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Posts posted by teplin

  1. On 3/26/2019 at 1:53 AM, danfling said:

    I cannot remember if Michael Malone has been mentioned here or not.   However, so much of his work (when he was first writing One Life to Live) was better than excellent!


    His work on AW was terrible. I was excited when it was announced the show had hired him because I'd heard such great things about his OLTL work (and I had been impressed with the little I'd seen).


    Some of his AW story ideas had promise, but man, did they suck on screen. To be fair, I think it was a time of incredible behind-the-scenes turmoil on the show and he was stymied at every turn by suits.

  2. I like Drake and I think he and Deidre were (and are) a good pairing. But I thought Wayne & Dee were better, and I was rooting for Roman & Marlena rather than John & Marlena. 


    However, I continue to think Jed Allan was Dee's best screen partner --- she became a soap phenomenon after Don & Marlena broke up, but she never again reached the level of performance she did with Jed.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Efulton said:

    Beverlee Mckinsey was one of the reasons I got hooked on Another World in the mid seventies,  I never thought I would ever accept anyone else as Iris but Carmen Duncan won me over.  RIP.  


    Same here. I never entirely bought Carmen as iris but I came to enjoy her very much. It was stupid to get rid of her when (and how) they did. She should have been there until the end.

  4. 19 hours ago, BuckyB12 said:

    She sought out her birth mother, Sylvie Kosloff, who was a famous fashion designer, but she had grown up "lower class," which horrified Iris.


    The show didn't come right out and say so, but it was pretty obvious Sylvie was intended to be Jewish and that wouldn't have sat well with Iris, either.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Vee said:

    As I said I think what JFP did to her scarred her - on some level I think she partly feared it had been a fault of her performance, and vowed never to let it happen again.


    I agree. I think a similar dynamic was in play with Susan Seaforth Hayes and Jim Reilly on DAYS

  6. 16 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    I think the show would have been fine if Courtney hadn't been fired.


    I agree. I was very young, but I don't remember being upset at all that Mary Matthews was killed off -- certainly not like I would have been if DAYS had offed Alice Horton at that time. I think Courtney's Alice was the linchpin of the Matthews family. Her natural warmth and charisma somehow made the dull-as-dishwater male Matthews', Jim and Russ, a bit more interesting. With her gone, they just receded into the woodwork. (Bailey was okay opposite Laurie Heineman, because her nervous energy helped animate him, but his teaming with lackluster Janice Lynde was a bust.) It didn't help that the Matthews' that came in the wake of Courtney's firing, like Susan and husband Dan, were also boring.


    I loved Beverly Penberthy's Pat, but she had a different kid of dynamic with her family members than Alice. 


    I still maintain that what Lemay did with Rachel, Mac and Iris was the best soap material I've ever seen, but getting rid of Courtney was a huge, huge mistake.

  7. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    What really made GL at all watchable in those last 15 years were the actors and their chemistry with each other.


    I think that's the case for all soaps the last 20 years or so -- the stories and production values are so bad, affection for the characters is pretty much all that's left. I don't blame the writers completely, the handicaps -- from network interference to performer guarantees -- have become pretty much insurmountable.

  8. Soap actor/writer Richard Backus: 


    Michael (Malone) and Josh (Griffith) were developing a late-night soap opera for the Fox Network to be broadcast at 11 pm. It would compete with the late-night talk shows and news programs and would offer a great alternative to those two genres. It was to be set in New Orleans and entitled 13 Bourbon Street. They very much wanted me to write for them, and I convinced the new executive producer at OLTL to let me out of my contact to join them. A cast was hired, a pilot was shot, a studio in Queens was rented, sets were built, and then the executive at the Fox Network who had hired Michael and Josh was,himself, fired and his replacement had to prove that everything his predecessor had okayed was worthless, so he canned the idea of the late-night soap. For a while, he decided it would be a primetime (once a week) show and we switched gears to write a weekly show. Then, after we'd written several episodes, he dumped the whole idea. It was a costly decision as something along the lines of $13 million dollars had been spent on cast, sets, etc. The pilot, which I don't think ever aired, was terrific, but the show was over. Michael was immediately hired at AW in hopes of rescuing that show, and, once again, he brought me with him. The executive producer balked at many of the wild ideas Michael had for the show which is too bad because some of them would certainly have attracted an audience. Finally, it came to a head and Michael was fired, and as his protege, I too was fired when my contract came up for renewal. Not too long afterwards, I was happy to hear that the executive producer was also fired, but the damage she had inflicted was already done.



  9. 4 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    OMG, yes that is Dolph Sweet. I had never seen him this slim before. I'm almost tempted to say they used a body double in a few close-up body shots, but they would not have gone to such trouble and expense for a commercial.


    The TV-movie that commercial is inserted into is from 1975. Here's Dolph in 1974. I think they just dubbed him in for the commercial actor.



  10. On 6/19/2018 at 6:14 AM, DRW50 said:

    Is this Dolph Sweet at 42 minutes? It sounds like him but I don't remember him being this slim.


    I don't believe that's him, no, and he's not listed in the cast on IMDB. However, Leon Russom (Willis #2, AW) is in the movie, titled "Judgement: The Court Martial of Lieutenant William Calley.

  11. Lemay: "The next writers after her...and the producers...one producer in particular that I won’t get into, who still to this day has black hair, were becoming increasingly injudicious."


    JFP must be the black-haired producer, right? I swear I've seen Lemay complimenting her in the past -- and he consulted for her on GL and OLTL as well as AW. 

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