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Posts posted by Noel

  1. It's terrible, and maybe it has always been like that because I HATED watching B&B. The only times I really wanted to watch B&B was when Ridge (Ronn Moss) was by the pool with Thorne in a bikini swimsuit. I can't remember if Thorne was in a bikini or not. No, but it was Ridge who showed me the light and that I too can shop for really cute bikini swimsuits. 

    No, but in all seriousness, I feel like the show is written in a way to "beat around the bush". Kind of like this:


    Donna (to Ridge): "So, how was your day today?"

    Ridge: "It was a little uneventful. Brooke came in my office today and said that she needed to talk to me about something important."

    Donna: "Brooke?"

    Ridge: "Yes. Brooke."

    Donna (doesn't believe Ridge): "Brooke. My sister ..."

    Ridge: "Yes. Your sister. Brooke."

    (Eric enters the front door)

    Eric: "Did someone just mention Brooke?"

    Douglas: (playing with his voice altering app) "Hi, Grandpa! Ridge just mentioned about Grandma Brooke."

    Eric (to Ridge): "Brooke??? What on Earth for Ridge? Why would you be thinking of Brooke at a time like this?"

    Hope: "I'd like to find the answer to that myself! Why did you mention Brooke? Brooke? As in the woman you were married to, Brooke? Or is there another Brooke you just met whose name is Brooke?"

    Douglas: "I think he means Grandma Brooke wants to host Christmas at the cabin this year."

    (Katie enters)

    Katie: "Brooke wants us all to celebrate Christmas with her? How come Brooke didn't call me? (to Donna) Did Brooke call you?"

    Donna: "I haven't heard from Brooke. (to Ridge) So, what did Brooke want?"


    OMG. I irritates me to no end I tell ya, lol! 😁


  2. What ... EVER! Ridge is all like, "What happened to the woman I love? The one who always told the truth? This isn't like you."

    Shut up. 😄 She just found out too and was overwhelmed with everything. And you know what? If there was a framed picture of Brooke on top of the fire mantel, he'd be lollygagging over Brooke reminiscing about the past in front of Taylor. 

    Whatever. It's Steffy's fault. She could've kept her damn mouth shut or object to it during the wedding. 😄

  3. Brooke says that she's not hungry as doesn't have the appetite for anything as Ridge, the love of her life, is marrying Taylor and being all dramatic. What Brooke needs right now is a plate of mashed potatoes and gravy smashed in her face. That'll make her eat something as she licks the traces of gravy in her hair. 

    Why do these conversations just drag on to the point where it's like, "Yes, Brooke. You said that yesterday and the day before that and before that."

    It'd be nice if Katie could chime in and talk a little about Bill or Carter. Donna could possibly talk about organic honey. Something at least. Sheesh.

  4. This is becoming too easy for Senator Raphael Warnock if he's wants to do another campaign ad highlighing Hershel Walker flappin' that mouth of his again. Is Hershel Walker Pentecostal Holiness? Maybe he's trying to speak in tongues. The only things missing are a bass guitar, a drum set, maracas, and a tambourine.

    🎵"Key-oooo-sa-la-tahhhhh, la-la-tee-ahhh! Mayio-sal-lah-mee-o-te-oh! Kah-mah, so me tee kahhhhhh!"🎶

  5. 1 hour ago, JaneAusten said:

    For anyone interested in helping the Warnock campaign in these final days, Swing Left has a phone bank setup you can participate in. Sign up here

    Win the Georgia runoff | Swing Left

    Also you can goto Senator Warnocks website and select volunteer. There are options to phonebank here also.

    Reverend Warnock for U.S. Senate (warnockforgeorgia.com)


    I did phone banking before the midterms to a specific demographics in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan - Independent and GOP Suburban Women organized by NARAL.  This was specifically related to Roe.  These were the women I was speaking to that told me the polling was a load of hogwash. Many of the others phone banking for NARAL experienced the same thing.  

    I will tell anyone here it does make a difference. NARAL's strategy for their phone banking was deep canvassing. 15-30 minute conversations.

    I will say to anyone here. If you have a chance to work or volunteer in a state where they are working to put a referendum regarding abortion rights on the ballot, PLEASE DO IT. This gets people to the polls, especially women.


    Thanks, @JaneAusten! A friend of mine and I are trying to get dibs to phone this Friday. 😀

  6. LOL! Now you're confusing me. Okay, I'm just gonna have to roll with it, lol! I think the reason why for my confusion was because of that screenshot. I read the quote, but somehow, it wasn't registering to me that it was Ridge asking Taylor that. If it were a screenshot of Ridge instead of Taylor, I wouldn't have been confused. I'll provide an example:



    Donald Trump: "No. I never invited that white supremacist at Mar-a-Lago."

  7. I was watching some of the news on msnbc and caught a segment of the Georgia election. This reporter was in Buckhead (the "Beverly Hills" of Atlanta (when I lived there, that's what people called it) and for Cyber Monday, I guess these voters are on their smartphones shopping the the lastest deals because they ain't going nowhere. Nope. They are all standing in those long lines waiting to vote.

  8. I was attempting to watch B&B last night, but I completely forgot about preemptions. It's like why can't I remember scheduled preemptions, but can obviously see when I'm watching news programs like Morning Joe when they air repeats? 😆

    Wait. You guys keep talking about Friday's cliffhanger. CBS app doesn't even have the 2022-11-24 episode yet. Man, I need to quit being lazy and re-adjust my antenna so I can start recording it on my Fire Recast. This blows. 

  9. Ahhh! Gotcha. I'm on S01E04 and I get distracted very easily on the computer. Before you know it, I was watching it, and I was like, "Huh? What happened" 

    So yeah, I feel like like I need to watch episodes here and there and not binge watch. Because let me tell you something: Whenever I binge watch shows (except for the series Euphoria), the more far-fetched it becomes for me. 😆 But at least for the last episode of Season 2, it's an ode to the holidays. 🎄

    Chucky: S02E08


















  10. I'm enjoying the series and I wish I had that art decor in the science lab! But, I do have one question:

    Why does Junior dislike Jake? In all seriousness, Chucky did Jake a favor. I'd kill to live in a mansion like that. 😆

  11. 19 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I was never holding my breath for that one. I knew he’d have to be forced in a court. His entire professional life is riddled with lawsuits and court cases. Why would that change? Just because he greased his way into the White House? Nah.

    Exacly. And, as much as I despise reports that dark money groups have poured millions of dollars into assisting the orange orangutan in swinging the SCOTUS sharply to the right (by raising a record $48.1 million between July 2020 and June 2021), it's sorta pleasing, even if I'm beyond dissatisfied with this current SCOTUS.

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