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Posts posted by teplin

  1. Cali Timmins was by far a better Paulina and her chemistry with Tom Eplin sizzled at times. I was big Jake/Paulina fan when she played the part but it fell through once Judi Evans took over.

    It's funny how divided fans are on the Paulina portrayers. I thought Cali was a big snooze and that Judi scorched up the screen with Tom. But I know lots of people that agree with you ... and lots of people who agree with me. I do agree with you that Paulina and Joe were a huge mistake.

  2. Did Vicky W. even bother to submit herself for an Emmy after the 70s? I always got the impression she had very little interest in awards.

    Boy, I wish today's soaps would throw us a bone once in a while with scenes like the Rachel-Ada one above.

  3. Are there any John and Felicia fans here? I loved them together!!!

    John and Felicia were a controversial couple for AW viewers. To me, they made no sense together -- even though they did try to establish John as a big-time doctor at the time, so he fit more naturally into Felicia's social circle (except it never felt natural if you were a long-time viewer). I also never believed that Felicia, even if she would have fallen in love with John, would hurt Sharlene by going after him.

    That said, the story brought some wonderful, meaty material for Linda Dano, David Forsyth and especially Anna Holbrook to play. I remember a few confrontations between Dano and Holbrook that were just thrilling.

  4. I know the show used Phil Collins' "In The Air Tonight" for the culmination of its Miami location sequence, but I never saw this. None of what's going on here seems familiar to me, so I must've missed a larger chunk of the show in that era than I thought. What this clip brought to mind for me: Michael Leon (Pete) was a terrible actor. Lisa Trusel (Melissa) was a weak actress, but I loved her anyway. There was a time when Josh Taylor was sexy as all get out. And '80s fashions really sucked.

  5. Susan Flannery was amazing as Laura -- both smart and sexy, icy and hot. Rosemary Forsyth came off as somewhat of a schoolmarm in comparison. Plus, I thought she was too old for the role. Her coldness was effective as Laura descended into madness, however.

    Bauer's Laura bore no relation to the one that came before.

  6. I remember that quote. I wondered at the time what 50-something Deidre Hall, the network's most popular and highest-paid daytime performer, thought about it. I also remember that, as a young teen, I was fascinated by AW's Mac, Rachel and Iris, and had no interest in the show's teen stories. I hear the same thing over and over again from AW watchers of my generation. Have young people really changed that much over the years?

  7. I saw this news reported elsewhere early yesterday and was hoping it was a mix-up. Sad to read this morning that it's been confirmed. I loved Keating's portrayal of Carl, both pre- and post-redemption. His performance was hammy in the very best way -- just this side of over the top but always absolutely committed and totally riveting. There's another current thread about actors who "phone it in" ... Charles Keating never did. I found Carl and Rachel's romance hard to swallow from a logical perspective, but I couldn't deny the chemistry, skill and dedication of the actors. I still find it hard to believe that so much airtime was spent on a courtship between two characters in their 50s while TV networks were becoming ever more obsessed with the elusive youth demo. I understand NBC strongly resisted it, but there was no denying the fan appeal of Carl and Rachel -- or the talent of Charles Keating.

  8. Was it one that's on Youtube?

    I didn't recognize it from YouTube, nor did I recognize the two characters involved -- but it was a B&W clip from the '50s. The premise had Mrs. Masters and her new African-American nanny/maid watching the show, which is a favorite of the nanny's.

  9. Jacker was definitely Rauch's attempt to recapture some of Lemay's magic. Like Lemay, she wasn't a soap writer -- she was a playwright. And she had some worthy ideas -- but I felt the execution was, for the most part, terrible. I remember being extremely bored by her stuff. But yes, some great performances shone through.

    I also agree that the show was terribly produced at this time. I was pretty young during the Lemay-Rauch years and I didn't really start to pay attention to the look and feel of the show until 1980 or so -- but my mind always flashes to this era when someone mentions how gorgeous AW looked under Rauch. Maybe it was in the 70s, but in the early 80s it looked cheap and felt shoddy.

  10. Anne was miscast as both AW's Nicole and DAYS' Kim ... but she has always seemed like a sweetheart in interviews.

    Philece Sampler, an utter disaster as Donna, would have been much better as Nicole. Her acting persona is certainly much closer to that of Kim Morgan Greene (Nicole #1).

  11. "Did ANYONE like Rachel and Mitch together? I haven't heard from one person who did. Not when her true love, Mac Cory, was still there."

    I loved the beginning of their story, when Rachel seduced Mitch in St. Croix. But I never for a single moment believed that Rachel loved Mitch (aka the block of wood that walked like a man). They must have had fans because the story lasted much longer than it should have. I saw no chemistry between them at all – VW's Rachel was so vibrant and alive in scenes with Doug Watson and so dull and limp with Mitch. I always wondered if Wyndham deliberately "sabotaged" scenes with Mitch so she could get back to her favorite acting partner.

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