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Posts posted by Noel

  1. 20 minutes ago, JAS0N47 said:

    Yes, that's what I think it was. It was always Small Bar on the scripts, as I would list it that way in my monthly set totals. I think they just did it as an "inside joke" sort of thing, one that I loved immensely when Alex first mentioned it on air as Small Bar earlier this year.

    God, that's soooo crazy! I can't believe how I let things fly over my head like that, lol! Yet, I pay attention to details like trashiness. 😁

  2. I wonder if [Small Bar] was initially written like that on the script, lol! Like, they didn't really know what else to call it. Just [Small Bar]. Sexy/sultry saxophone music plays in the background. Allie, Alex, and Chanel sit at the table against the wall. 

    That would be so funny. Not that creative, but I guess they didn't put too much emphasis on it. Just [Small Bar]. I'd love to see a karaoke scene. Like Bonnie, Nancy, and Maggie should go out on a night of karaoke. 

    Bonnie (to bartender): " Oh, my! We are having such a great time. What is the name of this establishment?"

    Bartender: "Karaoke Bar."

  3. 9 minutes ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    I see what you did there. The 2 squirts and if you saw today's show and the Leo scene when he had his sleep mask on.

    I'm watching it right now. Look, I know at cringe at sets, but this newspaper set is ridiculous. Who puts up wall decor and a tree plant only to have a cubicle block it? What's the point? Which heterosexual has really bad taste? In fact, on the other side of the wall, a cubicle is blocking an entrance way. That's like a major fire hazard. You can't be doing stuff like that.

  4. 9 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    No, if you've only watched episodes 1-8, you still have number 9 to see, which is the first season's finale.

    Ugh. I guess I'm confused because the article said this:


    In the season finale, Joel and Ellie finally make it to Salt Lake City where they're ambushed by Fireflies and brought to the hospital base. Joel wakes up alone here, where Marlene informs him Ellie is being prepped for surgery — and that she won't survive it. In what is one of The Last of Us' most famous scenes, Joel decides to sacrifice the cure for humanity and save Ellie, meaning he kills countless Fireflies — including executing Marlene herself. It's a shockingly cold death for the leader of the resistance.

    Oh, wait. I assumed that the show had 8 episodes because it seems to me a lot of series wrap it up in 8. I hate that. So, the cliffhanger for the season finale is that Joel lied to Ellie?  

  5. 2 minutes ago, teplin said:

    I believe it's called "Small Bar" which is also appropriate. 

    Is it? God, the things I let fly over my head. Do you know the name of the tabloid that put up those pictures of Sonny and Leo in bed when Leo chocolate chip cookie drugged him? I'm thinking that sleaze tabloid and Leo's new whatever new gossip column is called should go to war, lol! I'm just kidding. I can't believe this show is being sort centered around his stupid gossip column. In all actuality, no one gives two squirts about it.

    I don't. I wouldn't even subscribe to it. 

  6. They should come up with a name for that cocktail lounge where Salemites get trashed quite frequently. It should be called: The Walk of Shame because, like, everybody sits there at the same table, gets smashed, yells at the wait staff like obnoxious twits, and then they have sex. Next morning, I guarantee you somebody in Salem is doing the walk of shame. I think it's a catchy name for a cocktail lounge.

    4 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    New drinking game: Take a shot every time someone, in regards to Alex, says consenting adults. 

    I know, right? It's like ... who's the idiot who asked if you were a minor? 

  7. Boss Bitch by Doja Cat | Double Shantay?

    This should have been a double shantay they both stay. Man, this show is so contrived AF. It does make me laugh though. They set Marcia, Marcia, Marcia up so bad. And right before a Rusical. Sasha is my fave along with Anetra. Noir Lux London is playing a smart game with her "RuPaul inspired" runways. I would have to say Mistress Brooke's personal story is sad one to hear. 

  8. OMG. Those two are not talking about asparagus, are they? Maybe escargot? 

    18 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    @Noel Dex is going to make grilled asparagus for Joss. 😂

    See? I can predict! He wouldn't even shut up about it. I was like, "Dude, no. This love, cuddly-poo-poo time is over with. Talkin' about asparagus."

    Yes, it's delicious. Just don't be having it before a certain time.

  9. What's the point in Nicole telling Stefan that he forgot the olives for their vodka martinis only to drink vodka martinis without olives when E.J. found some stashed in the mini fridge? 

    How does Johnny think that he could ask Tripp for his father's recent hospital tests? Man, that's some pasty ass white boy privilege right there.

    I like The Spectator set. It's kind of like stepping into a real Tampa Bay Times. So far, they have one news story in development as it's pinned up right behind Gwen. It looks like it may have some real potential.


  10. 23 minutes ago, Darn said:

    You have to be doing this on purpose at this point. It's pretty funny, I can't lie.

    Haha! 😁 I'm filled with questions. I'm a GH newbie and when I started, the show was busy yet intriguing. I'm trying to grasp the names of the characters. For example, I have no clue who Sam is in a relationship with. All I know is that he's a detective and he's short.

    It's a battle, but I enjoy watching it. 😀

  11. OMG. They HAVE to have a soundtrack to this series as I'm impressed. I'm watching Season 1 and it's all over the place, but in a good way. I'll probably have to watch episodes again, but it's really good. Great cast. And I love shows that are shot in the forest with all the majestic trees. And now, this makes me want to watch Twin Peaks all over again, lol! 

  12. Awwwww, Pedro! 😛 Showin' some love for the show. Get ready for Episode 3! It's so touching. Kudos to both Murray Bartlett and Nick Offerman for such a beautiful story. This is what soaps need. Hahaha! I'm serious! Although you know what? Whenever I see Murray Bartlett, I can't seem to get his character who defecated in someone's luggage in The White Lotus out of my head. 🤣 But I live for it.

    6 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    About to start Episode 3 and getting nervous.


  13. 22 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    Their impotent fury is hilarious. Whatever would they do if faced with actual, real problems?

    Over a game? Yeah, that's crazy. It sort of makes me think of the Dr. Suess and Mr. Potato Head scandal, lol!

    Is the FEDRA organization ran by the fireflys? I think you'll enjoy S01E07. It's another one of those flashback scenes but it digs further into Ellie. She's a firecracker I tell ya. In this episode, you'll see what she meant when she told Joel that she has killed a person. At first, I thought she was bluffing as telling Joel that she has killed before would reassure him that she's capable of using a gun. It's a good episode.

  14. 7 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    I think you mean Molly. Who's been appearing infrequently for years and years. She's actually a legacy character.

    Awww, thank you. I was trying to look at the GH Wiki Fandom page, but I forgot Sam's last name. That didn't really help either, but the actress is really pretty. I had to look at her like 5 different times. I mean, I haven't seen recent pictures of Jennifer Love Hewitt in the longest time, so I was like, "Could it be???" So gorge.

  15. 26 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    If it was someone I didn’t trust, I’d probably be suspicious immediately 😂

    I'm such a goofball today. I totally own it. 

    But here's the thing that gets me as it's so overt. Did Stefan like ... always make E.J. his signature gimlets before? Meanwhile, home slice over here wants to make me a drink for like the fourth time. Does he expect me to ask for the gimlet recipe or something? Because I'm not going to ask. Stefan needs to chill his intervals with all that sh*t. Makin' it way too obvious. Amateur. 😆

  16. 9 minutes ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    I mean Gabi is a hot Latina and spicy. I get that obsession :D

    I'm all international, but yeah. I love me some "bad boy" Latinos for sure. It's my mission to conquer Columbia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, and any other country in South America. Haha! 😁

    You make a very good point. Yeah, it's diffucult, Li. The struggle is real.

  17. I don't get Li and his obsession with Gabi. I like Gabi. She's cool, but time to move forward. All they did was have conversations in a hotel room. And sex here and there which was about as dull as Dawn dishwater. Oh yeah, they were in Hong Kong too in a hotel room. Having a conversation and boring sex that it really makes you want an escort service.

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