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Posts posted by Noel

  1. All I remember about these promos is that they may look good, but when watching the show for that week, it turns out to be quite the opposite, lol! A friend of mine posted an older DAYS promo on my Facebook page (which I now avoid like the plague) when Satan turns MarDevil into Queen Kristen last year. Of course, I had to see my queen. Because yes, the promo looked great, but when I watched it, whew-wee doggies. Oh, boy. It was something else.

  2. LOL! You know what? I was curious about the Hope doll, so I started watching earlier seasons of The Bold and the Beautiful on Paramount +. I mean, even in earlier seasons, Ridge and Brooke or Taylor and Ridge always seem to have the same issues over and over. Hang in the towel already and don't let pride or ego get in the way. Because at this point (as this has been a constant ongoing issue), it's kind of like beating around a dead horse. Find someone new, be a lesbian, or find a gay/bisexual/pansexual man. Whatever floats your boat.

    south park beat a dead horse GIF

  3. 1 hour ago, Ponds said:

    Ana really forced the issue and made him answer some tough questions.  I think his explanation was really very good and probably helped him.

    I think so too. People are allowed to evolve as it's basically up to us and how we choose to live for ourselves as well as the people around us. Live your truth. I think what Charlie Crist said was precisely on point. And yes, Ana Navarro wasn't going to stop until he answered ALL of her tough questions. 😄

  4. 39 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    LOL Thanks for posting all of it, sometime he inadvertently gives away spoilers, I was hoping he would again :P

    Well, I enjoyed Sean's trip down memory lane. I've been an off and on viewer since it began I think. Whatever year that "Angela Forrester" resurfaced. She had a pretty cool face. Anyway, going back to Sean Kanon, I didn't realize Deacon was such a little womanizer. 😄

  5. The Rockies aren't as gorgeous and majestic as the Appalachain mountains. I saw episodes of Cobra Kai listed on torrent sites, but I didn't know what it was. Good for him and his other projects.  What I did find funny were his Emmys. He was pimpin; it. Later towards the end after the producers asked if he could move the phone, he found a bettter camera angle to show off his golden statue beauties. Like a bonafide pimp, lol! It was a sweet interview. He's got a lot of male fans too who crush on him hard. 😁

  6. 15 minutes ago, sheilaforever said:

    Thank you! You put in a lot of effort - appreciated.

    just to clarify my earlier post: I applaud B&B for doing such podcasts. And I assume some people like them.

    Yet, I haaaaate these overlong talk formats compared to reading a well crafted and edited written interview.

    I know I'm snarky for the most part, but I also have a sweet side to myself. Well sort of, but don't you dare tell anyone. I enjoy watching interviews in general. It can be old Hollywood actors/actresses, singers, etc. You name it. Yeah, soap star interviews are somewhat different. It's hard to understand what they're saying via Skype, Zoom, or Ring Central. But, it's sweet for the actors do spread some devoted love to their fans. It just seemed to me that he was pushing more of Cobra Kai and his book Waving the Cobra. (which is fine). Yeah, if I was an interviewer, I would have a much better structure and really cute modern wall panels and a gorgeous chair like the ones from A Clockwork Orange, but I think it's great that they have podcasts for soap fanatics. 🙂

  7. Brief Interview Recap   

    • Kanon pimps his Emmys in the background.
    • Kanon stars in Cobra Kai on Netflix (all 10 episodes are available).
    • Kanon's character (Deacon) is crossing over to Genoa City on September 20th.
    • The interviewer and Sean Kanon talk about the women in Deacon's life. Kanon says that Adrienne is feisty and a terrific actress. 
    • They talk about Jennifer Finnigan and Kanon again replies that she's a terrific actress and that the character of Bridget deserved better than Deacon. 
    • After that, they talk about the character of Macy. Sean reminisces about how Deacon and Macy never had sex. The interviewer and Kanon talk about Jackie and Kanon replies how much he adores Leslie-Anne Down. He and Leslie's husband are friends (who is also involved in Cobra Kai).
    • The interviewer and Kanon talk about Katherine Kelly Lang and how Deacon seems to have chemistry with a lot of characters on the show. Kanon comments on how he and KKL seemed to have the talent to capture lightening in a bottle.
    • The interviewer and Kanon then discuss how Deacon went to Genoa City , he got close with Nikki. Kanon comments that before he even got the chance to work with Melody Thomas Scott or Eric Braeden, he would have to give himself a minute and do a mental victory lap as he was working with the best in the business.
    • Fan Line for BOLD LIVE is: 573-375-9278
    • Sean Kanon talks about how intercontinental both Y&R and B&B are.
    • Producers for BOLD LIVE ask Sean Kanon to move his camera a little to the left. As a result, his Daytime Emmys can't be seen. People start calling the number I listed above. Set this on speed dial, bitches!
    • Q&A time with the fans. Interviewer cuts caller Mike short as he's sexually breathing heavily on the phone. No, I'm just kidding, but he is breathing heavily.
    • Sean Kanon praises B&B director (last name is Howard) because fight scenes are very difficult to do.
    • Location shoot in Aspen, Colorado.
    • 9/10 - He's doing an Instagram LIVE (only for his subscribers - 12:00 p.m. PST)
    • Sean Kanon will appear on The Talk September 23rd. There's some hopeful talk about free tickets to see him, but nothing yet written in stone.
    • Get Kanon's book: Waving the Cobra.
    • Lots of B&B surprises in store!
  8. Well, she didn't have to do it at all and I implore her hard work. I'm sure the video meant and touched a lot of fans. It could've used some more Queen Kristen as I only got to see one second of her no thanks to MarDevil slapping her across the face. C'mon, man. Queen Kristen gave some good slaps to MarDevil too. Although the catfight was disappointing, I do fantasize what it would've been like to see Queen Kristen take the heel of her shoe and clock MarDevil on the forehead with it. And I laugh and laugh. Sigh.

    What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, the DAYS 10-minute tribute video made by a fan. 😁 All I know if that Peter Reckell did a quote tweet and commented that the video was great. I shouldn't assume, but if he tweeted it, it makes me wonder the reaction by those at Sony Pictures or NBC if they saw his tweet and watched it; that a fan went out of their way to do that and they simply couldn't or wouldn't (if that were the case).


  9. Yeah, I saw the 10-minute montage and it was nice for fan art. The Amy Grant song made my toes curl, but other than that, it was cute. A fan went out of their way to make that. Ta-dah! That's your DAYS send-off tribute! Not by NBC or Sony, but by a fellow YouTuber. 


    “The world needs a sense of worth, and it will achieve it only by its people feeling that they are worthwhile.” ~ Mr. Rogers


  10. 2 hours ago, Tonksadora said:

    Did you ever use it? Was there some time when you couldn't watch something live & you did use it & now that's just not the case any more? Do you ever watch something a second time? What movie or show have you watched the most times? Pardon the brief interrogation. I'm just interested. Why do you have it?

    I used it for Days of our Lives, CBS This Morning, The View, and Stephen Colbert. The reception for my local CBS affiliate can be a little wonky and I have a really cute Mohu Arc indoor digital antennas that goes well with my interior decorating. Long story short, I did some remodeling and I put the tuner away. At that time, I had Sling TV too, but I only used that to watch Morning Joe (that was and is my morning ritual as I love Mika and Willie). During Covid-19, while we were all held captive into captivity inside our homes, I've found easier (and free) ways to watch cable news as well as other programs on different streaming apps. After this discovery, I had forgotten all about the tuner as it was stored near my shoe closets. Have I watched recorded shows twice? I have with Stephen Colbert and The View. I also have with the Grammys and Golden Globes, but for the most part, I have my own music, movie, and television library. As far as the tuner, one thing I never knew is that I can watch recorded shows on-the-go. That's a nice little perk while commuting downtown or watch in the office I suppose. Now that I have my DVR hooked up, it's all about the digital antenna at this point. But, it needs to look cute and positioned perfectly.

    Oh, God. Listen to me. I sound like some big fat slug who watches television 24/7 with a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. With grease stains all over my upholstery.

    To get off the subject and back to DAYS, I wasn't that surprised that they didn't do something small or big for Friday's (9/9) episode. Perhaps they thought another marriage proposal (for a couple who barely know each other) and an intimate kiss between a mother and a kid (who's prefrontal cortex isn't fully developed) was clearly enough to get long-time viewers subscribed to Peacock.

  11. 1 minute ago, janea4old said:


    Ah okay, Closed captioning didn't capture what she said.  I tried listening again.  It does sort of sound like "Pop", but I cannot really tell.


    For sure. It's such a fast promo that I'm constantly watching it again and again. Of course, Eric and Nicole can't deny their undying love for each other and here comes Jada with a fetus in her oven.

  12. 15 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    I think Kayla said "Mom" while still in the hospital bed?  so maybe she wondered if (guessed?) she was going into the light to see Caroline (but obviously we won't see Caroline).

    I thought she said "Pop". 


    58 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    I wonder who Kayla sees in Heaven? Does Jennifer die? Who killed Abby? 



    1. Good question. Dressed in black? Bo perhaps? 

    2. I wish, but probably not. I think it's Ava. I don't see any other reason as to why Tripp would punch Johnny in the face like that.

    3. Beats me. I've recapped this stupid murder and I wasted my time doing it, lol! I miss the good ol' days of murder mystery storytelling. Abigail's murder mystery just popped up like a zit. 

    3 hours ago, j swift said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    How? He saw The Minions movie with the kids. Drunk driving with his kids in the back seat? 

  13. 5 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Yes she was on Beyond Salem Season 2 and had a flirtation going with Joey and Tripp

    I gotcha. I thought that's who it was, but then again, I still haven't watched the last two episodes of Beyond Salem 2 yet. I've been meaning to convert the files to HEVC. Oh, I should do that now. Thank you (sort of) for reminded me to do that, lol!

  14. Oy! Is it selfish for me to wish that Guiding Light and As the World Turns had that option to move to Paramount +? Shoot, I'm still on Season 1 of The Bold and the Beautiful. It's not fair! Then again, if watching Guiding Light on Paramount + meant that I had to see characters having a conversation in front of a port-o-potty again, I'd have to take a real hard pass on that one. 

    God, I sound like I have no empathy. I do. Ever since the cancellation of Guidng Light and As the World Turns, I immediately went numb as nothing shocks me anymore. I'm not being dramatic or anything. It's just the way things are I guess. I'm glad that DAYS has got another option and I do sincerely hope that it will be better for the cast and crew. Overall, the handeling of this was a really sh*tty thing to do.

    As far as General Hospital, I wouldn't be that surprised. 

  15. 30 minutes ago, edgeofnik said:

    Plus, Thursday Night Football is now exclusive to Amazon Prime. (Last night's telecast was actually a Sunday Night Football Special). And TNF has a much bigger audience than DAYS.

    You know what? I was watching DAYS on Peacock yesterday and I was skimming through what they had. Of course, nothing appealed to me, but I was trying to be open-minded for the most part, lol! I guess what I didn't understand was that you had to pay premium in order to watch a football game, and yet, I could easily watch the football game live on NBC 5. Oh, you can watch the football game anytime you want, right? I keep forgetting I have a DVR that I don't use. Sheesh. The things I keep forgetting.

  16. I'm still trying to figure out if this thing is airborne or blood-borne. If Jada faints, then she's either contacted the virus or she's pregnant, lol! Moreover, I'm trying to figure out the development as to why Eric punches EJ in the face. But, I've seen these DAYS promos. It may look good, but watching it can be a little troublesome. 😆

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