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Posts posted by Noel

  1. 1 hour ago, ~bl~ said:

    Kodak used True Colors in tv ads (late 80s and early 90s) and it was not about the LGBT+ community specifically you could take it to mean what you wanted, as obviously Kodak didn’t use it in that way. Eventually  Cyndi spoke about LGBT issues and became an advocate with a foundation named after the song. I hope what happened makes things better, but certain states need to get old laws off the books just in case.

    Ahhhhh! thank u for that! Since you mentioned Kodak, my memory started to resurface. I don't remember much about the 80's besides Reagan and his "2-hour sermons", and all I wanted to do was watch Wonder Woman. Or Punky Brewster. No, wait! Silver Spoons. Where I lived, we had sh*tty antennae reception, so I barely remember anything in that era. But Wonder Woman

    Cape = FIERCE

    Scuba Gear = Hard pass. 

  2. 53 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Yes, the problem is she's not Eileen, but Ron didn't get the memo.  I think SH is talented, but she's not ED and she never will be.  SH does not need to be playing multiple characters.  No one needs Sister Mary Moira in their lives.  It's just wasted time on our screens and I think Ron thinks it's cheeky or funny, but it's not.

    thank u!!! All hail, Queen Kristen! And that goes for all you common villagers. lol! j/k 😄

  3. Oy! That's a mess indeed. I've watched all episodes of We're Here, and as nice as it looks, it's all produced to sway to a certain narrative. While it's nice and refreshing to see the LGBTQ+ subpopulation have representation, I'm still mind-boggled at how drag shows "seem to be" it's only solution to such prejudices. 

    However, in this case, it seems like World of Wonder and the production company for We're Here need to get their act together. Then again, how far away from producing We're Here was it from Shangela being a contestant to Dancing with the Stars

  4. OMG. I heart Cyndi. If my memory serves me correct, True Colors had a different message connotation back when it was released as a single in the 80's. I don't listen to much Top 40 music stuff, but I was at a friend's house back in the day and was absolutely shocked at her vocal cords because she can preach the word of gospel and take all yo' sad asses to church. You know what I'm sayin'? That's right. Directly. To. Church. Yep. Get those coins and dollar bills up in that offering plate before entering the front doors.

    Like I said, I don't listen to Top 40, but I will give recognition where recognition is deserved. Cause I was like, "Dayum, gurl." And I don't compliment often. In fact, rarely.

    Cyndi Lauper - I'm Gonna Be Strong



  5. 3 hours ago, slick jones said:

    How nice this is all you have to do with your time.

    Yep. At times, I feel people should often do a critical self-examination on their own part instead of coming across as sanctimonious. I'm a f*ckin' clown and I don't give two sh*ts what you think. Bitches ain't payin' my bills or taxes up in here. No ma'am, no sir. Not on my watch they ain't. Nuh-uh. Nope. Nada. Zilch. Boom. Peace.




  6. On 12/6/2022 at 1:34 PM, marceline said:

    I love this. We so rarely get to see Republicans face consequences for their abhorrent behavior.

    Oh, absolutely. I marveled at all the shade and McConnell and McCarthy with their looks of embarrasment. Hell, even I was doing the biggest eyeroll when they spoke. Let's not forget the officer of color who diverted the poop wall-smearing mob hicks in the opposite direction. F*ckwads.

  7. @Jeff Yeah, B&B alwys seems to miss the mark of creating somthing really special and with meaning. Instead of creating this Shelia rubber doll, they could have made Shelia into this right here:



    She could've been the next Elephant Man, you know? As this sickly looking creature lurks around the streets of L.A., the women wih their botox injections and plastic surgery scream in desoluted horror. After a while, the L.A.'ers start to have a soft spot for this poor tender beast as they begin to realize the things that should really be aopreciated and valued in life don't necessarly come in all small scapels and syringes. 😆

  8. On 11/22/2022 at 2:02 PM, janea4old said:

    I know, right?  As a senator, Biden commuted by train!

    Yes, indeed. He took and still takes pride in that.

    6 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    Flashback to exactly 5 years ago when the morning show scandal was all about Matt Lauer.  Perhaps another "Morning Show" type of TV show will emerge out of this and Reese Witherspoon will play Amy Robach. 

    You just gave them a new storyline for Season 4, lol! 😁

  9. On 12/3/2022 at 9:03 AM, AbcNbc247 said:

    It's like they don't know what to do with Kristen: they want her to be a villain but they also want her to be comic relief, and it's not really working

    I predicted this crap 2 months ago I believe. That's all they do with Stacy. Either Stacy dresses like Susan or she wears a fake mask. Yeah, is that all you got, sis? Big whoop. 

  10. I like Megan. I think she's sweet. It was a no-brainer for me, as she was in Beyond Salem, plus the winter spoiler video gave it away. Perhaps she shall be the Queen who will grace us with her glowing presence in the Dimera Mansion while lightly sipping on brandy, Courvoisier, or cognac as she snides at all the common villagers of Salem. 👑 💋

  11. I have this series, but haven't watched it. God, I have so much to watch it's crazy. I have the series Obi-Wan Kenobi, and to this day, still haven't watched. 😆 I was briefly wondering what ABC was airing on Thanksgiving Eve. Or was it Thanksgiving? Anywhoos, I saw the title Andor in the beginning, but I thought it was a studio opener like Dreamworks Pictures. You know, like how the boy is sitting on he crescrent moon and does some fishing. And once that that floater hits the water, it has a cool water ripple effect? I think 5 minutes, I thought they were showing an older Star Wars movie or something, lol! 😆 But no - clueless me had no idea ha ABC was airing Andor.

    Andor: S01E01














  12. Raphael Warnock Volunteer Shot While Going Door to Door in Savannah—Police


    I volunteered my time with the Warnock campaign this past Friday and I had a great time talking with Georgians on the phone. The most I talked to lived in either in the Macon, Norcross, or Kennewsaw area for the most part. But, I had a couple of them in Franklin Springs and Athens too. From the ones that I talked to, they voted Republican down the ballot ticket, but have been disturbed by Walker. Some felt that he lacked experience and others felt that he was a liar. I had maybe a small handful of people who either hung up on me or they called me a socialist and then they hung up. It was fun though. I like talking to people anyway, so it was cool to listen to others and how they felt about politics and government in general.

  13. I will say that the Brooke and Taylor scenes after the non-wedding, Taylor handled it with style and grace, unike Brooke, who could've just layed low, drank a cup of coffee, and nibbled on a bear claw.  I love this Taylor. She's so super-cool. No, I'm not team Taylor nor team Brooke nor silly team whatever. 😄

  14. Deacon just told Shelia that she's going to get caught. Again. 🙄 OMG. He just said it again! Wait. That was yeserday's episode. Taylor shouldn't be blaming herself because she didn't tell Ridge during the nanosecond Steffy blabbed her big fat mouth. Like I said, Steffy should've shut her damn mouth until Carter asked if there was anyone who objected, and she did anyway. So, what was the point in that mess? No, her mom is suffering (as she just said to Thomas) because Steffy has a big fat mouth and what she needs is a big fat lip.

  15. Oy, yeah! Lauren Underwood! I heart her story so much! 😀

    More than 1 million Georgians have officially cast their ballots

  16. Oh, man! What month was it when Deacon had sex with the rubber mask with bass lips? What month was it? Was this back in September? No. Wait. Was it mid-August? And now we're in December, and Shelia and Deacon are STILL having the same conversations with each other ...

    Shelia: "I'm NOT going to lose my son."

    Deacon: "Shelia, you're going to get caught!"

    These two are very poor listeners. No, seriously. It's time to all gather around the magic carpet and put on our listening ears. Because guess what, folks? It's listening time. 

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