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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. Again thanks to Saynotyoursoap for these detailed posts. I wish there was more information on 1973 and 74 available.

    This is a summary of Jan 79 from SOD

    Joyce is cheating on Don with another lover,Peter. She arranges to meet him at a country inn.They are spotted by a furious Ralph,who tells her he should never agreed to Mary's request to keep quiet.When Don returns from his business trip,Ralph plans to expose Joyce. Joyce decides the only way to deal with Ralph is to get rid of him once and for all.She tells Don she wants a gun for protection,as ever since the robbery,she has felt unsafe.Don agrees to her request.

    Jane is being blackmailed by both John and Melinda over the fact that Beau is unaware he is adopted.John wants money and power and Melinda wants Beau.Pregnant with Beau's child,Melinda wants Jane to break up Beau and Annie's marriage. Jane is doing their bidding by arranging for John to meet important people, and by sowing seeds of discontent with Beau and Annie.She tells Beau Annie doesn't want a child and that her career is more important than her marriage.

    Sending Jay away on a business trip,Hank makes a move on Carol.Fending of his drunken advances,Carol smashes a bottle over Hank's head. Mary and Laurie insist Carol contact the police but she refuses,wanting to forget the whole thing. She doesn't tell Jay for fear he will lose his job.Carol explains her bruises away as an accident at home.

    Alex sees Val's interest in young Kate as a sign she may be ready to get back into life. Kate has had a sad upbringing and now will not speak as a reaction to the accident that killed her foster parents. Alex thinks bringing Val and Kate together may be good therapy for both of them.

    Alex goes to the farm and explains that Valerie is the only one Kate has responded to and vice versa, Val agrees to return to her nurses aide position. Alex is pleased to see Val returning to the woman she was.

    Tina,wanting Grant for herself,tries to break up Grant and Lisa.Pretending to be Lisa's friend,she hints that Lisa's insecurities regarding Grant and Valerie may be justified.Lisa is gratetful to Tina,but wishes she could overcome her agoraphobia and leave the Colman home. Little does she know that Tina is faking this condition as a means of staying close to Grant.

    Carol is again threatened by Hank whilst working late at the bookstore.Laurie comes to her rescue and this time Carol agrees to seek police help.Jay arrives and upon discovering what has been happening,heads to the construction site and beats up Hank. Hank presses charges against Jay and claims that he had consensual sex with Carol.He states that at the time of the second alleged attack,he was with his associate Jack,who will testify as much.

    Grant tells Jay and Carol that things don't look good for them.

    Annie,who is not enjoying commtitee work,is pleased to hear from Susan about a job in the lab.Beau shouldn't mind as it is a 9 to 5 position.Beau is not receptive and says the job will probably demand more than Annie realizes. Annie is surprised by her husband's stance,unaware that he sought advice from Jane, who reluctantly encouraged him to make objections, saying if he gives into Annie on this,she will continue to make demands.

    Annie refuses the job but is resentful and wonders if Beau is the man she thought he was.

    Doug has made an enemy of John by calling a halt to all research projects, thus preventing John from making a name for himself with the rich and powerful. John goes to Jane and request she speak to Doug's boss, and her good friend, Dr Endicott and request that John's project go ahead.John is sure that Jane's financial contributions to the hospital will result in things going his way. Jane has no choice but to agree.

  2. Summary of SOD synopsis Jan 79

    Doreen puts her plan into motion.Mel calls Carolee and lures her to an address,claiming to be the father of a patient and telling her that his daughter is about to give birth.

    It's the night of Kim's party. Billy left LeeAnn with his parents so he and Greta can enjoy the evening. Billy gets jealous when Greta dances with an admirer.

    Carolee is driving in the raging storm,while Doreen is at the Medicine Man establishing her alibi.

    A strange man pulls a gun on a terrified Carolee and they drive to a secluded cabin. She's told he is being paid to do this.He tells Carolee all about herself. She is wondering who could be behind this.

    Kim makes a move on Billy and Luke.

    Steve is worried about Carolee being out in the storm but cannot recall the patient's name. He decides to head to the hospital to get more info.

    Doreen as 'Dorothy' meets up with Mel and is delighted all is going to plan.She will confront Carolee and let her know that Carolee is keeping Steve from her.

    Steve calls in the police as everyone tries to make sense of Carolee's disappearance.

    Doreen visits Steve to offer support.

    Matt has called in a specialist for Mike who is bitter and doesn't think it will help.The doctor questions Mike about the accident and Mike realizes that Sara moving him may have caused his paralysis.

    Bettina,wife of Mike's roommate Hank,talks to Sara and encourages her not to give up as their love will get them through.Sara knows that at this point Mike hates her.

    Carolee's car has been located with no sign of her. Steve is now very afraid.

    Doreen visits Carolee, who tries to make her see what she is doing is wrong.Doreen lashes out and Carolee realizes how deluded she really is.She tries to work out a way of escape,even offering Mel double what Doreen is paying him.

    Missy is having nightmares of her drunken father making sexual advances to her.

    Doreen demands Carolee write Steve a letter, saying she's run off with a lover.Carolee does so and writes that Billy is her first born (an untruth).

    Doreen gleefully mails the letter, unaware of the clue contained within.

    Sweeny advises Missy to be honest with Luke and Missy plans to have that talk.

    Mel wants to be rid of Carolee but Doreen tells him to wait.Mel refuses until Doreen doubles his fee.

    Mel wants money now so Doreen contacts her father Evan Fleming to ask for the money.Doreen is sure he will hand it over,as he 'bought' Jason for her.now that she is dying,he should be willing to give her anything.

    Missy tells Luke she has been seeing a parole officer.She is five years into a nine year parole.Missy says she understands if this is too much for Luke.Luke responds that his past is nothing to be proud of and he thanks Missy for trusting him enough to tell him. But there is more Missy has to confess...

  3. John was still alive and in a synopsis from another source from the same time period I have,he is mentioned working on the trial and trying to talk sense into Marianne.

    Also Elena is mentioned and other details so interestingly, the SOD synopses don't detail everything that occurred.

  4. Summary of SOD synopsis Jan 79

    Olive remembers that while drunk,she told Scott that she was only testifying against Pat to get back at dan for not marrying her.Brian and Scott ell her that she will be put on the stand and that Scott and Dan will testify against her.

    Liz is also upset as the DA says he will call her to testify for the prosecution .

    Karen asks to be removed from the case as she believes Pat is innocent. This pleases Mike,who is attracted to Karen.

    Clarice and Charlie are at odds as he disapproves of her seeing Larry while still married to Burt.Clarice says that without Larry,she would not have survived Burt's desertion.

    Now that he is free of Susan,Dan can now marry Alice.

    Pat is set to go to trial and is worried about Mike's plans to destroy Marianne's credibility by focusing on unsavory aspects of her past.

    Sylvie has agreed to help Iris to style Blaine.

    On the witness stand, Olive retracts her statement after Brian tells her she may face perjury charges.Olive's attempts to blackmail dan into marriage by testifying against Pat have backfired.Brian said he would bring up her affair with Evan,her plan to lie to Dan that she was pregnant and her drunken admision to Scott. The DA is furious about Olive's change of heart.

    Iris tells Louise she is concerned that a young woman like Blaine could easily turn Mac's head. Louise isn't thrilled with Iris' insinuations.

    DA Albini is painstaking in jury selection as he is concerned that women jurors may side with Pat when her own daughter testifies against her.

    Willis is distraught about Gwen's disappearing act and Angie waits in the wings,hoping Willis will turn to her.

    Blaine is interested to discover she and Janice share a mutual dislike of Rachel.Janice tells her of Rachel's schemes to trap Steve.Blaine is sure Jamie is unaware of his mother's past and plants the seeds by mentioning the matter. Jamie then questions Rachel who admits her past is something she is not proud of.Jamie is hurt and confused when Rachel says her dislike of Blaine stems from the fact that she reminds Rachel of her earlier self.

    Rachel knows Blaine was behind this and demands Buzz move on breaking up Blaine and Jamie. Buzz says Dennis is suspicious,but Rachel says she wants results.

    Olive takes the stand but refuses to testify. DA Albini holds her in contempt but says those charges will be dropped if she testifies. Olive is caught between two difficult choices.

    Marianne is unable to testify,which the defense hopes signifies a change of heart on her part.

    Clarice agrees to marry Larry and asks Scott to contact Burt,who heads back from Japan and says that his relationship with the other woman is over and he wants to reconcile with Clarice.

    Dan testifies for Pat and says Pat planned to break up Marianne and Greg because she felt Greg was not honest in his feelings for her daughter,which was proved when Pat refused Greg's advances.Pat pretended to go along with Greg to show Marianne what sort of man he was,but Marianne blamed Pat and believed Greg's lies.

    Mac testifies to Pat's character and relates that Pat said she detested Greg. No amount of leading questions can get Mac to admit any misgivings about Pat and Grag.

    Marianne does testify and states her mother was jealous of her and Greg and killed him.Jim has disowned her and says even if Pat is acquitted he cannot see her again.

    Susan testifies that she was present when Pat told Greg she was leading him on and his threats to make Pat pay.

    Blaine confesses to Iris she made a mistake in marrying Jamie. Iris will use this to make Mac and Rachel miserable.

    Jamie is sensing all is not right with his marriage.

  5. Summary of SOD synopsis for January 79.

    Rusty (Travis) is delighted when Liza chooses to see him rather than attend Jo's inauguration as Councillor.They go for a country trip and dine at an inexpensive eatery, where Liza tell Rusty that she prefers to mix with average middle class people like him,rather than the rich.

    Arriving home,Liza hears from Janet that Stu has had a heart attack and rushes to the hospital.

    Stephanie hopes to patch things up with John,assuring him her dealings with Ted are strictly business.John hasn't the time to listen as he wants to get to Jo's celebration. This infuriates Stephanie and she lashes out,blaming John's feelings for Jo as the real problem in their marriage. John refuses to discuss this,but Stephanie's words echo in his mind...is there truth to her accusations?

    Jo and Stu are the only two not present as Jo is sworn in at the courthouse. Ellie asks Gary to phone Stu,who didn't attend as he was not feeling well.Stu answers but doesn't speak. Concerned,Gary rushes to the Inn to find Stu slumped on the floor,having had a heart attack.

    After a night in hospital,all are relieved to hear that Stu's attack was mild and with diet and exercise,he should be fine.

    David is delighted by John's offer to become a full partner in the law firm.

    David requests to Ted that the Collins Corp stockholders meeting be postponed due to Stu's heart attack and Janet's resultant worry. Ted extends his sympathies,but says it's bad luck to anyone who can't make it!

    Physically,Stu is recovering,but mentally he is depressed and fearful of death.

    Gary confides in Liza his guilt at being with Laine the night Carolyn lost the baby.Liza is shocked as Gary explains the depth of feeling he had for Laine as a patient, but assures his sister that he loves Carolyn and will not be tempted by Laine again.

    Carolyn has lost confidence and drops her patients,instead volunteering at a local juvenile home.

    Present at the meeting are Janet, Laine, Gary, Howard, David, Ted and Stephanie. Ted announces he wants to displace Howard as president and insists it be put to the vote.

    Janet votes no as her and Danny's shares account for 31% and Gary adds his 10% as a no. Ted is a yes with 10% and then Stephanie votes her 49% in favor of Ted.

    Travis is outraged and vows to fight this move against the Collins family. Liza is upset that Laine used their friendship to persuade her to sell her 10% and also used Gary as well.Laine assures Liza that Ted is an astute businessman and the company will grow under his leadership.

    Wendy cannot deal with her parents arguing and blames herself. Her arrest for shoplifting caused them to turn against each other. She decides to run away,little realizing this will create more tension between John and Stephanie.

    Liza plans for the opening of 'You Can Love Again' in Henderson and includes Travis Sentell who has been such a help to her mother,unaware he is her new friend Rusty.

    Stephanie gets a call from the police that Wendy is being held for shoplifting.John rushes there first and is told Jacky Peterson has said that he was the shoplifter and Wendy just an innocent bystander. John isn't buying this as this is Wendy's third time shoplifting.

    Sharon and David are becoming closer,although Sharon's feelings for David are the stronger.

    Travis is fearful of Liza's reaction when she discovers his true identity. but he knows he must tell her and soon,before she learns the truth elsewhere.

    Janet is given the role of VP of Public Relations which she feels will allow her to serve the best interests of both the company and the people of Henderson

  6. Robert Gibson was the actor who played David. There are several actors of that name on IMDB and none list Y&R as a credit.

    Never have been sure of the relationship (if any) between Mitchell and Gwen. I have never read of any connection,nor of another actress playing Gwen.

    The other Dereks were Caleb Stoddard and Jeff Cooper. Apparently the Derek story was dropped for a while until LaDue came on. I wonder why they just didn't make him a new character.

  7. Theo was Katy's brother.He was played by Tuck Milligan and became involved with Greta.

    The Mike/Katy/ Theo story was a low point for the show.

    By this time Amy Ingersoll was playing MJ. I don't know why they bothered with a recast,as Ingersoll could have been a new character,especially with MJ falling for Matt.

  8. Suzi was Jo's niece. She was the daughter of the late Eunice Wyatt from her earlier marriage to Doug Martin,Scott Phillip's father, I think Suzi came about when Ann Williams became pregnant in real life.

    Poor Suzi had a hard time of it. She lost her father when Doug died and gained a stepfather in John Wyatt. When Eunice was murdered Suzi stayed with John,who then married Stephanie who had a daughter Wendy. Wendy and Suzi became close. Then John died which left Suzi with Stephanie. I think at some point there was tension between Stephanie and Jo as to who would take care of Suzi.I think she ended up with Jo.

  9. I wonder how long Mary and Lynn stayed in touch after she left in 61?

    Also,was she ever approached to return,especially considering the trouble they had in successfully filling that role.

    Lynn was lured back to daytime for Return To Peyton Place,but was taped in LA,where she was married at the time to Roy Thinnes.

    When tomorrow comes, what will it bring?

    Will it be Winter,will it be Spring?

    Will a prayer be answered?

    Will the sun rise for you?

    Be it pleasure or sorrow,we'll search for tomorrow...

    That vocal theme was used occasionally in the mid to late 70's.

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