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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. Week 11

    Magnum 18.3/28

    Dynasty 16.7/26

    Gimme A Break 12.1/19 /You Again?11.0/17

    Week 12

    Dynasty 17.2/27

    Magnum PI 16.9/26

    Gimme A Break 13.6/21/ You Again? 13.0/20

    Week 13

    Magnum PI 19.7/29

    A Year in the Life Pt3 17.1/27

    Dynasty 16.7/25

    *Dynasty 3rd in timeslot for the first time this season

  2. Wk 7 of 86/87 season.

    World Series was out of the way so regular programming in place.

    Wed @9

    Magnum 17.0/26

    Dynasty 16.7/25

    Gimme A Break 15.9/24/You Again 13.6/21

    So CBS' decision to move Magnum away from Cosby was working.

    8 hours ago, kalbir said:

    Fall 1988 ABC moved Dynasty to Thursday 9 pm head-to-head w/ Cheers where it was DOA. Brandon Stoddard knew exactly what he was doing when he moved Dynasty to a time slot that had been a dead zone for ABC since Fall 1982.

    ABC was on a huge cost cutting drive following Cap Cities takeover.

    The Spelling exclusive contract was seen as wasteful and not producing the results it had throughout the 70's/early 80's.

  3. Was the Stewarts' cabin around in the story at that time?

    It seemed reasonable enough that at some point the Hughes and Stewarts would invest in some land outside of Oakdale, w/o it being mentioned onscreen.

    Perhaps the whole idea was that they knew at some point the value would increase and they could sell for a good profit, so when Brad came along they were interested.

    Otherwise, unless you planned to build on it, what is the point of having land just sitting there not earning any income?

  4. 2 hours ago, JAS0N47 said:

    Wedding Day on NBC from 6/8/81-6/12/81. (This is the only one to have been given an average rating of its 5 episodes).

    Wedding Day was a trial series. Bill and Susan Hayes were involved in some way. I can't recall the details but they wrote about in their SOD column. I think it aired in the morning 10am? They followed a couple through wedding preparations culminating with an onscreen wedding.

    Does anyone know more?

  5. Hugh Franklin's obit in Variety Oct 1 1986 makes no mention of his role of Charles Tyler on AMC.

    It talks about various stage roles and only mentions numerous tv appearances.

    Quite an oversight(deliberate?) Don't know who was responsible but it seems strange not to mention an acting role he had for over a decade.

  6. 3 hours ago, Neil Johnson said:

    The very idea that the Hughes family owned a silver mine (despite their history as firmly middle-class) is/was ridiculous.

    The initial story was that the Stewarts and Hughes owned adjoining land out of town.

    Brad discovered that there was silver there and through his new friendship with Lisa, got the Hughes to sell them the land. He also needed the Stewart property and approached David and Ellen. David found out there was silver and decided to lease out his property to another company. Brad began mining the Hughes land and Joyce,Melinda and Jay got involved along with Brad having interactions with Annie, Dee, James and Don. So they were really setting him up as a central character.

    Don't quite understand from synopses why Brad and the Stewarts had separate mining interests underway.

  7. The half hour format, although ideal in many ways could be restrictive as there isn't room to bring in much needed new characters. And to continually focus on the same characters year after year inevitably leads to problems especially when there is recasting.

    Don't know why Labine/Mayer wouldn't have welcomed the chance to drop some characters for a while b/w recasts and bring them back months/years later to a new set of story opportunities.

  8. Loving really was a useless addition to ABC daytime. They had a full schedule of soaps as it was, so there was no viable timeslot, it was ahalf hour at the point that all the 30 min shows were struggling and it brought little to the table in terms of innovation or dynamic storytelling.

  9. Was that a different Mary Ellison Hughes? She looked nothing like Kelly wood.

    Why not at least get a blonde actress? Or just say that Mary was unable to attend?

    It was more important for Don to be there.

    Doug Marland set things up for Christina to turn up a teen in the 2000's but subsequent writers weren't interested in mining history.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Was this Doug & Julie's third wedding?

    No, their second . They married in 76 and divorced after Julie was burned. Doug then married Lee. Finally they reunited and remained wed until they left in 84. when Julie came back in 90 they were now divorced.

  11. Earlier under Irna Phillips, Don was more clearly defined I think. He was more of a contrast to Bob, more ambitious and resentful of Nancy's treatment of Janice.

    By the time he came back in the mid 70's a lot of that was forgotten/ignored.

    They should have kept Don's stepdaughters by Janice in the picture as they could have become honorary Hughes and the show would have had 2 young women to write for.

    Irna drastically aged them (for no real reason) in the mid 60's but they could have played around with that a little and kept them early 20's in the mid 70's.

    They could have held off SORASING Dee and Annie. Those 2 characters had only a few years in the spotlight when they should have been leading the next generation.

  12. Bo/Hope wedding rates the same as Pete/Ivy from the same year.

    Surprised there wasn't more of a bump for Bo/Hope. Culmination of major story/location shoot/expensive wedding gown etc.

    In fact Bo/Hope rates lower than Larry/Hope the year before.

    I wonder if there was any fall out from that in terms of expense v ratings result?

  13. On 11/1/2023 at 3:44 PM, SamandWillowFan said:

    Roger on GL slapped Alex back after she slapped him,


    On 11/1/2023 at 3:44 PM, SamandWillowFan said:

    Billy Lewis returning Reva’s slap


    On 11/1/2023 at 3:44 PM, SamandWillowFan said:

    he had to be held back by Austin from hitting Sami after she slapped him


    On 11/1/2023 at 3:44 PM, SamandWillowFan said:

    slapped Dorian back after she slapped him

    So it was OK for women to slap men but if they retaliated it was casual violence?

  14. 5 hours ago, P.J. said:

    When the Dobsons took over ATWT, they didn't have that with the Hughes, who at that time consisted of Bob, Tom and teenage Frannie. 


    Donald Hughes was also onscreen in 1980 when the Dobsons arrived. So they had the two brothers template, one a doctor and one a lawyer, similar to the Bauers.

    But I think Don and Bob were pretty similar by that stage.

  15. 22 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Honestly, from the looks of those clips, it really makes it seem like Paul was the standby after things fell apart with Danny. 

    Well that is the story they want to tell in light of DD's absence and the availabilty of Michael Damian.

    I do wonder, moving forward how this will play out.

    Will we have a month or so of Chris/Danny/Phyllis getting some reasonable airtime with things wrapped up and MD and LLB heading off together and LLB back to occasional appearances as a lawyer? Seems most likely scenario.

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