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DAYS- Tuesday, February 20th

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I LOVED the Sami & Celeste scenes today.

I loved that she was so compassionate and understanding towards Sami (I was expecting the exact opposite). I'm glad that Sami has had a woman to woman talk about the rape and is no longer suffering in silence. Celeste is so much more likeable when they use her as the supportive friend/mother rather than the psychic voodoo wacko.

I got the impression Celeste knows more about EJ's sinister plans than she's letting on. I'm looking forward to her involvement in the Sami/EJ/Lucas and EJ/Stefano/Steve stories.

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I agree that Celeste works better as the supportive mother type. You can only take so many tarot cards and visions from one character (thanks, Reilly! lol)

I'm very intrigued by the Patch being tortured storyline, but I'll have a major problem with it if it's revealed Lawrence had Patch poisoned and then sold to EJ. There's no way in hell that could have happened (yeah, yeah, it's a soap... :) )

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I liked this episode. Steve and Kayla are breaking my heart. And it was good to see Sami having her little breakdown with Celeste. It must be extremely difficult for her having to keep this secret so I'm glad at least one person knows the truth now. And I agree with others who have said that Celeste is great in the motherly role--please, no more tarot cards! Lucas showed some spine with Kate today, wonder if it will stick this time? Ironic that Kate has actually stumbled onto the truth. And this wedding talk makes me very nervous for Sami. I'm sure this wedding will also go up in flames, and I'm really tired of that storyline. Although it was funny when Sami said something about she was looking for a wedding dress she hadn't worn yet! Sami, grab Lucas and drag him to Vegas for a secret wedding! Forget the fairytale!

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Very good episode.

Sami/Celeste was fantastic. Boyd and Sweeney played off each other well and their acting was top notch. I am loving all the interactions between Sami and people like Billie, Celeste, etc. I like that and I hope we see Sami make some friends. I like Celeste in this role. I like her being a psychic but I also like her in this role too. I get the feeling she knows more about EJ's plot that she is letting on and I think we will see her more involved in the EJ story now as she thinks they did something to Lexie and Tek.

Steve/Kayla was awesome. I am loving them and this story. SN and MBE rocked. I was upset right with them when Kayla was afraid to let him near her and Steve was on the ground, crying and horrified by what he did to her. Great scenes with them and I love all the angst. Him leaving her out of fear he will hurt her is fantastic IMO.

Lucas/Kate was entertaining. Kate needs to be brought down a peg though. We need a big comeuppance for her because I think that is the only way she is going to get the message. I love the Sami/Kate rivalry but Sami has been brought down so many times. It's time for Kate to get hers. I do like Lucas letting her have it lately.

Chelsea and Nick rock. Love them and this story. Dr. Rebert scares me in a way. He is creepy and I can't wait to watch this story unfold. Good to see so much Abby too. I do think we could use a few days without them though because as good as they are, I think it will be too much if they are on everyday. I think we have a day off sometime this week from them so that is good.

It's been a really good week so far.

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I really have nothing to add. Just loved the show.

Does Chelsea or Rachel in particular remind anyone of Philece Sampler (Renee DuMonde). She has me from the beginning and now with Celeste, EJ and the facade of Stefano and the appearance of Chelsea, I'm feeling very much the intrigue, suspence and power of the DiMera clan. Chelsea isn't but it's like picking up colors when arranging a group, her color fits. The time of Lee, Renee, Tony and Stefano was one of my very favorite years of Days. The echo is feeling good.

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Today's show was good but not as good as Monday for me. I didn't enjoy Steve & Kayla much at all today. I thought they were lots better on Monday.

The highlight of today was Sami & Celeste. I loved them.

One of the things that turned me off of Steve & Kayla is that although Stephen Nichols is a great actor, I am so tired of the screaming. Why are the directors pushing Nichols & Johnson to scream so much in their scenes as Patch & Philip. It seems that is so much of what they do lately. It is just so over the top and really hinders my enjoyment of the scenes. I have seen other shows have people under mind control and they don't do the screaming, and I clearly don't understand why Philip screams all the time.

I never fully believed the all the Internet rumors about the budget - although I do feel as we talked about yesterday that some things have been rewritten or something. But I am beginning to believe more in Rick's theory that this is just who for some reason that Hogan wants to write for.

I know some feel the balance is better I just feel the only difference is that he is swapping out the Shelle/Philip story alternately with the Sami/EJ/Lucas story a little more lately. But the balance is still off for the Steve/Kayla stuff and esp. the Chelsea/Nick stuff. Chelsea has been on everyday for at least 7 days now. Even Bo & Hope's little bit of story were more as props to Chelsea.

I don't know the full reason for what happened to the J/M story, but I just don't feel he wants to write for Bo/Hope. I think I can say this without spoiling anything - but even the spoilers ignore them. I know that they need a break from the lead story but they should be seen more often than they are. And esp. J/M should, but I guess the longer he can keep John in the coma the longer they have to deal with John telling the authorities that EJ shot him.

So far 2 pretty good shows this week. I still think the balance is off some as the same people are just being rotated - it's a little better than it was, but I don't see the episode counts changing much from Jan to Feb. Monday's to me was the best show so far.

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It may be a combination of the budget situation AND Hogan's preferences. I'm guessing he can only have a certain number of high-earning vets on the front-burner at one time and he's been forced to pick those he most wants to write for. Nichols, Evans & Sweeney are collectively cheaper to use than Hall, Hogestyn & Alfonso but I think HS also finds the former's characters more interesting. I agree that he appears to have no interest in B&H. Even when they were getting tons of airtime at the end of 2006, their scenes were rushed and superficial...like he just wanted to get the story over with. The J&M situation is probably more financially dictated. Judging by earlier spoilers, they were going to be much more prominent in Feb but HS was forced into a rewrite.

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EJ shooting John was great. It makes sense and the show saves money. Everyone wins.

I thought the episode was quite good. Monday is still my favourite show of the week so far, but this was a close second. The Sami/Celeste scenes were such a welcome, welcome surprise. I was fearing for the worse but got the best. Lucas/Kate wasn't the same song and dance it has always been — also a relief. And Chelsea is up to her old tricks, but it doesn't feel like a rehash at all; this Chick story is so good right now, I am always talking to the TV, which I haven't done to a soap in a long time.

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It ends up possibly saving them some temporary money unless they come out on the short end of the stick at the end of DH's contract cycle and have to make up for the shows he didn't make his guarantee on.

Also if the backburner for Bo/Hope & John/Marlena is having even the slightest effect on the ratings and the drop it doesn't save them money. Esp right now the advertisers are in one of their watching periods and are deciding how much money they are going to spend and what shows they want to advertise on. Many of them decide the whole year based on ratings in February and put it in their yearly budget. That is why it is called sweeps.

Again it will not help the budget at all if advertising revenue goes down based on the drop the ratings have taken.

I think the biggest affect on the ratings is because the show has been boring, but I am sure that backburnering the vets for a big part of January and part of February didn't help at all.

So yes I agree that it might help temporarily to save some money but it could hurt them big time in the budget in the long run.

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I don't think couple airtime has anything to do with ratings. Nothing has shown me there is any substantial corelation. A show can still succeed with its younger set, but it needs to be written well. The only think that has gotten ratings up is good, consistent writing (or hyper-stunty writing). It happened in December 2006, with a lot of new storylines starting and getting good. However, the show has been dull for a few weeks during sweeps, and that is killer.

Some people are quite to point to "No Bope!!" or "Where are J&M?" as the reason for stagnant ratings. I don't buy it.

And I don't pretend to understand how soap finances work. Everytime I think I "get" it, something knocks me off kilter.

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ITA, Andre. The ratings are stagnant because other soaps are coming up with big, exciting Sweeps stunts whereas DAYS has not. They could have had J&M or B&H on regularly this month and the ratings would still have been stuck in the 2.4-2.6 range. Filler material is filler material regardless of which characters you are featuring.

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I agree Ponz and Andre.

Days just needs punch in their stories and they never seem to do that during sweeps. Sweeps is important but a part of me is glad Days doesn't focus on putting it all out there during sweeps and being lazy the rest of the time. If written well with things happening regularly, ratings increase. Bottom line. Unless there is a massive firing of vets, I don't see ratings being hurt by two couples backburnered.

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Oh I agree but if they do well all year, or for a majority of it, I think it's a benefit. I would rather seen them do well overall for the year then for 3 months out of the year. I would think that would be better for business and for advertisers as that would make Days a more consistent performer.

I would love a HUGE sweeps but I also want good drama all year around so I would gladly take a slower sweeps for that. I mean, it's not a bad sweeps. It just looks bad when put against GH.

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