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Posts posted by Noel

  1.  The conversation exchange between Jada and her sister went so deep as far as brown sugar is concerned. The bowls of fruit look good though.

    I like EJ and Nicole together. No. I'm not a couples fan. It's just that EJ brings out the inner-best in Nicole. You know, being a bitch but relatable, you know? I'll never forget EJ and Nicole's elevator sex scene. I think it was right before or after the Summer Olympics in 2008?. Now, that was hot. 🔥 However, EJ and Nicole are making this way too obvious—like when Stefan kept hounding everyone and their great-grandmother to have a drink with him.

    I know David Kreizman is a breakdown writer and all, but a part of me wonders if he's nudging Ron for a "Kissing Cousins" storyline with this Sloane Peterson character. It would be funny if Sloane and Eric were actually siblings, lol! I've seen those sibling real-life stories before where the toothless brother is all like, "My sister and I care 'fer one another. Our love since day one have been undeniable." while he's opening up a can of pork-n-beans.

    Yeah, most of the men were shirtless today while most of the ladies wore floral print. Gabi's denim is cute though.


  2. Hey! I'm sure there are lots and lots female audiences who would KILL for that smile of Remy's. Kind of like those girls you see at a Justin Bieber concert who want to rip his clothes off or taste his sweat? 

    I will never like the character of Sloane. Yep. Ever since that bitch propped her nasty ass feet on the table next to breakfast fruit and pastries at the Kiriakis mansion. Oh, yeah! I will never get that image out of my head. If someone did that inside my house? Oh, no, no, no, no. We're about to have some serious words.

  3. This show is about to get a big ol' Maury Povich boooooooo! 

    What a dumb ass cliffhanger and to only have it told like this. Those flashbacks had me feeling all the fantasy, hennies! Well no, not really. 

    Also, can we some more additional sets to Bill's mansion instead of that fireplace corner set? All Shelia does is pace back and forth going from the couch to the mantel of the fireplace likes she's got nothing better to do.

    And Bill? Don't you be talkin' trash about how much you despise Shelia. Sweetie, you got some lovin' inside that oven of hers, Mr. Man.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    It wasn't very good. Monday's tribute. The questions from the audience were so generic and the same garbage they always ask. They mentioned Mamie was returning to the show for a few episodes.

    Oh, okay. I'll watch it and I don't watch Y&R. It is a milestone, so I'll consider the goofy air and the audience of this Y&R tribute and take it worth a grain of salt. 

    Hey, I wonder if the The Talk will comment how Y&R beats them in the ratings department. 

  5. I never have liked the way these daytime talk shows give soap-opera tributes. I mean, it just feels like there's something different in the air. I'll watch it, but If Sheryl Underwood is the one with the mouth covering this Y&R milestone, then I'll clinch my jaw and smile. Actually, throw in clown Jerry O'Connell. Us clowns need to stick togetha 4-eva! 🤡

  6. C'mon, Kate. We all know how hospital gowns work. Show us some skin! So, they do make hospital gowns in that color. When I was at the hospital, they looked at me all weird when I asked if they had gowns in a shade of blue instead of green. I look better in blue although I do like a good kiwi or forest green. Back to Kate, show us some skin!

  7. 15 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Oh for sure.  It would never work. On a different note, I noticed when Kate was talking to Bo she was saying they were family mentioning how she was married to his father and brother, but no mention of being his daughter's grandmother.  Does Chelsea not exist anymore?  lol..

    Kate mentioned Chelsea to Bo today, so I'm glad the writers didn't forget that history. 

    So, an anti-age serum to make Megan and Bo dip into the fountain of youth? 😂 Okay. Actually, it would be funny if Megan and Bo reverted back to 30 or 40 years ago played by a younger Bo and Megan, lol! Meanwhile, Dr. Rolf seems to be having issues aging them back. After a year or so, older Hope becomes a cougar for her younger Bo. And it's Hope's kiss that ages Bo back to 60 while Megan remains to be the younger breathless wonder who still wants to be with her Papi. And that Papi is Bo Brady.

    This storyline is genius. 

  8. Quote

    But actually, EJ and Nicole are doing this so that Li will catch them and void Gabi’s marriage agreement, so that she loses her chance to keep Li's shares in DiMera.

    Yeah, it's pretty predictable. I just didn't think that it would be so soon after the secret drugging and the constant urge for Mr. Mixologist to make EJ coffee, vodka martinis, Glenlivet neat, or whatever cocktail concoction he conjured up.

    It's just too soon to be doing all of that although I'm curious about the Megan/Bo/Hope/MarDevil/Kayla/Kate/Steve/John/Roman stuff.😁

  9. 39 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    It happened exactly as you described. I kept thinking I must have a device glitch, or I need coffee! But then I saw your post, and then I noticed comments about this on twitter.

    It's possible some viewers may have assumed the episode was over, and stopped watching when the "glitch-credits" began displaying, I sure hope that didn't happen, but who knows.
    If anyone stopped watching, they would have missed that important Megan/Bo/Kate scene at the end.

    Yeah, I had to rewind it two times to make sure I wasn't smoking crack. Hey, it happens. I was doing crack-like behavior but minus the jaw tweaking because that can be so brutal. And I love my cute teeth. But no, I had to rewind it twice. So wild. I was still intrigued though as I noticed today's episode seemed a little longer. 

  10. Major goof-up in today's (3/17) episode, lol! Will they correct WHEN to do the ending credits? Actually, it was done twice. Glad I could still hear the audio during Marlena and Kayla's scene with Dr. Rolf toward the end. So wild. No, not the actual story itself. It's Peacock. Sloppy.

  11. She's just so nagging, but the complete opposite of Roseanne. She seems passive-aggressive and it's mind-boggling to see her in a relationship with that guy, lol! He seems like the kind of person who would take all his sh*t and leave.

    Maybe Darlene will have a coming out story which might explain her nag, nag, nag behavior. Maybe once she comes out of the closet, she'll be back to being a cool character. 😄


  12. 10 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    Oh, I could not agree more!! Joe has a tendency to accidentally step in [!@#$%^&*]. He's not trying to hurt people. 

    The former guy chose to roll in it like a pig and enjoyed every second of it. He loved hurting people.  It's a completely different thing. I can't believe that despicable man still roams free among us. The internet keeps telling us that fast food kills, but I'm still waiting.


    Yeah, I was going to say the same for Joe. The other guy is a racist turd among other things. I remember his recent Trump Digital Trading Cards where he offered all sort all sorts of prizes like a free trip to one of his golf courses or Zoom meetings to meet with him. I would've done the Zoom meetings. 

    As I sit on the commode spreading my lovely fragrances and whiff it over his way.

  13. I just want to see Shelia hit it. She's in the perfect place to give some tickle for the pickle. You know what I'm sayin'? Mmm-hmm. Go to Daddy DILF and then go get some from Mr. Pizza Pie. Hit it, kitty and flaunt it even with 9 toes. Werk, girl. 

    Ridge's hair kind of reminded me of Steven Seagal back in the 90s. Then I wondered how Ron Moss would look in that getup with his hair all pulled back.

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