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Posts posted by Noel

  1. 1 minute ago, Tonksadora said:

    Oy! Nothing like the train you're catching being 20 minutes late into the station! Yes 🙄🙄 I guess I'm getting the bargain I asked for! You got me there! I love having my soaps available to me at 6 am & at 10 pm but Peacock was late this morning & Hulu was way later last night! I'm going to do better tolerating waiting.

    Of course. Nothing like classism, right? 

  2. 12 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    My rule is if it's Ryan Murphy it's bad, and likely anti-gay to boot. I wish I could say I was surprised he is peddling this show at a time of ever-increasing  virulence toward the lgbt community. I hope getting Evan Peters to show his ass once more is worth it.

    Just out of curioity here (since we've had this discussion per House of the Dragon), are you willing to disclose if you live in a rural or an urban area? Are you a Baby Boomer? 🙂

  3. Terrible indeed as I'm seeing the aftermath of the hurricane. My, My, My. It cost Florida taxpayers over $21 million dollars due to the Desantis political illegal  immigrant pawn melodrama. Karma is a bitch, but it should never be held accountable to innocent civilians. His stupid stunt during hurricane season is unfathomable.

  4. I'm just about the production and directing. Ryan Murphy for me is kind of 50/50. I feel that his mini-series are very well done (so far), but when it comes to an actual series, that's up for discussion, lol! I loved both Nip/Tuck and American Horror Story at first, but then, something happened. I think this mini-series (as compared to other movies) kind of dives more into his thought processes as well as the family imbalance he had. Of course, it's no damn excuse for what he did.

    I'm trying to think of the other serial killer who had an autobiography book released back in 1995? I hope I have the year correct. I forgot his name though. He mostly picked up women hitchhikers and I believe raped them, but then, all of that got boring for him and he picked up a dude hitchhiker. It was one of those books where I read the WHOLE book in one day. I don't recall myself ever taking a break from it. 

    Sometimes, it's good to discover other shows. I'm learning this now as I'm no longer studying, conducting research, and writing papers like a maniac. Hell, it beats low-budget soaps. 😄 No, our love for soaps should always be respected. 😀

  5. WOW. I was reading several tweets from Marjorie Taylor Greene and she has her own theory about the Nordstream pipelines. She's an idiot, but anywhoos. Wow. No, it has to be Putin. Lastly, it's remarkably astonishing to see the social movements and protests not just in Russia, but in Iran as well.

    Doctors in private clinics and government hospitals and chefs have been summoned who have no military experience? Former retired artillery officers (as old as 76 years) are being called up to appear to clarify their physical condition? To fight in this war for Putin? 

    This is gettin' REAL ugly.

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