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COMPLETELY Humiliated!


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So, I'm friends with a lady at work who wants to hook me up with her son. I'm really not interested, but I decided to be nice and do it anyway.

So, she told me where he works and told me I should go there and introduce myself. Tonight, I did just that. Only, it turns out I introduced myself to the WRONG [!@#$%^&*] PERSON!

Humiliated doesn't even begin to describe how idiotic I felt when I came to this realization. Especially considering the fact that there were several others standing by when I realized the mixup. The person I offered my number to turned out to be completely straight, and a little pissed... I literally turned around and ran away like a little !@#$%^&*].

Now I think I'll never show my face in public again. What a fool I made of myself!

Just thought I'd share. :)

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I've had quite a few male friends who were gay. I used to think this coworker of mine was gay cuz he was always so nice to me and all the other straight guys I knew treated me like sh*t. Then the girl who sat next to me in the cubicle told me the guy had a girlfriend but wasn't seeing her anymore. I felt so completely stupid, but relieved that I never assumed it and said something totally off-color or inappropriate to him.

Now I'm actually madly in love with this guy who I once thought was gay.

Sometimes I still wish he was gay...cuz I have no luck with men whatsoever.

If he were gay then he'd be like a brother to me....which he can't be now.

I've been avoiding him and pretending I have no feelings for him.

I wish he was gay. It's easier that way.


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That's pretty embarrassing. Anyway, I'm more interested in the mother suggesting her son to you...I've never heard of that before. Granted, I come from a very conservative area where that would honestly NEVER happen, but it just seems so strange considering the few gay people I know have parents who tolerate but aren't THAT accepting. Wow .

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KR, it is for me. Again, where I come from 'gay' is NOT an option. So you can see why a mother basically suggesting that a man hook up with her son, knowing that eventually, these two men will have sexual relations, well, that's pretty shocking here. Again, you'd never see that. (And I'm sure that's why bisexuality is staying in the closet, lol)

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Consider this JSF: not everyone in the world is as conservative as you. I'd dread it, but I'm sure if my parents knew someone who had a son, they'd try to hook us up. To many people in this day and age, it's no different than setting up a hetero blind date. As KR said, parents want their kids happy.

There are many I'm sure who would find it revolting, but the entire world isn't on the same wave length. Never was and never will be. That's the beauty of humanity.

*starts singing Times Are A-Changin'*

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Oh, Keith, I wish I lived in a world like that. But no, 'times aren't a-changin' in some areas, lol. First of all, yes, my mother has tried to hook me up with a girl (gag--because of the parent involvement I mean), but she also has gone in her obligatory Don't have sex before marriage, that's why there are so many abortions, don't date her if she's a slut, make sure she's not a slut, ask her if she's a virgin make sure she's Catholic, make sure she's not a liberal Catholic and anti-gay marriage, don't let her tempt you into sex, women are evil, they'll tempt a man into bed just to get pregnant spiel. So, needless to say, again, times aren't really a changin'. Some people are...but some people never will.

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I know a lot of people who have some of that mentality-or had it when I was younger, wich was in the late '80s and early '90s-and most of them were of other ethnicities(like my dad who's Italian), so I know what you mean. Bit by bit they're evolving.

If you don't mind me asking, where are you from?

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The South. Alabama, specifically.

She doesn't have the opportunity to lock me in a closet and force Bible passages, lol. We don't live together. (Thank God.) Besides, I'm 23. I could take her. :lol: But it is an "Everybody Loves Raymond" type of situation. So she's not far. But whenever I see "Carrie" I'm definitely reminded of her. The similarities are glaring.

Back on topic, I'll second the notion that Kenny must post more!

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