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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. 46 minutes ago, GLATWT88 said:

    Seems like poor foresight to place Love of Life at 4pm instead of 3:30. The 3:30pm slot is doing well at maintaining GL's audience - perhaps viewers were sticking around til 4pm and letting that hour block conclude before switching off or onto something else. Wonder if the network just didn't have much faith in LOL and keeping a rerun that could pull in numbers was just a wiser move than jeopardizing the slot in the case LOL still manages to underperform. 

    The 3.30-4.30 slot of MASH and Match Game seemed compatible programming. An hour of comedy following the soap block.

    So then to drop Match Game for Love of Life seemed odd. LOL had played in the morning for years and expecting viewers to find it in the afternoon was a big ask.

    If they really wanted it to work it would have been scheduled following GL with MASH moved to 4pm.

    But clearances were lower at 4pm and MASH was probably too valuable to be placed there.

    I think it was just a way to get rid of Love of Life and blame the ratings.

  2. So it took a year from Marland's arrival to  see some significant ratings movement.It usually takes about 6 months for a new writer to set things into place-deciding which stories/characters to play from previous writer, finishing up plots , introducing new characters  and stories and then letting things flow from there.

    A pity that sometimes new writers weren't given a little longer to execute their vision.

    On the other hand, with some of them the sooner they went the better.

  3. So what's the deal with Billy insisting on a name change to Abbott Chancellor winters? First of all -Who cares?

    Has this come from Jill or just Billy trying to assert himself?

    And since when has Jill used the Abbott name? Last time I noticed it was Jill Fenmore Atkinson. She hasn't been an Abbott for years. Much ado about nothing.

    Notice that the bar where Jordan met Seth had one extra passing through and GCAC had 2 servers and 2 customers but no receptionist for CW or customers at CL.

    So Ashley is losing it because of that argument in a Paris bistro? After all her previous issues, wouldn't she have some strategies in place to deal with any triggers? I'm assuming a wealthy woman like Ashley would have access to the best care?

    Sorry but I am going to comment on appearance. Victoria looks so much better with her hair fuller rather than the stringy look she sported for years. But the tight white top emphasized how thin she is.

    So tired of the man in the dark suits/shirts.

    And Jack/Lauren/Nikki/Victoria etc have time to wander around town while supposedly running those businesses they otherwise are obsessed with.

  4. @danfling this article should answer some of your questions


    Some highlights

    After having been in the Navy for two years, Michael then went to the University of Minnesota. In his junior year, Michael found himself falling asleep in the journalism advertising classes, and decided that he wanted something different.

    "I was going to be a writer. My father was a self-made businessman and I didn’t want to go into business. I tried writing, and I found it to be a very lonely and difficult thing," Michael recalled.

    Had he ever thought of acting before then? Michael’s answer is very adamant. “No, I had never thought of it. I had always thought of acting as sort of sissy stuff! When I grew up, it was all sports and fighting. I remember, even in high school, thinking, ‘who would go out fo the class play?’”  he continued, “Because I didn’t want to work, I decided to become an actor!”

    It was while Michael was at the Guthrie Theater he met his wife, Elizabeth. She was teaching at the University, and was also writing plays, one of which the Guthrie Theater produced. Their son Aaron, was born at this time. (Elizabeth also has a son, Scott by a previous marriage. Michael’s son, Jason, by his former marriage, also lives with them). 

    1965 found Michael heading for New York, and his first Broadway role. “I got a part in Royal Hunt of the Sun. That was with David Carradine. Then after that I did some work at Lincoln Center, and at the Stratford Theatre in Connecticut.”


  5. 11 hours ago, dc11786 said:

    Days" introduced almost everyone (except Kitty and Danny, renamed and regendered Sandy) but quickly wrote out Addie, Ben, and Steven.

    Bill was not there at the beginning and arrived at Xmas for a few eps played by Paul Carr. Ed Mallory assumed the role in June 66. so really it was only Mickey, Marie and Julie. And Mickey was strong supporting, not leading  story.

    I think the plan all along was to establish Addie/Ben/Steven and then have Julie stay on as a neglected teen.

    Not sure which Loving characters should not have been there at the start but a few might have been held back with the focus on fewer characters and stories at the start to help viewers get into the show.

  6. Taylor Miller signed for a year and any chance of her continuing was shot down by her disappointment with the writing for the character.

    She would have been better coming on as a new character than try to take the place of one half of the most popular character on the show. Although that didn't work for Sharon Gabet.

    In any event AW should have known she wasn't going to renew and slanted the writing towards Sally leaving rather than killing her off.

  7. 1 hour ago, GLATWT88 said:

    Am I correct to assume that GL was recording episodes one week before they aired back in 1980? Was this common practice or am I misunderstanding? 

    Different shows had different lead times one to three weeks was pretty standard I believe at that time. 

    A Days script from 84 has tape date March 16 and air date March 30

    Y&R 1980  tape date July 17 air date July 22

  8. 8 hours ago, dc11786 said:

    It's a large foundation that you would need to be willing to rest at different times.

    Maybe not all of the Donovans should have been there at the beginning.

    Looking back, Days kept some Hortons offscreen at the start, Y&R had Lorie waiting in the wings and when Marland introduced the Reardons and the Snyders other family members were mentioned but not onscreen.

    It's an effective strategy, even if other siblings turn up within months.

    The 2 sister angle would have worked well with Generations with Ruth doing and another sister still struggling. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    To me it shows that the basic soap opera format Irna created will always prevail - old-fashioned or not. Despite being lauded for its “innovations” Bell’s Y&R, at its core, was still a very traditional soap with much more in common with say Irna’s ATWT than the “contemporary” soaps and style that emerged with it in the 70’s. 

    The “innovations” people like Monty and Reilly may have brought people in, but it was ultimately a short-term fluke that went out of style after the monumental highs that were experienced. 

    The above-mentioned storyline with Victor that garnered these ratings was similar to one Irna first told on her radio soap "The Road of Life.” On that radio soap, Dr. Jim Brent was on his way to John Hopkins, suffered amnesia, arrived on a farm with a widow and her crippled sister-in-law, and fell for the widow. Bell, of course, also told a variation of this story with Mickey on DAYS

    And that story could be told today.

  10. 8 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    It's still ridiculous, Paul, especially since we see nothing that Sally does or works on. There's not one business story on this show that works.

    Also not working? Casting child actors who look like they're stoned. Dominic and Harrison could not look more uninvolved and bored and disinterested than they do. The other child actors are no better, because they never seem to forget they're "ACTING."


    Totally agree-my comments re Sally were to highlight that ridiculousness.

    The way business stories are written, anything can happen as we don't see it on air. Sally could have easily landed a gig redecorating say Lauren's apartment , with everyone raving about how great a job she did w/o ever seeing it.

    It really puzzles me who is overseeing this. Does anyone at CBS or Sony review story or are they that disinterested that whatever Josh serves up they agree to as long as the shows get made on time and on budget?

    As for Mr Griffith himself, with so many directions to go in, he never fails to choose the least interesting or illogical path.

  11. 12 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    Already Sally's business is in trouble?

    She started this new business WEEKS ago and is suffering financially and in danger of shutting down? ALL offscreen, of course.

    This show is suckage.

    That's actually quite a daring move for Josh.

    Usually all business ventures are super successful from the get go.

  12. The first appearance of Kings Row. This is when ABC started a block of soaps for the first time. They resurrected Against the Storm, Lone Journey ,Mary Marlin,Valiant Lady and stole When A Girl Marries from NBC.

    I guess we'll see those synopses in coming posts.

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