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Posts posted by Noel

  1. I cannot wait to see the inventive or creative Jack Smith memes, lol! 😆 

    And I would have to agree with Liz Cheney's recent comment she gave to (*clears throat and silently says*) Chuck Todd. I wish I could find the clip, but she basically said that if the DOJ doesn't find probable cause to indict Trump (with all the evidence the Jan 6th committee already has on the orange turd), then there's no hope for justice. Something along the lines of that. 

  2. Yeah, that whole incident was terrible to hear about. I couldn't believe how the GOP or even the ones who were running for office mocked about it. I was telling a friend of mine that this situation has nothing to do with political affiliation. Rather, it's about human decency.

    I wasn't surprised to hear about about Nancy Pelosi. Such a remarkable woman. 😀

  3. 1 minute ago, marceline said:

    The truth is that GOP voters don't really care about kitchen table interests either. They just use the economy as an excuse to vote for white supremacy.

    I'm sure there's a tribe of them no doubt, but if they're like John McCain moderates, I wouldn't necessarily say that they're white supremacists. Hillbillies, yes. No, I seriously don't know. I should've never said that about groups of people. Most Republican voters I know are more about the "laissez-faire" approach to government. I'm the complete opposite, lol! Sometimes I vote Democrat and sometimes Green. 

  4. On 11/15/2022 at 5:42 PM, AbcNbc247 said:

    Ok, do Sonny and Gwen not know that they're cousins? 😂 I guess that could be blamed on the script writer, but yeah, if you work for the show, you really should know these things. 

    I could care less about Leo, but Paulina's really gotta stop calling him Mary. I know they're trying to be funny, but it's not funny. It makes Paulina look like a dick.

    Maybe it's a 227 thing? I was was watching 227 on PLEX and noticed Jackée said that a lot too, but then again, Marla Gibbs character was named Mary Jenkins. The only time I like to hear the name Mary is from this movie: 

    Full of Grace



  5. 16 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    No, we are just in for two years of gridlock. It could have been much, much worse.

    Yep. Kevin McCarhy doesn't deserve anything except for a bag of sh*t. Whoever cleans the Capitol should've put the feces dropped and smeared all over the walls by those hillbilly rioters in a large Ziploc bag and plopped it on his desk while he massaging Trump's a$$hole.

    Going back to he topic at hand, either the American people are going to realize that the GOP does not care about their "kitchen table" interests, or the House GOP is going to be divided by the moderate Republicans and the more extreme ones (e.g., Greene, Jordan, Gaetz).

  6. 13 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    This is so ridiculous. I do wonder if it is paid actors this time around, rather than true believers, but I should never underestimate their stupidity.


    LOL! 😆 Ask them a basic civics question and I'm sure you would be more intrigued by all the word salad that spews from their mouths.

  7. Well, I wouldn't know about the money (or lack thereof) at DAYS, but I do fool around with video editing, etc. I wonder if they have like a premium membership with Wondershare Filmstock. With that membership, you can get the good stuff like car crashes and explosions. For a pretty decent price too for like $330/annually.

  8. What is it with books, man? Seriously. Now this dude wants to talk about how he really felt the day of January 6th. Pppppffffftttttt. Next. I hope this book sells as much as (or as little as) Meghan McCain's. Yeah, I get that it's all about $$$, but if one really cares about the safety and the well-being of their life or the lives of their family, they would have expressed or been vocal about that earlier. I dunno. I just find this preposterous.

  9. 20 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    Me and my brother lived for her during her vs Kristen in the Secret Room. I know how DH gets. Love her. 

    I know these scenes all too well. Get her, Queen Kristen. Get her. Such a wasted opportunity that the Queen had to take the heel of her shoe and clock MarDevil right on her forehead. And with all her might.

    Sigh. Wait. What were we talking about again? Oh, yeah. The Winster Solstace DAYS spoiler. So, this explosion. I wonder if it's like a for real explosion? 

  10. 14 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    Hi all. I've been gone awhile because I was locked out of my account. Thank goodness Dems kept the Senate.  Dystopia avoided.

    Hi there @Juliajms! Glad you're back! I've been busy for awhile (not locked out or anything, but uber busy), so it's nice to see all the postings on here! 😀 I'm sooooo gonna laugh my ass off if Kari Lake loses. All that time getting a vacuum and making sure no bread crumbs or pigeon poop are on the carpet for nuthin'. 😄

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