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Posts posted by Noel

  1. 6 minutes ago, wingwalker said:

    The ratings aren't good and even if they were, his character is dead anyways. He was only in it for 3-4 episodes. 

    Oh, lol! See? I don't pay much attention to television. I have my guilty pleasures, but I'm not very much of a follower when it comes to soap actors. Thanks for clarifying that as I saw him on a preview while watching The View, but was unsure of the outcome since its premiere (ratings-wise) and was curious. 😀

  2. 44 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Seriously, I'm tired of Kristen. Just kill her off. That would be a murder mystery that people would actually want to see.

    Umm, no it wouldn't. We haven't seen Kristen since Satan morphed his powers to make MarDevil look like her. Cuffed in chains. Mmmm-hmmm. Rockin' that sultry sexy body. Hot! 🔥 🧯

    I need to make a phone call and ask Alexa to turn down the heat.

  3. On 10/12/2022 at 9:41 PM, Taoboi said:

    I love that someone already mentioned it, but H#LL TO THE YES to Eileen Davidson's first return to DAYS...a decade in the making...like VM's Brenda on GH...and that lived up to the potential from the moment, her head tilted upward in that hat right up until her destroyed wedding (honorable mention to the stopped first wedding) to Brady leading to where it should lead...a final showdown with Marlena


    32 minutes ago, Michael said:

    Not really, honestly? I mean, she wasn't bad, and it was fun to see her as Kristen, but that whole portrayal didn't really fit into Kristen's narrative at the time (Why was she after the Peacock? They never explained that), and it was more about "Eileen Davidson playing a glamorous, bitchy character so she could re-enact that Real Housewives scene with Lisa Rinna."

    Oh. You're talking about Beyond Salem? Yeah, I haven't been paying much attention to these silly little chapters. I'm like you as it's always good to see The Queen, but that whole Peacock crap was just silly.

  4. 9 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Probably.  Rachel has really good handwriting for a kid lol.  And it makes sense she's sort of evil.  With her upbringing it was always likely.

    Awww, Rachel's such a sweet little child. 😇 She follows in my footsteps too. I remember the time when I was seven years old and learning how to write cursive. I told myself that I was going to have the prettiest handwriting in the whole class. And I did. And still do too! So, when Rachel gets SORAS'd, I think she and I are goin to become the best of friends. 😇😆

  5. 19 hours ago, Melroser said:

    Was it just me or was today's episode all over the place? Suddenly Quinn's gone and Carter is back to smooching with Katie. Thomas and Hope kissing. Brooke back to the bottle or will she have a fling with Liam?

    Same. I don't understand the purpose of Quinn interrupting Paris and Carter's wedding just to end up moving somewhere else, lol! 😄

  6. 5 minutes ago, FancyShoes said:

    Okay so here is the thing while I have not liked some of the choices she has chosen in men, especially in the last five years, I LOVED how Kate went from well enough to talk to Chad, to almost dying, then feeling better and kicking Chad and Rex out so she and Roman can celebrate their wedding night. Yep I’m watching a soap because never in the real world would someone be on deaths door step to making a full recovery and wanna get down and dirty in like 5 minutes flat. That being said I am glad this SL is over because it was rough from the jump. I am also intrigued to see what they have in store for Kaman. I am happy they are back together for I feel they shouldn’t have been broken up in the first place. 

    LOL! It's kinda the same when Stefan woke up from his 4-year coma (without bed sores) and jumped to the occassion to the front door of the DiMera mansion! Or, wait! When Eli woke up from his 3-month coma and never needed physical therapy to walk again, lol! Yeah, those ligaments get TIGHT when bedridden. 😄

  7. 18 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I miss it too but I can see certain posters posting their pity party posts. I use to like putting birthday wishes on it. Now I just PM the birthday guy or gal.

    I liked to post news about blu ray releases too something that's not covered on the boards.

    Yeah, birthdays should be celebrated! I like to make really cute birthday wishes and caviar kisses! 🎁❤️💋


  8. On 10/15/2022 at 6:35 AM, px780 said:

    It makes sense to me that Kristen would believe that, though if I were her I'd fear Kate a little more, or maybe take out psychic doppelganger Susan, who they might eventually go to for some impersonation help. 

    It would make sense to me too because they've already done it before when Susan stayed at Statesville prison to help Stacy win back the love of her life Brady while he was cozing up to Chloe. And Stacy impersonated Susan when she was trying to make the attempt to break Lani out of jail. Yeah, wash, rinse, repeat without the Party City magical face mask.

    10 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    There are no stakes in Orpheus's revenge. I did like John and Stephanie's scenes. A janitor should have been seen cleaning John's mess. As he gave John side-eye. Instead, no one reacted at all.

    Yeah, I wouldn't want to be a janitor either, cuz I'd whack John over in the back of the skull with a broomstick. Now this makes me think of the rioters who defecated inside the Capitol building on January 6th. Take their hair and smash their face in the poo-poo they thought was real cute. Yeah, I wouldn't want to be a janitor either, that's for sure. 😄

  9. RuPaul's Down Under Season 2 was a little weird to watch because it just seemed like RuPaul and Michelle Visage are getting burnt out with it. Yes, I agree that the production needs improvement. On the other hand, I like the RuPaul's Drag Race UK Season 4, but disappointed that the ones I liked "sashay-ed away" too soon. Yep, I think drag race fatigue is already happening, and World of Wonder brought it on themselves. I'll still watch it as it's silly entertainment, but if people aren't following these queens on social media like they used to back in the day, then that's implicitly saying something. The viewers are getting tired of it.

  10. I had it a feeling once I saw that empty vile from Orpheus, then it was going to have a COVID-19 theme to it. I guess it's different as it beats the same ol' same ol' storylines we see all the time (e.g., kidnappings, affairs, weddings, face-to-face gun squabbles). The execution of how this storyline unfolds remains to be seen, but sometimes I feel like the writers are simply pulling ideas out of their ass. But hey, that's just me. 😉

  11. 6 hours ago, janea4old said:


    John smashed an orchid that Orpheus had arranged to be delivered for Marlena's hospital room.  The orchid had a note enclosed that intentionally taunted John and Marlena - Orpheus' note said that this was not the correct orchid for the cure and that this orchid would die soon just like Marlena, or the note said something to that effect.  John was rightfully pissed at Orpheus.

    Well, I haven't watched it. But, thanks for the side note recap.

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