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Posts posted by Noel

  1. 50 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    Wendy works for the DiMera IT department.  I guess they don't pay much.  I wonder, now that Li has been fired from DiMera, if Wendy still works there? Nobody has mentioned it.  Her father is still on the DiMera board, so maybe they let her stay.

    LOL! Still though ... even companies provide model luxury furnished apartments for their workers who are only there temporarily as their stay is not a permanent one. And if their stay is more on the permanent side, the company will still provide accommodations until they find the right place. Moving is stressful, and if a company needs your expertise, then you're a hot commodity. Is Wendy a hot commodity? 

    How would I choose? Hmmm ... a luxurious high-rise aparment where I can have tricks over or sleep on Allie's couch from Big Lots?  Oh boythis is a tough one to decipher.

  2. LOL! David Kreizman. God, I swear these maggots always be getting up into my tuna casserole where I'm about to serve it to a church pot luck. And going by @victoria foxton's post, I'd have to say that seeing chararcters have a little too much to drink and have "out of the blue" flings, then I'd say you're experiencing dega vu. Because you know, it seems to be the latest trend nowadays for every Salemite. And what's scarier is that they drink the cheapest alcohol when they do it. Talk about travesty. 

    32 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    @janea4old You know what's funny. i'm pretty sure this is recycled dialogue. I would swear that there was a scene where they said that same exacted thing to each other. Unless i'm experiencing deja vu.

  3. Huh? For me, I'm not discrediting the original poster who posted it, but for me, I'm not a Q-Anon member or anything, but umm ... yeah. Woof at that site. Goes to show how anyone can buy their own website from a web host like Bluehost, GoDaddy, or Wix for that matter. You know what I'm sayin'? Woo-wee! Lord, it smells worse than a cum rag. Kind of like Abigail Deveraux. Now, now, now, before you start judging me, you know deep down you're thinking it because we all know she nor Chad showered after sex, okay? So, get off your little high horses, because it's all about 'Time and Space'

    We should start a hashtag revolution because now it seems to be the excuse for this show. 'Time and Space'.

  4. 2 hours ago, janea4old said:

    Yeah I asked myself why did I spend all that time typing that up?  ROFL.

    Now see? Come on over to the darkside, lol! No, that was very sweet of you to do, especially when you didn't have to do it at all. We're all contributors to this board in a way. Otherwise, we wouldn't have very much of a mesage board, now would we? 🙂

  5. Bless you @janea4old, lol! I tried and I tried with the Abigail murder nonsense. I tried so much that I went through every episode from June 10, 2022 and wasted so much of my time that I wrote a Cliffsnotes version of her murder and the list of possible suspects. Then to find out that it was Clyde of all people. That being said, it was precious time that I will never get back, damn it, lol! 😄

    So now, I try to live life a little differently by smelling the polluted air that we breathe and realize that life is more beautiful on the other side of the rainbow. 😄

    No, I'm kidding of course. Everything that you have posted alludes that it just doesn't make any sense. Now, if you had one wish and you could get your time back given everything that you have provided, what would that one wish be? World peace is not an answer. Well, it could be I suppose as it's your wish. 😁 


  6. 5 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    It seems like Ron decided ... we need someone to play the demon holding the three ladies captive.  What random actor can I use for this?  I need a former Days actor who is currently unemployed, who is available? 


    Yeah "Nick" is just a form the devil is using, but it doesn't mean anything.

    Yeah. It's so force-fed regardless of it not making sense. Worse than the time when Shawn and Belle never talked about Jan. All of a sudden, Jan's pregnant. Going back to this spoiler, Satan 2.0 or whatever is just ONE supernatural being. ONE supernatural being cannot be TWO supernatural beings all wrapped up in one.

    My head hurts. God, I can't stand stupid.

  7. 2 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I'm guessing the devil is just going to take Nick's form.

    Hahaha! That's soooo stoopid. You know what? Whatever. So what does Satan 2.75 want? At this point, the whole thing is just silly. Does Orpheus bear any responsibility in this? Did Satan 2.75 morph into Orpheus?

  8. I wish Quinn were back because you know Carter would drop Katie like a hot potato. That's the thing I can't stand about soap nowadays and Bill is a perfect example moping around like some pouty dope. Why do people need someone else in life? Why can't soap characters just celebrate independency? Instead, they just flop from this person and to that person as if their former relationships never beared meaning.  

  9. 20 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    I despise Sheila, but yesterday she shredded Katie, lol!

    Yep. She sure did. Hahaha! And here's the thing about the character of Katie. Do you remember the episode where Carter mentioned to Katie that's she's a strong woman and that she doesn't need a chivalrous knight to fight her battles for her or whatever? But, here's the thing: SHE DOES.

    How many times have we seen her distraught where she clings on to Carter? Or, maybe Carter is wearing an invisible shirt that Katie only sees to where the shirt says: "FREE HUGS". 

    SHE DOES and FREE HUGS. Hey, that rhymes! Genius! 

    But yeah, I think yesterday's eppy foreshadowed something here. Shelia already went after Brooke's weakness and that's alcohol. Katie has a heart or will her heart beats be weakened by the delightful machinations of Shelia Carter? 

    Stay tuned. Hahaha! 😆

  10. It makes sense as Showtime is a subsidiary of media conglomerate Paramount Global. Believe it or not, yes I paid for the Paramount + and Showtime bundle. When they offered the bundle deal back in November or December of 2022, I was all in. Paramount + caters to more of my viewing habits and it offers sooooo much. As far as Showtime, I think all their original series have much better quality as compared to original series on Hulu, but that's just me. 

    Honestly, I don't think it's an age thing for me at all, lol! Remember when CBS was categorized as "the older folks generation" network? I don't think that holds true anymore. Honestly, I'm a very happy camper with this bundle. If I want to watch Season 4 or Season 17 of The Bold and the Beautiful, I can. 

    But to note, I paid for it, lol! I'm a downloader whore where I convert or encode original files in better quality. So for me to pay for this bundle means that this streaming service has a lot to offer. 😆

  11. I did laugh when Finn told Steffy that he locked the door where no one can interupt them and Steffy goes, "Awww ... you think of everything."

    I mean, isn't that what you're supposed to do? I mean, this is Los Angeles - it's not rural America with skinned possums laying on the front porch next to a jug of moonshine.

    Lastly, I don't know about you all, but me thinks that Shelia is going to do something detrimental to Katie's heart. If there's one thing I know about Shelia, she goes straight after one's weaknesses. And I LIVE for it. 😈

  12. 2 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    Days too broke for special effects. 🤣🤣😆 

    Sh*****t! They bettah make it werk. So now I'm really confused and I always seem to get confused with this show. I mean, it's understable that I get confused with General Hospital being a new viewer and all, and if there's one thing I can say about GH as a new viewer, the show has way too characters for me to absorb and it's not fair. Going back to DAYS and my state of confusion, so has Nick been Satan 2.0 or 2.75 this whole time? Because if so, then help explain when he came poppin' out of a grave. God, who was it that he was trying to scare? I was about to say Nicole, but now I remember it was Gabi.

    Okay, so if Nick has been Satan 2.0, 2.5, or 2.75 this whole time, then why pop out of a grave by MarDevil on Halloween? Am I making sense here? 

    Duh. I forgot to comment on Nicole. Hahaha! I just want to throw a little bit of shade because apparently, that slap Sloane gave her has STILL slapped her into next week. 

  13. With all of these bereaved deaths, you can see the wretched pain, agony, and despair that these characters are experiencing, especially with the deaths of Kate, Marlena, and Kayla. I mean, with Tripp playing video games with Wendy, Eric giving Sloane some slop chowder on the house, Allie and Johnny acting like childish teenagers once again, and Stephanie getting her salad tossed by Chad are some of the most powerful, gut-wrenching scenes I've seen in a long time. 

    Kudos, I hope DAYS continues to captivate each and every one of us. This is great soap.

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