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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. 8 minutes ago, robbwolff said:

    Texas did location shoots on occasion after the first few months. In 1981, there was an action sequence involving Ryan, Joe, Elena, and Peter Parnell at a zoo. In 1982, we saw Reena and Grant in Palm Springs and then the climax of the Hitopah adventure with Brette, Rikki, Joel, Gretchen, Mark, and Ruby.

    But that was pretty much what all soaps were doing by that stage. Otherwise Texas was strictly studio bound.

    Back to The Doctors expanding, despite all the changes in writers the show still had a solid base of core characters. But the show always seemed to have a limited budget which I guess was down to colgate Palmolive as owners of the show. maybe they were resistant to going to 60 min because of the extra  cost?

    And studio space seemed to be an issue as they would need double the space for extra sets etc .NY studios were limited and expensive so maybe they couldn't come to a resolution on a number of points.

    Imagine a Ihr Doctors with an expanded cast, bigger hospital set a la GH and ablend of hospital drama and family/romance.

    With a new young female doctor taking center stage(not dominating) Maybe Maggie's niece from her sister Nora?

    So many possibilities.


  2. Tragic deaths are a part of soaps, but in the last decades that plot twist has lost its potency through way too many characters being killed off for short term dramatic effect and often to accommodate a popular actor departing.

    Hence the regular back from the dead trope used to undo previous mistakes.

    Who are some characters that you feel didn't need to die?


    Colleen Carlton obviously. All that came out of it was the loss of a next generation core character and the horrible Victor heart transplant story that isn't even mentioned these days.

    Dina- Marla Adams could still bring it and she could have taken Katherine's role as a kick ass older town matriarch.

    Cameron-if they only had Linden for a short time, why not have him escape, cause havoc and maybe disappear, thus leaving the door open for another return.

    Hilary-she could have easily left town and returned when Mishael came back, rather than the dull and covoluted Amanda story.

    Over to you guys..

  3. Going into 87 AW had lost many characters from the canvas the previous year including Cass, Kathleen, Jake, Marley,Larry, Clarice, Zane, Sally etc with Catlin and Brittany soon to go.

    Hardly the time to start killing off more characters. And the killer wasn't really anybody we knew or cared much about.

    They should have put more effort into the core stories if they wanted viewers to be involved.

  4. We have seen the departure of We Love and Learn, David Harum and Nona from Nowhere.

    David and Nona were sponsored by Bab O cleanser and the sponsor simply decided to discontinue producing those shows so they were gone. David Harum had been on air for 15 or so years.

  5. 2 hours ago, kalbir said:

    James Reilly arrives at Days sometime in December 1992 and he cannot get there fast enough. Little did we know that Reilly Days 1993-1997 would shake up daytime at a level not seen since ABC huge rise and dominance some 15 years earlier.


    Unfortunately for NBC that shake up didn't flow through the lineup as ABC had done previously.

  6. 5 hours ago, JAS0N47 said:

    I took that to mean he either was involved in casting both pilots, or more just the second pilot.  

    I didn't realize there was a second pilot. I thought Days was picked up on the strength of the first pilot with the decision made to recast Alice for the series.

    Was the pilot(S) just the first episode script or a completely different script?

  7. 44 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    lol.   There's no way she's under contract.  She had zero appearances in January, zero in December, 2 in November, zero in October, zero in September.  That's 2 shows in 5 months.  What actor would sign a contract like that?  😂


    So Y&R makes no official 'demoted to recurring' announcement and for whatever reason Britni keeps quiet also.

  8. Ken's legacy seems as much a burden to him as a privilege. He has never seemed to have much insight or passion for the show beyond it being a generational thing that he feels responsible for.

    In a way he acknowledges his limitations by handing over the day to day  running of the show to those he feels have more expertise, but this is often misguided. He then belatedly tries to make changes but the whole thing seems patchwork. See 'The Plan to Save Days'

    Compared to his mother  who had a very clear notion of what she wanted the show to be and worked closely with writers and producers.

    You don't really get the sense that Ken has a clear vision and is more likely to glom onto whatever current producer or headwriter wants to do.

  9. Thanks @JAS0N47 Didn't know about that feature.

    Burt Metcalfe talks about the Days pilot and casting of Frances Reid, but wasn't Mary Jackson cast as Alice originally and taped the pilot, then replaced by Frances for the series?

    Maybe Burt Metcalfe just forgot that detail. But trivial as it might be, its how misinformation is spread.

    That's why the need interviewers with a lot of knowledge.

  10. Texas didn't live up to the hype.

    The comparisons with Dallas were a handicap. No 5 day a week serial could compete with a once a week primetime show, especially one that was a cultural phenomenon.

    I don't recall location filming extending beyond the initial weeks. Despite what Rauch was claiming the lighting was harsh and unflattering.

    Seriously, claiming to revolutionize daytime TV is setting you up for ridicule and failure.

    I don't know why NBC took on another P&G show.

    Better off developing something they could have greater control over.

    And expecting Paul Rauch to oversee 2 shows, when one of them was already in the doldrums.

    It would have been better all round to expand The Doctors, following the template ABC had used for GH.

  11. Fran Myers grew up on soaps so should know the genre inside out. So if she is messing up what hope is there?

    As for new writers , do they love soaps or are just cheap hires greatful for a gig?

    Also, if they are like some of the posters here, their knowledge and understanding of the genre starts and stops with 90's soaps. Or maybe the vintage 80's stuff if they want to go waaaay back.

  12. And all these plot points lead nowhere.

    With no budget to depict business stories and inept writing, they need to steer away completely.

    Have Victor retire.  Dispense with Newman Media. Jabot has to sell of Marchetti and Fenmores to stay afloat etc.

    Scale everything back. Have most characters working at Jabot like the good old days.

  13. 3 hours ago, danfling said:

    Yes, Connie certainly was more interesting!


    I remember that the real Silver was eventually murdered, but I do not remember who killed her.  Part of the storyline was that Palmer rolled her dead body in carpet and disposed the carpet and dead body.   He and Erica remained friends due to this.

    But, I think that a better plotline would have been that Silver did not die, and Palmer told Silver to leave town.   Palmer would have then told Erica that he dispensed with Silver's body (although she was not really dead).   Palmer could have used blackmail at times in the future storylines to get Erica to help him with all the things that he plotted.

    Good idea. Too many characters are killed off. This would have allowed Silver to return at some point, leading to complications for Palmer and Erica.

  14. Quinn was an attractive intelligent woman of color (played by a fine actress)who, through sheer luck I think,became one of the longer term characters at that point.

    She had yet to wed so there was a lot of story possibilities open to her. She had an adopted daughter and grandchild so that story avenue was there along with business and romance potential. And she was a good friend to several characters. So the writers decided to drop her. Makes sense.

    That continual revolving door of characters was one of the fundamental mistakes AW made.

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