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Posts posted by Noel

  1. I am sure that no prosecutor wants to be the first to charge a former president of the United States. Yet, I believe this indictment will send a strong, maybe democracy-saving message. So, c'mon Georgia. I read somewhere that Brian Kemp and state GOP lawmakers in Georgia are trying to do something shady with this grand jury investigation or something. 

    Start from the ground up. We already have that with Manhattan. C'mon, Fulton County. It's your turn. After Fulton County, it's time for Jack Smith. Build everything up against this piece of sh*t.

    On the civil court side, you've got E. Jean Carroll who claims that the orange orangutan raped her in the 1990s and the court case is set for April 17th. 

    The chickens are all coming home to roost. 


  2. Ooooooh! I wouldn't mind seeing the original actress play the role. I remember her as it was around the same time I won a cute kid contest. Eve was so sweet. 

    And no, I'm not dissin' Kassie. Please. Even I remember her as Chelsea Reardon. Well, sort of. I think I was still at a He-Man or Scooby Doo cartoon phase. No, I did not like Eve when Jack ran for mayor. The racial microaggresions pissed me off the moment Eve started flappin' that mouth of hers.  

  3. 1 minute ago, Fevuh said:

    Well and as I read this, I say again - Los Angeles is a 4th world city.  And since the police and FBI were involved, it's not like they have helicopters or anything advanced like that.  It's just Los Angeles so they don't know how to apprehend people and have no means whatsoever, so it's very understandable.  Cough.  My God.

    OMG. I can't! 😆😅🤣

  4. On 3/25/2023 at 3:14 PM, Jeff said:

    ^ Thank you for that explanation janea4old.


    It took me a while since we live in a world involved with abbreviations and acronyms. I think the first one for a long time ago was DWTS. Little did I know it meant Dancing With the Stars. But yeah, it's abbreviation and acronym madness out there, I tell ya. 😆

  5. 33 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    We don't know, we saw Bill looking at her, he went back inside to call the feds and he came back out she was gone lol

    She drove to Deacon's of course and the fed's know of her Deacon connection but suddenly they are clueless where she went too lol!

    OMG. That's just the thing! Why does Bill need to do anything if he's already acknowledged the fact that FBI Agent Chen and new FBI recruiter Ridge Forrester in a man bun have already called the authorities? I mean, what? 

  6. I'm so relieved that Shelia was able to "think smart" and able to put her car keys inside her front pocket. You just never know when you're about to fall off a balcony. Because after a fall like that, it's not about you gasping for air or anything. No. Being a responsible driver is first and foremost.

    Hey, at least she's still wearing that rock. Time for my ass to get to the pawn shop and collect them coins.


  7. Oh, yay! I get to see Rachel! I swear that child is a breath of fresh air. It's like looking at this younger version of myself. So polite and well-mannered. Okay, so I understand what you all mean when it comes to Remington Hoffman. Yeah, it's a shame too. Woof! 🐶 Whew-weeee. But, you didn't hear it from me.

    Isn't it great to move into a new town where it should be people getting to know you, but instead, they're the ones telling you about their melodrama? What's her name? Talia? I could only imagine her stress level being around Paulina, lol! I wonder who the person who's sending messages to Paulina? It's probably Mr. Mayo lover back from the dead which would mean Lani and Eli come back to Salem. Nahh, pure speculation of course and I don't really care either way.

    I didn't watch yesterday's episode and fell asleep after Monday's show when I heard Hope say something like, "He's been deprogrammed ..."

    Oh, yeah. And Ciara's tits. I was motorboatin'. 😆




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