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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. Interesting that Lynn would compare the two shows in that she was only on SFT till the age of 16,so her experiences would be very different. I don't think her Patti had any 'adult' stories.Surprised that she said things were unprofessional-how would this be allowed to happen when they had to tape a show everyday?


  2. Funny how things turn out.Had Barbara gone back to Storm,she might have missed out on playing Joyce on ATWT for many years.

    The late 70's must have been a tough time for many older soap actors as there were so many firings and not much chance of hopping to another show.Wonder if Rodell and others were prepared financially and emotionally for it all.

  3. Many thanks for all these articles as they give info that is otherwise unknown(at least by me!) eg that Lassen was off 73-74. It seems hard to believe that they had no story for Patti,but I guess juggling a small cast meant it was hard to fit everything in.I assume Len was written off as well. I guess their return was the time that Len was recast with Jeff Pomerantz as Dino did not want to return.

    Ralph Ellis I think was responsible for the return of Janet and bringing on Liza and Gary and Bruce (Jo's ward). Maybe also Kathy. He really revitalised and freshened up the show and layed the groundwork for years of story.I think he was headwriter from 71-73.

  4. As you stated,there was a lot of negativity to Kim getting involved so quickly with Nick and they were in fact married off quickly (not years of complications to keep them apart).Then once they were married,there was nowhere to go.The Dobsons left and new writers decided to kill off Nick(or was that the Dobsons again on their second go round?) He was on from Jan 80 till Sept 82.

    When dying,he made Betsy promise not to see Steve,which set in motion the whole Steve/Betsy saga.

  5. Interesting that Bobby was 11 in 56 and then married by 1960! Irna went for SORAS when she could have either made Bob older at the start,say 15 or let him age more realistically and be ready to take on 'adult' story in the 60's.

    Ronnie Welch was the second teenage Bob.I think he was the actor that originally interacted with Lisa/Eileen Fulton for a few months.

    I have read that Irma never appeared onscreen and was only referred to, as was Pa's wedding to her in 75.

    Maybe saynotoursoap can shed light on this and how Santos Ortega was written out. I read when the show went to 60 mins ,Pa was dropped to recurring and hardly seen. Was this because Ortega was not well?

    Seeing those stills of Edith after watching the clips,I can recognise her apartment set.

  6. Whatever happened to Jean McBride??

    Did her choosing to leave cause the writers to decide to shift the tone of the show,or was that decision made and Jean dismissed?

    I remember the writers plans that Carl posted earlier in the thread had Meg returning in the early 60's which,of course,didn't come to pass.

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