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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. qe7m.jpgTerry O'Sullivan played Judge Sam Stevens.He had of course been Arthur on SFT for many years before quitting and leaving for LA.He played Susan's father on Days before SS. Apparently,he retired in 1970 and relocated to Minnesota. Irecall that he wrote abook about his acting career.
  2. According to the AWHP,Vera Allen was out after the first month. It was mentioned later in June that she was out of town and unable to attend Alice's graduation because her niece Jane was having a baby and she'd left town to be with her.

    This shot of Ann Wedgeworth (Lahoma) is from 68


  3. Some photos to jog our memories

    Lorie and Jed (Tom Selleck)

    Y_RLaurieBrooks.jpgBaby faced Cricket and NinaY_RCricketNina.jpgSnapper and Chris

    Y_RChrisBrooksSnapperFoster.jpgLa Dickson155855e_1_b1.jpgAmanda,Mac's mom14828amanda2.jpgLee Crawford as SallyY_R52.jpg

    Y_R018MaryPattyAndreaEvans.jpgMary and Patty

    Y_R017cPattyLillibetSternJerryDavisJohn.jpgPatty and John

  4. A rare shot of Vana Tribbey as Alice.From everything I've read,she was good in the role and was inexplicably replaced by Linda Borgeson,who was universally disliked.


    The show hinted at Mitch/Alice,which would have been an interesting twist on the Rachel/Alice rivalry.L Virginia Browne did a good job of retooling the show after Tom King and the the 90 min fiasco,but it went down the drain with the Corinne Jacker reign.

    Susan Trustman,the original Pat.

    1965_Chicago_Tribune_Tv_Week7777878.JPGanotherworld03m.jpgThis cast shot would be around 74/75

  5. Stacy McQueen of web series 'Pretty' auditioned for the role of Jenny on GH

    I auditioned and screen tested for the role of Jenny. It was between me and a gal named Cheryl Richardson. We hit it off in the waiting room and I told her (and I really meant it) "Well, if I don't get this, I'm going to be happy you got it." She did get it and I was truly happy. I got a call a week later from the wonderful Mark Teshner saying they really liked me and would I like to come on as a candystriper? My manager was like ABSOLUTELY NOT. He pointed out that it was only a three day gig and we should hold out for something bigger. But I was new in town and I LOVED that I didn't have to audition for it. That's how I got the role of candystriper Sheila Cantillion. The three days turned into four, then a week, then a few months and then they offered me a two year contract.

    Everyone was petrified of late, great Gloria Monty but I really liked her and she really liked me. She always paid extra attention to me and once told me she was grooming me to be the next big thing on the show. Thanks Gloria! But this was during that weird alternate reality time on GH when the wonderful Tony (Luke) Geary came back as some guy named Bill, just a working class Joe.

    Because we all know what soap fans want is to watch a world that's JUST LIKE THEIRS. Anyway, there was very little glamor and it was all about working and not getting paid. All the ones that had been there forever were really wonderful to work with. Except one.

    Let's call her "Ms. Soap Diva". She was mean on and off camera. I was so young and still in that place where I wanted everyone to LIKE ME! (Now I don't give a flip) I liked being on the show the most when I got to be funny.

    When the scene was over, the whole crew applauded, and the producer stopped by later and told that head honchos in New York had called and were really impressed. Everyone talked about how this story line was going to MAKE MY CHARACTER ON THE SHOW. I had a story line for awhile that Bill's cousin and I were always trying to find a place to make out but no matter where we'd end up, we'd always get caught. One time we even ended up in an underground tunnel. (Artie Johnson discovered us!!!) THEN Gloria Monty got fired. Everyone I worked with were getting fired left and right. My story line was growing (Elizabeth Berkley auditioned for my sister!) and we were at a part where I had an abusive father that came back to Port Charles and I got to do this kick ass crying scene.

    I WAS ON TOP OF THE WORLD! And then... it was completely and utterly dropped. The new producer took hold of the show had different ideas. So there never was any mention of it again. My boyfriend, father and sister were fired, and I would go to work, hand Dr. Quartermaine a clip board and go home. I joked about being the highest paid extra in television.

    I think the diva she is referring to is Jane Eliot.

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