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Posts posted by Noel

  1. No, they ain't pulling those kind of numbers because of a low-budget soap-opera. Peacock is just thirsty. It's like one of those crockpots where you're like making beef stew or ratatouille and you accidentally set it on high heat. All of a sudden, you come home desperately wanting to rid a corn on your middle toe, right? When you open your front door, you smell something foul coming from the kitchen and you discover the mess with your crockpot. And it's so thirsty that it needs water.

    Yeah. That's Peacock all wrapped up in a nutshell. But, hey! For .08 cents a day ...

    (Oh, hey! That rhymes!)

  2. I'm still attempting to watch this show. As aforementioned, the list of characters is very overwhelming for me. I tried to watch yesterday on my DVR or Fire Recast (whatever it's called), but the reception was so bad that I could barely see anything. And yet, once I turn on local ABC News, it's clear as crystal. What's that woman's name? Anna Devane? Get it, kitty gurl! 🐈

  3. Well, I think the thing with Julie is that she just kinda pops up where ever or whenever she's needed for a couple of one-liners. I can't think straight right off my head, but she's been judgemental towards those of their wrong-doings (that's not bigoted or anything), but she's more than willing to be a hypocrite and defend the impalpable actions by those considered to be a part of her "in-group". 😄


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