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PSNS: JER borrows a story from his first DAYS run again

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Once again, I LOVE it.

It's his work to copycat. At least he's not STEALING ANOTHER'S WORK. Oh, yes, Tom Langan, I'm looking at you, with your WILL DOLL. Yeah, RIGHT. I wonder where you got THAT idea from, Big Boy. What? What's that? Oh, that's right, you're too chicken to admit it. You STOLE IT FROM THE GREAT JAMES E. REILLY!!

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I don't know if that's it.

Again, some fans, like me, LOVE repeats with different characters.

And let's face it: there's a method to his madness.

"Passions" fans, the majority of which are young, most likely didn't see Carly being buried alive, that's why they were SO AMAZED by Sheridan's being buried alive. To them, it was new.

Frankly, I APPLAUD JER, "Passions" and Outpost Farm Productions for bridging the gap between great daytime drama of yesterday and children's fresh eyes.

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I agree. I love seeing a "refresh" of his older Days stories. That's why I'm hoping a major character becomes possessed and has an exorcism like Marlena did. Frankly, it's the story that's cool, not the characters, so they can substitute different characters if they want, as long as the basic story is the same.

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I definitely agree about the last line -- although I think JER did his possession of sorts with Charity already. And I enjoyed it. And for what it was, it was good. But you can't beat Marlena when it comes to possession. That was SO groundbreaking that it's just untouchable, I think. That's why I don't get why people laugh or get mad when JER copycats himself on the little things. So Fancy gets acid, big whoop? I'm sure we've seen that on MANY a primetime show. Maybe it's the second time in daytime (if it is, and I'd doubt it) but who cares? It's a good story, or has potential for goodness, so let's just enjoy it! And when it comes to bigger stories like buried alive, again, AMAZING story, so why NOT try to tell a similar one to a younger audience who never saw the daytime sensation that occurred on "Days"? Pretty smart if you ask me. Not to mention kind and thoughtful for those neglected viewers. But that's JER for ya. :wub:

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I'll take a repeat of acid splashing than another Who's the Daddy storyline, or another busted-up wedding, or another trueloveforever love triangle, or another baby switch, or another random kid showing up from the past (hell, even the aborted are walking around on soaps today), or another return from the dead...damn, I'm tired of a lot of freakin' storyline possibilities.

Poor Fancy. At least she's not sterile yet. Or is she?

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He slipped up, you guys!!!

GOTCHA, baby!!! I knew you'd pull a Dru!

Now quick: tell me EXACTLY how "Passions" will end.

And give us the scoop on how Corday got you to rewrite the serial killer story. I had a feeling you were speaking out against "Days" by adding the character of "Judge Reilly" who has a price. Is that what happened? Did Corday pay you to change focus? I read into "Passions" very closely and I just KNOW Judge Reilly is speaking on a higher plane than some think.

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