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Posts posted by teplin

  1. Susan Flannery Laura and Jaime Lyn Bauer Laura were like two completely different characters. Rosemary Forsyth Laura, who was the Laura viewers watched lose her mental stability, was much more like Flannery -- even as her grip on reality slipped, her persona was still largely cool and composed. Nothing at all the breathy, dithery Bauer Laura.


    I don't think I've taken Marlena seriously as a therapist since 1983.

  2. 16 hours ago, Xanthe said:

    Mary left Reginald because he was rotten to the core -- he wasn't written in a way that gave her any justification for being loyal to him after she found out what he had done even though she had apparently loved him up until that point. There was no subtlety about his character and he had no redeeming features.



    Yes, that character was badly conceived, badly written and badly played by John Considine. He might as well have been twirling his mustache every time he was on screen, he was so over-the-top eeeevil. That made it hard to sympathize with Mary and her choices, even though Denise Alexander had audiences in her pocket from day one in her previous soap roles. I think Alexander made the best of what she was given, but the show really failed to capitalize on her appeal.

  3. On 1/12/2018 at 6:09 PM, denzo30 said:

    I always thought the best writing would have been after Mac died, why not get Rachel and Russ back together. 


    Only if there had been a recast -- David Bailey's Russ was stultifyingly dull. 


    1 hour ago, adrnyc said:

    My entire family watched the show, and then pretty much the entire theater department in college watched it once I got there and introduced them to it.


    Your theater department would have really gone nuts over Harding Lemay's 70s-era AW.

  4. 21 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    What was the point of rewriting Iris' backstory in 1978 and then rewriting it twice in 1988?


    I'd argue that the 1979 reveal that Iris was adopted by Mac was a development that furthered story and character, eventually propelling Iris to stories -- and a series -- apart from Mac. I do think the 1988 "fix" was entirely unnecessary. 

  5. On 12/17/2017 at 11:09 PM, DRW50 said:

    If there's any consistency to early '80s AW it's that the show is simultaneously boring as hell and weird as hell. 


    ABC was firing on all cylinders at the time and AW was as dull as Ada's dishwater. It really was a slog to get through most days.Really, all I cared about was Vicky Wyndham and even she was saddled with dreck. 


    It's no wonder the show sank in the ratings. AW would get appreciably better by the mid 80s, but it was too little too late for lapsed viewers.

  6. I bought Kathleen Layman as a cop from the get-go but I always felt like Sally Spencer was playing dress-up. It wasn't just the way Spencer played MJ, the writers also had a hand in weakening the character. As with Carmen Duncan's Iris, I pretty much pretended the actress and her predecessor were playing completely different roles. 

  7. 12 hours ago, robbwolff said:


    Sometimes the issue involves Apple's Safari browser, which is very problematic with videos not playing, the system freezing and/or crashing, and pages not loading. I had this issue with both my work and home Macs. In my case, my solution was upgrading my version of Safari (for free) and using other browsers like Chrome or Firefox. Since these fixes, I've had no issues.


    I use a five-year-old iMac with Chrome or a two-year-old iPad with Safari to access this site and have no problem at all with either one. (And I love the videos, please keep them coming.) I just tried it with my four-year-old iPhone, and yes, the heavy video threads are a disaster -- but I wouldn't expect any different. 

  8. 10 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I always thought it was odd when Beverlee and Vicky Wyndham were nominated repeatedly in the late '70s but would usually lose out to other women, even AW women. It makes me wonder if there was some dislike.


    I don't think either woman played the game of attending industry events, schmoozing with stars and execs from other shows and networks, and granting endless interviews to the soap press. They did their work and they went home. That's often misinterpreted as "putting on airs" and could very well have been held against them. 

    56 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Bev also accomplished an incredible feat if you think about it - Iris was such a definitive and iconic soap role, to then have similar success and create another strong character is not an easy task. I wonder how AW fans felt seeing her in a different role at this point. I know she given the choice to return to AW as Iris in the late 80's, but refused and wanted to continue as Alexandra. 


    It broke my heart that she didn't return to AW, but I think she made the right choice in the end -- the writing on GL during her reign was, for the most part, leagues better than AW's. I tuned in to GL as much as I could to see her, but that unfortunately wasn't very often. I thought she was spectacular as Alex, though, just as she had been as Iris. 

  9. 8 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:


    In addition, Victoria Wyndham later revealed that the suits at NBC had said AW was not the type of program they wanted on their network. Whatever that is supposed to mean.


    NBC was reportedly unhappy that Rachel and Carl drew more fan mail than any other couple on the show, interpreting it as a sign that AW's viewers were old, mostly holdovers from the AW glory days, and that there was little to no potential to grow the audience as long as that was the case. They got rid of Charles Keating in an attempt to reposition the show, and I'm sure they would have loved to dump Vicky Wyndham as well, but they didn't think the little audience they had left would stand for it. 

  10. 14 hours ago, Khan said:

    Yeah, I can't see Jim and Angie hooking up in some May/December romance -- and I wasn't even alive when Maeve Kinkead was on the show!


    Speaking of May/December romances -- or perhaps August/December -- I've seen it claimed that Lemay's story projections for his 1988 return included bringing Pat Randolph back ... and pairing her with John Hudson. How anybody would know that, I have no idea, but I would have loved to see Beverly Penberthy on a regular basis again.

  11. On 4/17/2017 at 11:29 PM, vetsoapfan said:

    For the most part, writer DS did pretty well using the past in her 25th-anniversary episodes.


    Except, of course, for the completely out-of-character Gwen Frame. It was as if Swajeski was writing Opal Gardner rather than the sophisticated architect Gwen had been in her initial Bay City run. 


    Courtney and Wyndham also had a brief but very nice scene at Mac's funeral. There was so much history between them that every interaction was charged. But I guess that escaped new viewers, and that's who really mattered to TPTB.



  12. 15 hours ago, watson71 said:

    And that promo aired during the week of April 30- May 4, 1984.  There is no mention of the show' s 20th Anniversary or the return of Jacqueline Courtney as Alice.   These should have been AW's promos for that week.


    This has always been a mystery to me -- arguably the biggest star in the show's history returns to virtually no promotion and barely any storyline. I really wonder what was going on behind the scenes.

  13. 5 hours ago, watson71 said:

    Sources say AW plans to experiment soon with a James Bond kind of story line.


    Did this ever play out on screen? I don't recall it -- though I think there was some spy-type nonsense with Michael Hudson at one point. 

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