side with her romance with Coop.

Lulu is freakin amazing. shes the most real teenage girl i think ive ever seen a soap. shes a good person, who does stupid things, makes mistakes, and will defend those she loves til the end. shes real and JB is just ... like wow! i also love that she has many diff guys in her life, shes not dating any of them, shes not sleeping with all of them, shes just kinda going with it. and i love to watch her do it! i also love when the guys fight around her.

Coop i like. mostl cuz hes not on every damn day, but also cuz i can see storyline with him and his past. also his secret about the metro court is a great thing. and he and maxie are uber cute.

Georgie. idk. i dont loike her. she is a bore, but i think if they alter her ego a bit and maybe hook her up with one of lulus men it would be great. i mean, lulu has a few to spare.

and as for another girl, i think Sirenna would be a great add to the show, esp with scotty back in town. odd tension between her and logan anyone? plus maxie could use a friend.

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They really need to bring Serena back. Has she even been MENTIONED at all? It's as if she doesn't exist when we all know she does.

I like the teen set myself. I wish they'd expand Milo more and use him more. Same for Georgie. She's become wallpaper.

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Georgie is pretty much non-existant. Ive heard rumors that one reason for this is bc the actress is looking to move on from the show. Serena would be a perfect fit for the town, but Im not even sure if Scott's stay is permanent. If she does return, theres a possibility that it would be this summer when the teen scene gets featured more

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Featured MORE?

Aren't they on enough now?


I like Coop a lot. More than Logan. Not sold on Logan totally yet and I'm not that into another L/L redux just yet (Logan/Lulu ... you know they are going there). As cute as the Lulu and her three suitors was, I wish we'd see more of the guys away from her, like we see Spinelli with Jason and Sam.

Hopefully Kin and Scotty stick around. He's a nice familiar face that we need. And I wish they'd pair him and Bobbie to give Jackie Zeman more to do, but I suppose hell needs to freeze over before we get THAT story and heaven forbid Zeman gets any story at all.

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