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Posts posted by Noel

  1. 6 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    This wouldn't be the first time. Bradley seems to like jumping into a storyline several beats in to avoid writing the initial courtship. We never saw Eric & Quinn come together initially -- it was just a cliffhanger shock to find them in bed together.  Didn't they do the same when Eric and Donna started boinking again?  They did the same bedroom shocker some 10 years back when Taylor and Thorne got back together. 

    I'm not new to B&B, but let's just say I'm now trying to get back into again after a long hiatus. I want to to watch it regularly, but the same repetitive dialogue on this show drives me nuts. It's like a Hooked on Phonics for those who may be morons or something. I dunno. All I know is that I'm tired of hearing the same sh!t every damn fckin' day. God. Bless. It! I'm serious!

    Hell, even today, I heard this sentence for like the 54th time: "You put a bullet in your son! You left him to die. You gunned down Steffy ..." For the love of God, SHUT ... UP! God, make it stop. 


  2. On 1/27/2023 at 6:21 PM, AbcNbc247 said:

    I did like the witty banter between Eric and Sloan over clam chowder vs. chicken noodle soup.

    I know, right? This show always talks about food for some unbeknownst reason. Mayo with fries, cheeseburgers, whatever topping that fictional characters like on their damn pizza like jalapenos and pineapple, and now clam chowder. And did you actually see that slop that Sloane was picking up with her spoon? So gross. No, those weren't potatoes making it all clumpy either. It was lard. As I said before, I don't care about the character of Sloane. When that bitch propped up her nasty ass feet on the table at the Kiriakis mansion in her Zirconium high-heeled shoes near all that breakfast food, I was immediately disgusted. If DAYS is trying to make Sloane a villianess or whatever, I won't back her up. And that's a shame too, as I'm the best person to have in your corner, lol! 😆

    Brandon Barash seriously needs a pedicure. He needs to use toenail clippers instead of tearing them off with his fingernails. I don't have foot fetish or anything. I mean, Brandon doesn't have scary feet unlike Eric Martsolf, but yeah, a trip to the nail and spa salon is seriously in order. 

  3. **This video is age-restricted**

    "The Memphis Police Department releasing video of the deadly Tyre Nichols officer beating is discussed by law enforcement experts and a community activist on The ReidOut on MSNBC. “We're tired of being told to wait,” activist Brittany Packnett Cunningham tells Joy Reid of the suggestion that better police training is part of the antidote for brutality."

    'We're tired of being told to wait': Activist reacts to 'police training' as remedy for brutality


  4. On 1/20/2023 at 7:19 PM, victoria foxton said:

    Jinkx is a riot. One of my favorite queens. Right up there with Detox. Willam and Tammie Brown.

    Speaking of Detox ...

    The Pit Stop S15 E05 🏁 Bianca Del Rio & Detox Deliver Fashion!


  5. 55 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    I agree. Like I said yesterday, I've enjoyed most of the acting, but the Sheila story is dragging a bit again. So fresh stories are good.


    Steffy is the co-CEO I believe. Hope is just the head of the HFTF division so under Steffy. Unless I'm wrong. 

    Yeah, I was wondering as it seemed to me that they may be co-equals or something of that nature. I couldn't tell. 

    The Bill and Shelia storyline isn't bad per se in my opinion. I guess for me, I like to see things happen organically. And this sh*t ain't organic, okay? I want my refund back, lol! The only thing that would make my day is if Shelia's toe and Bill's cross had supernatural powers. Hell, yeah! Place that decapitated middle toe on top of Bill's cross and then wrap it around with some string or yarn. I wanna see the destructive powers happen! Have them glow green or red! I'm here for it! However, as a viewer, I never witnessed Bill and Shelia at the beach, etc.

    Are writers at B&B taking the cheap Ron Carlivati route where things happen spontaneously behind our backs? 

  6. Yeah, if this drug makes people horny, I wonder what would've happened if EJ and Stefan were together. Seriously. 

    I must say that was a good slap Sloane gave. I mean, we're talkin' whopper dawg slap. I don't really care about Sloane, but she did give it good effort. Perfect position, mount, angle, and velocity. I was impressed even though I don't care about her.

  7. It's nice to see characters have something else to talk about instead of Shelia Carter for Christ sake. I love that jacket on Thomas. It's so cute. Now, let's talk about the plaid blazer suit on Paris. *Woof*

    Are Hope and Steffy co-CEO's at Forrester Creations? I haven't heard them say anything overtly what heir positions are at the company per se, but I did notice Eric seems to be more "behind the scenes" and Ridge seems to want to come and go as he pleases. 

  8. I swear, I'm digging this background music they are playing for Bill and Shelia. I know it's so easy to play as it's only like four music notes, but it's sooooo delicious. Oh, and I like the other background music where it sounds like an eerie woman singing a warped up melody. God, it makes feel so alive in real-life. Props to this show!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am re-born again. 

    I'm just kidding (or am I?) 😆


  9. 20 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Not to mention the “responsible gun owners” who buy semiautomatic weapons for their teenage kids before they can even legally drink.

    What about the other 67 spree shootings? That’s such a narrow focus to make it about only two shootings.

    It’s so unfortunate that most Americans seem to look at these shootings in such narrow terms, instead of as part of a larger problem.

    Oh, I agree with you 100%. Amen to that, sis. For me, I just don't put anything past these mo-fo's. No ma'am, no sir. No, I don't. Nuh-uh. They will desperately project whatever they can to "make sense" of these shootings. Honestly, I am tired of this sh*t because nothing gets done. 89% of us agree to safer gun laws in this country. Sadly, I study behavior way too much, and that orange oragutan opened up the gate to this kind of mentality. I know it sounds so warped, but like I said, I don't put anything past them. It's sick and it's a gross way to look at the world.

  10. Not to sound like a Debbie Downer or anything, but I think Republicans will project this as a mental health issue, feeble-minded age, and in the most f*cked up way possible, somehow associate their ethnic affilaion background and bring up the subject of COVID. You know ... Chinese virus

    Huh? Yeah? See where I'm getting at here? Mmm-hmmm. 

  11. Is that rooftop set real? It just looks so weird. At first I thought Chanel was out there with Johnny for a cigarette break or something. I noticed the audio was different too as and the background looked odd. And Deidre's wig.

    What was the name of that sappy movie where the dying woman wanted to go home instead of dying at a hospital? Was it Beaches


  12. Thanks, @DramatistDreamer! Morning Joe briefly had a segment of this Russian oligarch topic, but didn't go as thoroughly as the article you have provided. Once again, thank you.

    Rep. Kinzinger: People Like Matt Gaetz Don’t Have This Country’s Heart In Their Mind


  13. Yeah, I remember ghost Reva before her Rebecca excuse. She was at Cross Creek where only Josh could see her alongside with his gorgeous wife-to-be Annie. And while my sweet little Annie Dutton was standing on a throw rug, Reva (the ghost bitch) intentionally yanked the rug from right under her which caused my poor Annie to fall.

  14. ^^ Good point. I'm so wrapped up in this lawsuit that my constant thought is revenge and I'm going after them with both barrels blazing. Instead, I should reflect on my experience and live by the acronym of "HOPE". Which means: Hearing Other People's Experiences

    No, I'm a true believer in that because I believe that our experiences in life (whether if they are detrimental or moments of joy) can help benefit others down the road. For me, I guess if there is a way to help someone who have newly experienced life-threatening trauma, I can kind of guide them of what to do at that moment with resources and what they need to do down the road. More importantly, what to possibly expect during the preparation process.

    You know what? I need to take some deep breaths, open up the next chapter, and look forward to a new start. I'm already working out at the gym with really cute gym attire and I think after the lawsuit settlement, I think I'll get married at A Little White Chapel in Las Vegas. Joan Collins and Jennifer Lopez got married there.

  15. 50 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    I don't know what to make of the rooftop set. But at least it's something different. 

    Better than that sh*hole, especially with that flea market fleeting ship art. Hell, they might as well put up dogs playing poker or something at this point. Bless their hearts.

    Oh, and that scabie infested mattress? So gross. They don't even make mattresses like that anymore. Well, maybe you can find them at a yardsale next to Bugs Bunny salt and pepper shakers that still have yellow residue grease.

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