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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. To conclude Dynasty's ratings for the 86-87 season

    It made a comeback in the second half of the season, winning its timeslot and fending off a possible challemge from Night Court.

    However, the numbers were down and ABC decided not to risk another go round at 9pm as it was vulnerable. So Dynasty was moved to 10pm and the John Ritter 'Hooperman' and Dabney Coleman 'Slap Maxwell' were inserted @9. Dynasty now faced The Equalizer and St Elsewhere in 87/88 season.

    Week 27

    Dynasty  19.6/29 Magnum PI  15.9/25 Night  Court 16.6/25/ Tortellis 12.0/19

    Week 28

    Dynasty  16.3/25 Magnum PI 15.9/25 Night Court  rpt 15.8/24/ Tortellis 12.0/19

    Week 29

     Dynasty  17.4/28 Magnum PI  11.2/18 Night Court  15.8/25/1 hr episode

    Week 30

    Spenser for Hire prempts Dynasty

    Week 31

    Dynasty  16.9/27 Magnum PI  rpt 12.0/19 Night Court  rpt 12.0/19/Easy Street  rpt 12.0/20

    Week 32

     Dynasty  16.8/27 Magnum PI rpt  13.2/21 Night Court 14.9/24 /Easy Street  rpt 13.7/22

    Week  33

    Dynasty finale  17.8/29 Magnum PI  r 12,4/20 Night Court 15.2/25/Easy Street rpt 12.2/20


  2. 1 hour ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Well, Charles & Victoria routinely rewrote their scenes. And, Victoria wrote some for the show, whole storylines. I don't see how it would be them. They were so involved in the writing that they'd be happy with it, if you see what I mean.

    I don't have any idea who Amy Carlson might be referring to , but just b/c VW was involved in the writing doesn't mean that she would be happy with a particular scene and want to play it a different way.

    Speaking of Wyndham and her claims of writing storylines, I wonder why she has never given a hint as to what they were? Would she have received payment for that and if so how would that be handled as she was in an unofficial capacity?

    She would hardly have done it for free. And if it were all a bit shady, why mention it at all?

    She lost me with that story that Brandon Tartikoff  liked her so he kept AW on the air. Maybe it was a joke but she didn't tell it that way.

  3. I guess because soaps with a family structure were successful, that set the template for daytime.

    SFT and LOL began with a family structure. GH and TD veered from that a bit but had a solid setting with the hospital, which sort of represented the family home I guess.

    Never Too Young tried a youth focussed story and flopped. Even Dark Shadows had the Collins family at the core.

    Irna, Bill Bell and Agnes all believed in the family structure.

    Degrassi, Melrose etc weren't daily daytime so acceptable not to follow the format.

  4. Re Farrah. From Bill & Susan's book-

    To me his most memorable conquest at Sergio’s was a gorgeous nineteen-year-old with natural blond hair that cascaded over her neck and shoulders. The blonde came on to Doug, introduced herself as Diana, Goddess of the Chase, and looked at him expectantly. At the piano, Bill Horton was left with his mouth open as Diana and Doug glided out into that hot September night with only one purpose in mind. The actress
    was Farrah Fawcett, and in just five lines, her charisma and innocent sexuality had jingled every guy in the studio.

  5. 7 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    So, when a new set like this one pops in, it stays up for a bit.

    Yes like when Sharon's cottage returned. So this new set will hang around for as long as the story requires.

    i just think they need more imagination and ingenuity to deal with the set situation.

    Y&R have always had permanent sets like the Abbott mansion,CL etc and then other sets that came and went. They have more permanent sets now because of the crew situation.

  6. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    An awfully nice set for a character (or characters) who don't appear to have long-term potential on this show.

    That set might be used for a couple of weeks to justify putting it up, but overall the set situation remains a mystery.

    The tack house returned for a few eps for Mariah/Tessa as did Sharon's cottage during the Cameron story.

    But they refuse to do any office sets for say Sharon's business, Devon,Summer etc

    Jack/Diane got a bedroom set but others have to have sex in their living room.

    Office/bedrooms only have to be a couple of walls and some furniture. Very puzzling...and annoying.

  7. May 87. Who's The Boss' aired an episode that was a possible spin off-'Mona' based around Katherine Helmond's character.

    Premise was she goes to visit her brother (James B Sikking) in NYC where he has bought a down at heel hotel.

    Other cast Joe Regalbuto, Paul Sand, Susan Walters,Robert Petkoff, Billie Bird.

  8. The final year of Somerset, quite a read, but good to have the storyline in one place.

    Julian Cannell, the editor of the Somerset Register, finds his marriage to interim Register publisher Kate is floundering. Vickie Paisley, local heiress and co-owner of Paisley’s Department Store,makes no secret of her attraction to him. 

    The marriage of Dr. Jerry Kane and his wife, Heather, seems to be faring no better, as Heather chafes under Jerry’s constant instructions and orders, feeling that he refuses to acknowledge her ability to function as a responsible adult. Finding that housework doesn’t fulfill her personal need for accomplishment, the newly married Heather |
    Kane gets a job singing with Bobby Hanson at the local coffee shop. When her husband, Dr. Jerry Kane, curtly informs her ‘that it’s out of the question, her
    job is demeaning to his career, Heather angrily moves out

    Ellen Grant and her daughter Jill Farmer were both widowed last year, when their husbands died in a car crash in Italy. Jill inadvertently sidetracked the attentions
    of the one man her mother has been interested in |since the tragedy, and Ellen herself suffered terribly when her new love, Jon Wheeler (reporter Carrie Wheeler’s —
    father), was senselessly killed by a burglar.

    Carrie is now falling in love with Greg Mercer, Heather’s half brother, also a reporter on the Register staff. 

    In the past few months Somerset has undergone a  series of robberies, muggings and murders which has raised panic among the residents, and business is suffering, as the ere now fear to leave their homes.

    Ginger Cooper is pleased when her husband, Tony, is promoted to manager of Paisley’s Department Store,but quickly finds that his longer hours are upsetting to
    their little son, Joey. Finding that Tony is working closely with beautiful Victoria Paisley further complicates Ginger’s thinking, but Tony hastens to assure her Vickie’s harmless.

    Ellen Grant, widowed last year,  befriended Dale Robinson, a graduate student at the university, and he’s renting a room in her home. Dale takes a parttime job as a toy-collection Santa Claus.

    Greg Mercer is continuing his investigation into the murder of Carrie Wheeler’s father, despite police warnings that he not interfere.

    Having deliberately aborted their expected child because she felt she’d lose Julian while unattractively pregnant, Kate Cannell sees that her actions have also killed any love he had for her. Determined to take revenge on him, she informs him she’s returning to the newspaper as publisher, which means he’ll be demoted back to editor. When Julian refuses to work under her, she coldly tells him she was going to dismiss him no matter what he said.

    Now desperate for an editor, Kate forces the job on Greg Mercer. And, as she’s having trouble handling her job, Kate leans heavily on the young reporter,to Carrie’s annoyance and dismay. But finally Kate’s emotional guilts and pain become too much,
    and Dr. Terri Kurtz gently suggests that she look for |psychiatric care. Fearing commitment, Kate attempts suicide and is hospitalized. As, her condition worsens,
    her commitment is processed.

    Tony, under increasing personal as well as business pressure, is having chest pains. Dr. Stan Kurtz, examining him, warns he must take it easy or he could have a full-scale heart attack. When Vickie gives Tony a cashmere coat for Christmas, he finds ‘himself involved in an affair. When Tony expresses regret at betraying Ginger, Vickie, who hasn’t gotten over her feelings for Julian, who rejected her, tells him that all wives know,-they just don’t say anything. Vickie assures Tony their relationship has no strings and warns him off when he suggests he’s falling in love with her.

    Heather decides to try to work things out with Jerry and goes to their cabin to talk. Horrified to see another woman in her bedroom, she runs out and turns to Bobby for consolation. They spend the night in separate rooms, but in the morning Jerry walks in and chooses to make his own assessment, calling her a tramp. She slaps him and throws him out.

    Vic Kirby tries to help Jerry and Heather to a reconciliation,but Jerry’s insistence on Heather’s giving in to all his demands infuriates her, and, unwilling to give up her independence, she walks out.

    Dale and Ellen become lovers. Ellen tells him she’s happy to help him financially with his career—he’s planning to be a doctor—but she won’t consider his marriage proposal. Dale presses her to overlook the age difference between them, and finally coaxes her into agreeing they’re engaged. When he offers her an engagement present, half of an antique coin, Ellen is horrified, as she recognizes it as half of the coin Carrie’s father gave Ellen’s daughter, Jill, just before his death. Dale insists he bought it from a guy on campus but can’t go to the police, as he has a record
    because of a teenage robbery.

    Vic Kirby is overjoyed when his son, Chris, shows |up at his cabin. Chris took off years ago. Vic's happiness soon becomes despair, however, as Chris reveals that he is the murderer who’s been terrorizing Somerset. Vic realizes from his son’s ramblings that—
    their misunderstandings during the boy’s youth warped him, and tells his son he accepts the blame and they'll go away together.

    But Dale has been arrested on suspicion of robbery and murder.. One of the victims was attacked by a Santa in the area he’d been working. At the moment that the latest victim, Sarah Brisken, is clearing Dale,Vic persuades his son to let him call the authorities|promising to stand by him.

    Ellen and Dale announce their engagement, to mixed reactions throughout Somerset. Jill rushes home from Hong Kong, where she’s been visiting her brother  David, convinced that Dale only wants Ellen’s money. Seeing her mother’s happiness makes Jill waver, but seeing how cavalier Dale is about letting Ellen pay for everything reconvinces her he’s out for what he can get. Ellen’s friends try to gently show her there will be problems—for example, can she give him a child?

    Tony is angry to realize that Ginger and Joey have seen a great deal of Julian lately, and he’s jealous of his son’s growing attachment for their friend. Tony rushes to Vickie’s for consolation after an argument with Ginger and has a heart attack there. Vickie rushes him to the hospital, but Ginger arrives before she can leave. Ginger doesn’t believe Vickie’s account of ho the attack actually happened, but can’t confront Tony now.

    Tony survives, but his recovery will take time. He confesses his affair to Ginger, insisting he still loves her and his son. Ginger is shattered, but decides to take him back for Joey’s sake. But Tony, who expected her to say that their marriage is over, now tells her he’s going to get an apartment when he leaves the hospital; he needs to be alone. Ginger is badly hurt by this.

    When Jill continues to castigate Dale to Carrie, insisting he’s only out for a meal ticket, Carrie asks if Jill’s vehemence is perhaps due to her own attraction to Dale. Jill, taken aback, finally admits it’s true. Jill then gives Dale and her mother her blessing, telling Ellen she tried to attract Dale to make Ellen see how foolish she was. But now Ellen is having second thoughts. When she confides this to Jill, Jill suggests she look at it from
    Dale’s side: Is he making a mistake by marrying Ellen?

    Julian is stunned to learn that Kate’s condition has |deteriorated. She’s now catatonic, and her chances of recovery aren’t good.

    Ellen goes away to think things out. Returning, she tells Dale he needs to live “wildly and spontaneously”now, that she’s already done that. Their needs are’ different. As he leaves, she tells him she loves him and they must not see each other again.

    Dan Brisken, a retired millionaire publisher, has bought the Somerset Register.

    Heather learns she’s pregnant but insists that Jerry not be told, as she’s filing for divorce. But, through a mix up in medical files, Jerry does find out. Stan makes him see that Heather’s fight is for her independence, her right to grow on her own. Understanding this, Jerry offers Heather a partnership in their marriage, promising not to take back responsibilities from her if she makes mistakes. On this basis they
    reconcile. |
    Somerset has been besieged by a series of fires that may be arson. Greg uncovers information which indicates two men, Gammidge and Bailey, were hired in Chicago to set the most recent fire and Bailey left Gammidge in the building so he wouldn’t have to share the money. Carrie is assigned to the human interest side of the story. Greg follows his leads to Chicago, and on the way back is threatened by a man on the plane. Policeman Lieutenant Price realizes that Greg has opened a major can of worms and places him under protective surveillance. Carrie, realizing how much she cares for him, confesses this to him,and they plan to marry. Julian feels he’s responsible for Greg’s situation—if he hadn’t printed the story,Greg would be in no danger. But the arson ring stations a man with a gun in the building across from Greg’s, and when he answers the phone, he is shot and killed.

    Carrie, refusing to cry, because Greg wouldn’t have wanted that, returns to work right after the funeral. When Gammidge, under. police guard, regains consciousness before dying, she tapes his story, in the presence of his wife and the nurse on duty. When the
    nurse disappears soon after, foul play is suspected. Carrie then volunteers to go through Greg’s things for papers needed to settle his affairs. Only now age
    she break down. She is given sedation.

    Tony, out of the hospital continues to badger Vickie into resuming their affair. Vickie, continuing to make a play for Julian, pointedly evades Tony, until he finally realizes she means it. He leaves Paisley’s and returns to his family’s company, Delaney Brands.
    Tony’s father, Rex Cooper, returns from California |and tells his son he has no intention of losing his only grandchild: Tony is to reconcile with his wife or be disinherited.
    Tony soon learns that without his trust-fund income he’ll be in bad financial shape, but he refuses to kowtow to his father. Ginger fears that Rex will somehow try to take Joey from her.

    But Rex engineers a meeting between Ginger and Tony, which clears the air’ somewhat, leading to further conversations. When Tony suffers another bad
    heart attack and surgery is necessary, both Ginger and Tony admit their part in the breakup of their marriage and pledge to not make the same mistakes again. Since
    the recommended surgeon is in California, they decide to move there with Rex.

    Vickie confounds Julian by suddenly putting their relationship on a strictly business level. She admits to Dan that this is a new tack to win Julian, but refuses to return to the old relationship, saying she’s no longer going to play those games.

    Ellen, trying to forget Dale, has befriended little Brian Gammidge, son of the dead arsonist. They meet sculptor Lucius (Luke) McKenzie, who helps Ellen in her efforts with the disturbed child. They are gratified when the child begins to respond. Ellen is shocked when Luke is injured in a fall. Surgery is performed, but damage to his spinal cord cannot be assessed yet. He’s optimistic, however, and implies to Carrie that he’d like to start a family with Ellen and Brian.

    Julian has hired reporter Steven Slade to replace Greg. Carrie resents Steve’s being there in place of the dead man. 

    Tom Conway, who has been running the Grant law firm for Ellen since her husband’s death, is upset to learn that Ellen’s son David is coming home and may want to join the firm. Tom, who has been collecting powers of attorney from the firm’s clients and making highly speculative investments (including Heather’s stock), gives David his own version of the firm’s assets and situation and makes him an attractive offer.
    Tom explains that David’s interest is litigation and his own is investment counseling, so they can work well together. Tom also introduces David to a local contractor, Mr. Harrington, who promises to speak to a friend in the district attorney’s office on David’s behalf.

    Vickie’s business-only stance has piqued Julian’s interest, and finally, after a late supper at her home, they become lovers. But when, in the morning, Vickie begins to make decisions for them which would interfere with Julian’s work as well as his free time, he makes it clear to her that he won’t let her run his life.Vickie, seeing her mistake, quickly promises to change. Julian warns her they then might not find each other so attractive. 

    The arson-ring trial begins. Steve is assigned to the defense, Carrie to the prosecution. She promises Julian she'll be objective even though she holds an almost murderous hatred for the men who killed Greg. Carrie and Jill find their apartment has been rifled and are unaware that it also has been bugged.

    When Carrie finds a dead bird in her desk drawer, it gives credence to Steve’s contention that Carrie, a prosecution witness to Gammidge’s deathbed confession, may be in danger. He feels Carrie may have evidence pointing to the syndicate’s “Mr. Big,” even if she doesn’t realize she has it. She assures him that Greg’s papers offer no clue. When Carrie is subpenaed to testify, she’s warned that she’s the only
    prosecution witness left and must keep quiet about this. Soon after, Carrie receives a threatening phone call, and when Jill mentions clicking sounds on the phone, David finds the bugs. When Steve goes to collect Greg’s papers for safekeeping, he is attacked, and they are stolen. The tape and Carrie are now the whole case for the prosecution.

    The DA forms a Committee for Public Safety,composed of prominent citizens and police, to try to determine  the extent of infiltration  by the criminal element. This committee learns that Carrie is to be a witness. When Carrie is almost run down in a hit and run,Steve and Julian ask for police protection for her. An explosion in the D.A.’s office destroys the tape, and now Carrie is the whole case. And the harassment is increasing. Then, when Steve is shot at, and a lead he’s following is killed, and he finds a hit man in Carrie’s hallway despite surveillance outside, he persuades her to “disappear” with him. He later calls Julian to say they’ re all right, but refuses to tell him where they are. 

    Television coverage of the trial has brought beautiful Avis Ryan to Somerset, and she’s intrigued with Julian. Vickie knows competition when she sees it and prepares for the challenge. Avis glowingly informs Julian that the network execs liked her tape with Julian and are considering offering him a job as her teammate. 

    Heather, visiting Carrie, is found unconscious at the foot of the stairs. Despite an emergency Caesarean, the baby dies. Heather, who has a subdural hematoma, is in a coma.

    Tom Conway, horrified, calls “him” and protests he was assured there would be no foul play. He’s told Heather was an accident—the wrong girl. Tom want  out but is threatened with disbarment (they have incriminating papers) if he doesn’t locate Carrie for them.
    Heather remains comatose until Jerry, desolate,calls to her, telling her of his love. She finally opens her eyes. Later, learning of the loss of her baby, Heather comes to terms with it, and she and Jerry plan to have another child soon.

    In their hideout apartment, Steve questions Carrie, trying to determine what she might subconsciously know about “Mr. Big.” A noise at the door precipitates their quick exit. Later, Lieutenant Price and Julian follow up a shooting report—the lock has been
    shot off the door of the secret apartment. Steve then |shows up alone, claiming that someone shouting at them caused. Carrie to run away from him. Price implies that Steve turned her over to the syndicate, Julian fires him.

    Nurse Fellowes is. found murdered, and Carrie’s shoe is found in the lake. Price has Steve arrested as an accessory in Carrie’s disappearance. Steve, ironically, hires Tom, who arranges bail.

    When Vickie presses Julian on his seeing Avis, he tells her-he’s tired of her jealousy and tantrums. Vickie decides to get away from Somerset. Julian asks her to reconsider; she refuses. Dan learns that Avis lied about the -job offer to Julian. She admits it, but assures Dan that she wants Julian, and with her contract renewal pending, the other networks would like to have her and she can arrange it for Julian. She pledges Dan to secrecy.

    But suddenly Vickie has a very important reason to stay in Somerset after all. Since he’s now cut off from contact with Julian or Carrie’s friends, Steve visits her secretly, explaining that Julian’s firing him was part of his own plan to allow him fo infiltrate —
    the Organization and flush them out from the inside. Vickie senses that Steve is telling her the truth and agrees to be his intermediary with Julian. Vickie also realizes that if Julian is a partner in this scheme with Steve, he too is in danger.

    After a‘ painful scene with Carrie’s grandmother Lena at the Hayloft’ Restaurant, Steve realizes he has to put Lena’s mind to rest. He visits her after dark, promising her that everything will be all right and Carrie will come through this safely. Lena, reassured
    by him, informs him that she has Greg’s notebooks, which now everybody is looking for. Steve convinces her to let him have them on Julian’s say-so. To ease Lena’s heart, Steven has Julian drive her to a convent out in the country, and there they find Steve with Lieutenant Price. They take Lena inside, where she finds her granddaughter, safe and sound. Julian and, Lena are quickly filled in on what happened at the apartment. Realizing that they were only moments ahead of the hit men hired to eliminate Carrie, they created evidence that she had been either captured or drowned, and Steve hustled her into a taxi with orders that she go to Lieutenant Price’s home. She was then taken secretly to the convent, where she will stay until the trial.

    Meanwhile, Tom is becoming badly frightened of his own deepening involvement with the Organization, and finally decides to go to Lieutenant Price and confess now, before he’s in even further. But Price is unavailable, and Tom is beaten up on his way home from police headquarters. Getting the message, Tom, when asked the next day by Price what he’d wanted, makes an excuse and passes off his bruises and
    swellings as a traffic accident. Price finds Tom’s story unconvincing somehow.

    When Julian instructs Steve to hand Greg’ s notebooks over to the police, Steve refuses; he’s sure of Price’s loyalty, but explains that they don’t know if the Organization has already infiltrated the department or not. When Julian finds that his car has been bugged,Lieutenant Price assumes the bug was installed after
    their visit to the convent.

    Despite warnings from Dan, his publisher, and Fred Harrington that he’s putting his life on the line, Julian has been making repeated statements about his determination to put the big man in the Organization away, once and for all. Tom is frightened when his
    contact man from the organization hints that unles Julian shuts up, he will be shut up for good.

    Steve now embarks on his plan to be recruited by the Organization. Picking a truck stop as a likely starting point, he returns regularly to advertise his need for. a job and his desire to get back at his former friends, making it clear that he doesn’t care what kind of work he gets. Finally, on the night before the trial,Joe Castor approaches him, saying that he has to be tested—you don’t just walk into the Organization.When Steve finds that he’s going along to pick up Carrie, and that the bug in Julian’s car was there before they visited the convent, he leaves all the lights in his place on when he leaves. Seeing this prearranged signal that something is wrong, Lieutenant Price has Carrie warned immediately. When Steve arrives with Castor they're informed that Carrie went with the police. Only after a complete search does Castor believe this: As Steve leaves with Castor, he winks at one of the assembled nuns: Carrie in disguise.

    More to come....

  9. 24 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    P&G had a real purge in the very early 1980s.  

    "Edge" dumped longtime police chief Bill Marceau for Derek Mallory circa 1980.

    "World Turns" saw Nancy & Chris Hughes dumped to recurring about 1981.  

    "Guiding Light" dumped Holly's mother, Roger's father, Steve Jackson, and Sara McIntyre about 1981. 

    The soap press at the time said this was an effort to mimic Y&R, but ironically, at the same time, Y&R was writing very complex storylines for Jeanne Cooper, who was in her early 50s.  

    Also ATWT dropped Judge Lowell, Joyce, Don, Grant, Mary, Jay, Dan,Susan, Sandy etc over a 2-3 yr period.

    GL also dropped Mart Hulswit for younger(slimmer) Peter Simon.

    SFT dropped Bob, Ellie

    AW -John Randolph

    Probably others we've forgotten.

    Another trend was the push to location shooting. It certainly was a welcome change from interiors but instead of it becoming a regular thing where we saw characters in their yards or outside workplaces-day to day stuff, it was saved up for splashy sweeps stunts in most cases. And made the contrast with fake 'outdoor' sets even more noticeable.

  10. Search for Tomorrow

    Laine Adamson ...Megan Bagot Aug 78- Aug 79

    Ambitious daughter of Ted, sister of Sunny.Becomes roommates with widowed Liza to get info on Collins Corp for Ted,suggests Liza sell her stock to finance Steve's movie. Becomes Gary Walton's patient and is attracted to him and vice versa. Also involved with David Sutton. Upset when Carolyn and Gary reconcile and discovers she is pregnant with Garys child. On trial for criminal negligence in construction of Tourneur plant.Leaves town for Florida and attempts suicide David rescues her and offers to claim paternity but Laine decides to leave for good.

  11. Dynasty makes a come back in early 87

    Week 19

    Dynasty 18.9/28

    Gimme A Break 16.1/24/Toretellis 16.2/25

    Broken Vows CBS Movie special 14.1/22

    Week 20

    Dynasty 18.2/28

    Magnum PI 16.7/25

    Gimme A Break 14.3/22/Tortellis 13.1/20

    Week 21

    Dynasty 17.8/26

    Magnum PI 16.7/25

    Gimme A Break 13.6/20/Tortellis 11.6/17

    Week 22

    Dynasty pre-empted for Amerika miniseries

    Week 23

    Magnum PI 20.6/30

    Dynasty 16.9/25

    Gimme A Break 13.6/20/Tortellis 11.6/17

    *Magnum hits a season high.W/o checking I suspect this was some kind of highly promoted special ep.

    Dynasty begins another dip

    Week 24

    Due to Pres Reagans speech Dynasty pushed back to 9.30

    I'll Take Manhattan 22.5/36

    Dynasty 13.7/21

    NBC continued Reagan coverage not rated

    Week 25

    Houston Knights 2 hr premiere 17.1/26

    Dynasty 16.5/25

    Highway to Heaven 2nd hr of 2 hr rpt 13.7/21

    Week 26

    A new possible challenge as NBC moves Top10 hit Night Court from Thursday

    Dynasty 16.8/26

    Magnum PI 16.1/25

    Night Court 16.5/28/ Tortellis 14.22



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