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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. 7 minutes ago, Khan said:

    That international intrigue with the Chinese patient, Mai-Lin, sounds like something out of...well...out of '80's GH.

    Yes that was an unusual story for GH to tell at the time. a case of the Dobsons trying to go in a different direction?

    It also seems that at this point the decision was made to make Jessie a supporting character. Up until now she has rolled from one story to the next, but now she is a talk to.

    Maybe the idea was after a decade of trauma, they decided to rest the character for avlittle bit and then start a new romance/major story, but that never happened.

    Lee and Jessie could have hooked up and she becomes a stepmother to Scotty. That would have kept her busy in the late 70's.

  2. Nowadays, Kim would kidnap Doug and force him to write a break up letter, devastating Julie.

    Or Doug would discover his true identity as a member of a crime family.

    Maybe Kim is murdered and Doug looks like the culprit so Doug and Julie go on the run to clear his name.

    But those sort of stories weren't on the cards in those days.

  3. On ATWT Lisa had an affair with Michael Shea and became pregnant with Chuckie. After Claire divorced him he wanted to be a father to Chuckie but Lisa didn't want to marry him. When he discovered her son Tom was stealing drugs he forced her into marriage, otherwise he would report Tom.

  4. To think, in 10 years they would all be gone...

    Looking at how TGL ,within a few years, dropped most of the characters and shifted to the Bauers. And people complain about that happening later to soaps in the TV era.

    Dorothy Dix at Home seems to have replaced Thanks for Tomorrow and was even more obscure.

    Interesting concept that listeners didn't take to.

    1. Mansfield News-Journal Nov 9 1976

    Women Given Break In 'Executive Suite' By John N. Goudas NEW YORK (KFS)

     "Executive Suite," 'CBS' glossy prime-time soap opera, hasn't really caught on with the viewers as yet, but it is building. It's the type of show that might sneak Into the hit status if it gets the chance to stay on the air.

    The women's movement should be pleased that "Executive Suite" has more parts for actresses than any other TV series of recent memory, and one of the most beautiful and talented members of the fine cast is Sharon Acker, who plays the harried Helen Walling, wife and mother. Ms. Acker's lovely face should immediately conjure up one of TV's prestigious series from the recent past, "The Senator," in which she co-starred (again as a wife) with Hal Holbrook. She describes her association with the short-lived but still-remember "Senator" as a happy and unhappy time. Happy because it was her first starring part in a TV series and unhappy because she was let go in an attempt to refurbish the series which won awards but didn't rack up the high ratings.

    "I wasn't informed that they were considering minimizing my part, It just began to happen and finally I approached the powers behind the show about it, and they left me no choice but to leave before I was reduced to a voice over the phone," the actress said. The whole thing is academic now since that was some years back, but you could still catch a fleeting flash of pain in Ms. Acker's eyes when she recalls the affair.

    Of course, there's no chance of that happening to Sharon In "Executive Suite" since she figures Importantly In the plot lines.. However, there are so many plot lines running simultaneously in the series, based on the popular 1945 movie, that Sharon and the rest of the company have to make their moments on screen count.

    Just before the series was scheduled to go into production, Sharon got together with her TV family, husband Mitchell Ryan), son (Leigh McCloskey), and daughter (Wendy Phillips) and the quartet of conscientious and caring actors worked to create the feeling of being a family. The obvious immersion and real joy she displays when she talks about acting keeps the subject fascinating even to the most inexperienced layman. Even though Sharon Acker could pass for 30 years old, she's the mother of four teen-age daughters in private life.

  5. 9 minutes ago, janea4old said:



    Friday Jan 12 Canada,  Monday Jan 15 U.S.

    The launch party for Sharon's technology company that she inherited from Cameron Kirsten.
    She's made it into a new venture with a mission to have a positive impact on the world. Half of the profits will go to charities that work to raise awareness about underage alcohol abuse - Delia's Foundation, the Abbott-Winters Foundation, and New Hope.
    She gave her company a new name: "Cassidy First Technology".

    Do we know who is the CEO, COO and CFO?

    I hope Sharon is prepared for a sneaky takeover bid that is in the offing.

    And employees coming and going regularly...

  6. As The World Turns

    Mandy Murdoch     ?????  fitness instructor  9/1984   dated Bob 

    Matt Wilson       Allan Lander (now Alan) 2/1985     Australian detective  Brian McColl hired him to locate Gunnar. 

    Lisa Miller Hughes Eldredge Shea Colman McCall Mitchell Grimaldi (Chedwyn)  Betsy Von Fursteberg    1980 temp replacement when Eileen Fulton had hepatitis;  June 1983-June 84  

    Dorothy ___ Connors     Nancy Pinkerton Peabody   1983- Nov 84       [Jay and Kirk's mother; killed Whit McColl]

    Captain Daniel "Dan" McCloskey   Dan Frazer  July 1984-96  Captain of Police Squad, married Nancy Hughes, had Alzheimer's


    Mary ___ Ellison Hughes    widowed by Brian, they had adopted Teddy (Ryder), the son of Joyce and Grant Colman, secretary

                                          Kelly Wood     75-80; 93   

                                          Janet Bell       Oct  1998 Nancy and Dan's wedding


    Nancy ____ Hughes McCloskey 
                                     Helen Wagner  April - June 56 July 1956-March 81; 1983; April 1985-May 2010
  7. As The World Turns

    Mr. ___ Bundy   worked at the Wade bookstore  appeared at least until late 68   John McGovern            mid 60's             
                            Ivor Francis                   "         "                  
                            Charles White               "          "      
    Miss Doyle   ??? nurse 1968
    Eric Hollister    Peter Reckell     May 2 80-81    brother of Brad  med student, construction worker, married Hayley, thought he fathered Cricket's son Billy.
    Dr. Joyce Brothers       Dr. Joyce Brothers         Nov 23 Dec 2  81; 10/19/1982
    Betsy Stewart Montgomery Andropolous... ..Meg Ryan  Aug  82- June 84
  8. @alexisfan07 thanks for that. I was aware that if a current cast member appears in a flashback but is not otherwise in that episode they must be paid their normal rate. That makes sense.

    But for actors no longer on the show it appears they are to be paid the amount they received for the original episode. That could be quite expensive if it was a highly paid star eg Tony Geary.

    That pertains to speaking parts only I think - someone in the background would not have to paid.

    Now for performers who return for a day or two -are they paid the current day player rate or the same amount that  were getting per episode when they were last on contract?

  9. SFT

    Yes Jacquie Schultz Patti was Jo's daughter and that was it.

    Firstly she was a good 10 years younger than Patti should be. Patti was a nurse who somehow morphed into spunky reporter. She had 2 children who in soap ages should be teens but JS Patti appeared to be child free and so on.

    It was nice to finally have Jo's daughter back but not as Pod Patti.

  10. 5 hours ago, Khan said:

    In that case, good for him!  I think ageism is a BIG problem in the film and TV industry, so I'm glad whenever any older writer who is 50+ lands a steady gig.

    I agree. But the other issue is that soaps can become a closed shop and new younger and diverse writers find it hard to break in.

    And the shows can become 'old fashioned' in their attitudes.

  11. Maybe Lucy should have been brought in for limited runs or at important story beats.

    The message could have been that sometimes there isn't a happy ending and too much damage had been inflicted on Lucy for her to be a regular part of Gary and Val's lives.

    A bittersweet moment.

    Because for her to be forgotten/ignored was amiss.

  12. In my Y&R, Sharon notices an elderly woman at CL. She eventually approaches her and discovers she is the Brenda, sister of Sharon's dad's 2nd wife who has just died. She reveals the history of 'Roger' abandoning Doris for Lorna. Seems Lorna got pregnant and Doris threw him out. 

    Doris' accident could be apart of this. Maybe a la Baby Jane Doris attempted to run down Roger and injured herself instead. Anyway, the marriage of Lorna and Roger was not good and Roger confided in Brenda he very much loved and missed Sharon but accepted things as they were. Lorna forbade him from seeing Sharon as she was very domineering woman.

    Roger eventually died.

    Anywho, Brenda gifts Sharon with some photos and momentos of her dad to give her closure. As for her half brother, Brenda says he and Lorna clashed and he left home.

    Sharon decides to search for her brother Jesse and eventually tracks him down after a few false leads. Seems he has been in some trouble and Sharon takes it upon herself to be his rescuer as she knows what it is to have dark times.

    He come to work at CL and appears very charming but begins scamming tips etc and begins an affair with maybe Phyllis?

    Anyway after much drama he is revealed as an imposter who knew the real Jesse. So then Sharon can find her real half brother and encounter a whole new set of problems.

    1-2 years story there.


  13. It's puzzling to see Liza Chapman's children there. How much knowledge would they have of her role ?

    Hopefully, things have been arranged that they are aware of the situation and don't end up being ignored/shoved aside.Maybe the organizer is planning an overview of the early days and they are there to represent.

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