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Posts posted by teplin

  1. 19 minutes ago, Donna B said:

    AMEN. I've hurt for it with Maggie and Marlena both in the past. But, I am more in pain for it to be Julie.


    Ditto. I hated it when Jim Reilly treated Maggie like a piece of furniture and deducted 50 IQ points from Marlena. But this feels even worse. On the one hand, I'm thrilled to see Julie on screen more than we have in years. But I hate that viewers who don't know the real Julie – who didn't see her progress from troubled schemer to romantic heroine to high-powered businesswoman – are labeling her racist because of the way Ron is writing her. 

  2. Bouncing back from the removal of your heart is a tough one, but I guess Jack survived the removal of some vital organs. Still, I'd be happy to see Barash back as a completely new character. He and Camila Banus definitely have chemistry, but I never bought him as the son of Stephano and Vivian -- to me, he comes across more as a Midwest insurance agent than a man who controls the DiMera and Alamain legacies. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, Donna B said:

    Julie is one of those characters, who despite some OTT acting, makes DAYS feel like DAYS for me when I see her. Soaps need that connection to their history...it even makes the stories richer for new viewers. 



    Were it not for Julie, Maggie and Marlena, I'd never bother with this show.


    None of them have been treated well story- and character-wise for the last 25 years, but they are my link to the glory days. 

  4. On 9/30/2019 at 11:26 PM, ironlion said:

    Finally took the time to watch the mardevil storyline, heard about it for years but never really got to watch it till I discovered 1995 DAYS episodes on youtube. Do you all think Corday should have green lit this?


    Marlena's possession was really the end of Days for me. Oh, don't get me wrong, I watched it every day. It was so audacious, I just couldn't believe they were going there. But it destroyed all of my investment in the show and its history, and in Marlena, who had always been one of my favorite characters. It was clear, especially in the denouement to the storyline, that nothing that happened on this show mattered. 


    And don't get me started on the Salem Stalker -- Reilly didn't even bother to try to make any sense of that. Marlena murdered all these people, but she didn't really, but we saw her do it on screen and the "victims" were buried before they were magically transported to a tropical island. Was everything we saw the Stalker do just a figment of Marlena's imagination? Were the victims also hypnotized so they just thought they were being murdered by Marlena? More importantly, why do I bother with questions about this idiotic tripe?

  5. Sheffer's reign was the first and last time I watched ATWT with any regularity -- not every day, but enough to keep up. I loved Rose and I liked what he did with Barbara. At the same time, I understood the objections of long-time viewers and I've always felt that both he and Guza were embarrassed to write for this medium. He sounds like a great (if eccentric) guy IRL, though. RIP.

  6. 20 hours ago, RavenWhitney said:

    I think there were individuals who were good at one point as an EP then super horrible and for various reasons


    Sometimes on the same show: Paul Rauch presided over the glory days of AW, then let it all fall apart around him after Harding Lemay left. 

  7. 40 minutes ago, KMan101 said:

    Yep. I prefer Eileen's Kristen. I think the writing is to blame but only partly. It's how Stacy is playing her. I want some more vulnerability. She's just completely unhinged. She's on contract so this needs to be toned down a tad.


    Y&R viewers -- was Stacy's performance more layered than her Kristen has been thus far? She just seems so "hard" to me in appearance and manner. Eileen's Kristen did a lot of despicable things, but I always felt that Eileen let us see the psychic wounds that were driving Kristen. I haven't seen this with Stacy. (To be fair, Eileen played the transformation from good girl to bad girl, so she had a history Stacy doesn't.)

  8. On 8/23/2019 at 1:58 AM, Wendy said:

    So trippy to see young Marlena with Jed Allan's Don Craig, Doug with dark hair, and cool to see Neil Curtis again.


    Agreed -- I still think Marlena's best pairing was Don. Though she was pretty much a different character back then, before she was lobotomized by Jim Reilly. 


    I remember this period as being terrible -- and it pretty much was, but I kept watching because of the characters. Doug & Julie, Don & Marlena, Neil & Liz, Marie, Alex, Tom & Alice, Trish, Wesley Eure's Mike, Barbara Stanger's Mary and yes, Josh Taylor's Chris ... I loved 'em all. 


    Thanks so much for posting this, DRW50.

  9. ABC was coming on strong and AW & DAYS were both, quite frankly, in terrible creative shape -- I'm not surprised they experienced such a ratings drop. But I am surprised about Texas beating AW, especially given that Texas was up against GH and GL.

  10. 13 hours ago, watson71 said:

    Given JFP's record at other shows, she probably would have tried to get rid of Mac (Douglass Watson) and Ada (Constance Ford) if they hadn't passed away and were still on the show in 1995-96.


    Nothing would surprise me, but I imagine Vicky Wyndham would have walked if that came to pass ... and that, for me at least, would have been the end of the World. 

  11. 2 hours ago, robbwolff said:

    There was no talk at all of Iris moving over to the new soap. Rather, Russ Matthews was going to be a core character.


    Well, the star power of David Bailey would have ensured a hit! /s


    IIRC, Beverlee McKinsey had decided to leave AW and TPTB reconfigured their Another World: Houston plans to make the show a starring vehicle for her, keeping her in the P&G family and giving Texas a better promotional platform – McKinsey's Iris was insanely popular. But it was the "love to hate her" quality that clicked with viewers, and that was lost when she was refashioned as a romantic heroine for Texas. 

  12. 28 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    It’s too bad we never really got that second stint from Lemay - but then, over the longterm, who knows if lightning would have struck twice (it rarely does).


    True -- but the few weeks he was actually in charge were pretty great. 

  13. On 6/12/2019 at 12:54 PM, slick jones said:

    New season begins tonight.


    It was a great kickoff to the new season. I've long maintained that this show is the closest thing we've got to old-style daytime soaps, before Dallas and Dynasty and the go-go '80s led every show to focus on outrageously wealthy characters and increasingly outlandish plots. Everything that happens in this show seems like it could and would actually happen to these people, and the consequences for them, their family and their community are finely observed. It reminds me of the way Doug Marland built his canvases -- and this season's plot about Nova's book (and the impact it will have on the people she loves) calls to mind Jamie Frame's notorious novel on AW.


    I also love the way this show looks, from the lighting that beautifully highlights every shade of skin to the artfully composed shots of bucolic Louisiana. My only frustration is that I can't seem to convince anyone else to watch it! 

  14. On 4/29/2019 at 11:28 PM, watson71 said:

    What do you consider the 55 most significant events in AW history?  I created the list below in order of importance.


    That's quite a list! Hard to quibble with any of it, I'd just sprinkle in a few behind-the-scenes developments, e.g. the hiring, departure and short-lived return of Harding Lemay; the disastrous expansion to 90 minutes; the endlessly revolving door of writers and producers in the last 15-20 years; pressure from NBC to make the show more compatible with DAYS; and Beverlee McKinsey's decision to leave for TEXAS (and not come back in the wake of TEXAS' cancellation).

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