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Predatorgate Shocker


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I've held my silence on this long enough...

Thank GOD someone had the cajones to speak up about this. Democrat, Republican, I don't care who leaked the information. I'm just happy he had morals and a conscience to do this when so many people let crap like this go under the radar.

And why are people calling him a gay Congressman? As though being a pedophile is synonomous with being gay.

If there are victims out there or teens he had sex with, I hope they speak up.

Do I think this scandal will have any bearing on the elections? No. But, I hope this is a wake up call to all politicians to remain true blue to the values they uphold.

And Mark Foley should be in jail, period. If anyone else had done that(re: TO CATCH A PREDATOR) they would be behind bars right now. Instead, he gets to go to a facility to "sober up." Because, after all, that's what made him a pedophile.

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Um.... Just playing devil's advocate here, but from what I've read, you have to be 16 to be a page and the legal age of consent is 16 so, if these factors are true, then he legally wouldn't be considered a pedophile if he'd had sex with a page which (again from what I've read) hasn't even been proven yet.

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If I had a 16-year-old son and he told me that a 51-year-old man was making sexual advances towards him, it would take a batallion of surgeons to remove my foot from his ass. The kid was under 18. and I really don't care what the age of consent is, he's one sick bastard to do something like that. Maybe they changed it in D.C. because of all the sexual deviants they have in the Congress.

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