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Who is Miss Rue's Down Low Lover? ep135 pt2
ReddFoxx commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in S.T.E.A.M.
A good fight scene never fails. DC's family is a mess and definitely one of the highlights of the blog. The end of the Daniel and Sharon scene was classic soap opera. Talk about cold water. -
Who is Miss Rue's Down Low Lover? ep135 pt1
ReddFoxx commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in S.T.E.A.M.
The DC and Karim scene was good. I can see where both characters are coming from to a certain extent. Ria and Kiko's scene was also great. You've transitioned Ria into her more vulnerable side just right. I can't wait to find out who this person Rufus is looking for is. -
I'm going to try to write more episode in advance so that it won't be so long, sometimes I don't have a lot of time to write. The financial errors at the company happened after Andrew and Anna left, everything was supposed to have been in order before then. I'll address that some more in the next episodes. I try to keep it traditional and modern at the same time, which hasn't been easy all the time, so I'm glad you like the blog. Thanks for reading.
(to allow for more regular episodes, Varied Lives will be posted on weekends mostly) This episode was Co-written by S.T.E.A.M'S ML Cooks Anna and Andrew are at a resort in Italy. Andrew: This is working out better than I thought it would. Anna: Yes, I feel like we are getting back to normal. As normal as is possible after everything that has happened. Andrew: I know I keep apologizing, but I really am sorry for all those years that I wasn't around. Anna: I'm trying not to dwell on that. At this point in our lives, we can't afford to be caught in the past. Andrew: I know, it seems like that's all we were doing before we came here. Anna: I just want to be sure that this is the right thing for the both of us. Andrew: Which is why you haven't answered my question. Anna: I really need time to think about it. Andrew: Our first marriage was not valid because of all the mess with Cassandra and not filing the correct papers. I want to make that right. Anna: And so do I, but before that can happen, we have to make sure the issue we have are settled. Andrew: What it's going to take to do that? Anna: We are almost there. When you first came back, I wanted nothing to do with you. Now, we are on a vacation and really talking things out. Andrew: You know, you made me wait before you accepted my first proposal too. Anna: Yes. Andrew: I recall you saying that you had to be sure it was exactly the right thing for the both of us. Not just you, the both of us. It wasn't a selfish thing. Anna: Marriage is a bond, you've got to take your time. Andrew: And I respect you for that. Anna: Thank you. Andrew: I'm also very patient and can wait it out. Anna: Oh, I know that well. Andrew: Any chance we can work this out before we head home? Anna: I think we need a little more time than that. Andrew: I only say that because you know that we are going to probably have a lot of family issues to deal with. Anna: Yes, there is never a quiet moment back home sometimes. I've learned to juggle, though. Over the years, I had to set aside time for me, while also being there for the family. Andrew: If you can do that, so can I. Anna: Hopefully, we'll have no drama when we get back. _____________________________________________________ WNOV Television Studios Cassandra walks onto a news desk like set as make up people, hairstylist, and reporters all bombard her. Sterling walks up to her. Sterling: Well Look at you. You are doing the big time now. Cassandra: Oh Shut up Hart. This is not what I had in mind. Sterling: In the end it will be all worth it. So are you ready for your big debut? The new WNOV?” Cassandra: Most Certainly. Director: Ok People, off the set. Get into position. We have the two minute warning. Cassandra reviews some of her cue cards. Some topics she is going to cover are the McGregors. She sits back and relishes in the fact that she is about to unleash her soft power to launch an attack on the McGregor’s. She then thinks back on the scene she had with her son a few days earlier. She remembers telling her son that she would not interfere with the McGregor’s. She thinks to herself “I’m not interfering. I’m just reporting on the issue. Big difference. George should be ok with that. _______________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile at McGregor, the Exucutive office. Yvette and Joseph take a seat at a table and turns on the TV. Yvette “Ok remind me again what we are watching that is so important that couldn’t wait until our business crisis is over?” Joe “Relax. We have to be in the know of business here in the city and Michigan. Rumor mill has it that someone bought the old WNOV and they are debuting their new programming today. It’s a new business show. I want to see if we make the cut.” Joe turns the TV on and they are stunned to see Cassandra on the screen Yvette “I don’t believe this. Cassandra? Really come on. You better hope McGregor doesn’t make the cut. It’s no telling what that woman will say.” Joe “I just hope mother and father aren't watching this mess.” He turn the TV up. ________________________________ Back in Italy, Anna is addressing some postcards, when the phone rings. Anna: Hello? Yes, this is Mrs. McGregor. Leonard: Yes, this is Leonard Underwood. Anna: Leonard, I'm surprised to hear from you. Is something wrong? Leonard: I would not have called you on your vacation if it wasn't urgent, but as a board member of McGregor, I'm very concerned about some of the things I've heard. Anna: Like what? Leonard: There seem to be some very big problems at McGregor and yesterday, we found out about them at the board meeting. Anna: Yvette was supposed to keep me apprised of anything serious that was happening. Leonard: I'm sure that she just didn't want to bother you on your vacation, but I felt I had to tell you. Anna: Of course, thank you very much for calling, Leonard. Leonard: It's no problem. Andrew walks in as she hangs up. Andrew: Is everything all right. Anna: No, apparently there are some big problems at McGregor and no one was going to bother to tell me. Andrew: You know that they probably didn't want to disturb us. Anna: When I handed over control, I specifically told them to keep me up to date. I'm not CEO anymore, but I've got a lot of assets tied up in the company. Anna boots up her laptop. Andrew: Remember, we are supposed to be relaxing. Anna: I'll relax when I see if the business media has picked up on this. Anna does a Google News search for McGregor and a link to Cassandra's new station pops up as the first result. Anna: What in the world? Andrew: What is it? Anna: You will not believe who bought the old WNOV station. ________________________________________ WNOVI Cassandra is sitting behind the news desk reading from the teleprompter. “Hello Novi. Thank you for joining us today. I am Cassandra Lightner. Some of you may know me from the Lightner Corporation. I want to welcome you to Novi’s newest local access channel owned by me of course. And we are going to start things off by talking about local businesses. One in particular. It seems that things are not what they seem. I have all the latest details and gossip about... wait for it….( A Graphic come up with the McGregor office building with the text being McGregor being in big red letters so no one can miss it) Cassandra continues reading her script “That’s right Novians. McGregor. They are spinning lies and I got the latest. Stay tuned and after our short message from our sponsors I’ll tell you who’s been sleeping on the job.” Director “Ok fade out! And Cut.” Makeup and Hair people bombard Cassandra one more time. Sterling walks over to her as well “You’re doing great babe.” Cassandra “I know. That’s what I do Hart. Great things.” Sterling “Well you keep delivering your brash delivery and the McGregor’s won’t know what them, again.” Anna is watching a web stream of Cassandra's show. Anna: This looks very bad. Andrew: Cassandra's always been sneaky, that's never changed I see. Anna: And she still isn't done trying to make problems for the company. ____________________________________________________________________-- McGregor Yvette “How in the hell does she know inside information here at McGregor!?” Joe “It seems we have a mole.” Yvette “It couldn’t be George. We hardly give him the time of day.” Joe “We have to do something. I’m going to call our attorney and see if I can order a cease and desist order.” __________________________________________________________ WNOV Director “STAND BY! And were back in 3, 2 1-“ Cassandra “Before the break I told you I had some inside information for you about McGregor. Well it seems someone at McGregor actually was asleep on the job as a major error was found on the balance sheets. Now the company has to go public and are in the process of selling soft assets to raise capital. Since new owners Yvette and Joe took over a year ago from the found parent duo, Anna and Andrew, turmoil and upheavals has followed the next generation of owners. It seems McGregor is in serious trouble and is in danger of going in the red. Even possibly default to creditors and loans and there are now whispers of bankruptcy. Investors and Creditors beware; McGregor is hiding the truth from you.” _______________________________________________________________ McGregor In a rage, Joe throws the TV onto the floor. “This is war. She is going to pay for doing this. That snake just black listed us and exposed our dire financial straits.” Yvette “The better question is, how did she know all of this info? She has to have an insider.” Then their secretary runs in “Excuse me guys, the phone lines are blowing up with investors and creditors wanting out. What shall I tell them?” Yvette “We are about to lose McGregor.” Joe “Never. Call a company meeting immediately. We have to find out who this mole is.” Cassandra steps off set to a phone call waiting for her. Cassandra: I'm so glad you called. I really want to thank you for everything you are doing, it's a big help. You just keep up the good work and you'll be rewarded. Cassandra hangs up. Cassandra: The McGregors do not know just what has hit them.
Ria finally got what she wanted, but she ended up beating up on Kiko. I really can't wait to see where this one goes next. Alexis is really over a barrel, I also am anxious to see what will happen there too.
Lots of good interactions in this one. Natalia is a real trip going to the jail to mess with Sabryn like that. I do enjoy the friendship of Natalia and Ria.
Varied Lives picks up one year from where it last left off. Yvette is in the executive office organizing files when Joseph walks in. Joseph: Afternoon. Yvette: Joe, I'm glad you're here. Joseph: Whenever you say that, you really need help. Yvette: This company is headed for trouble if we don't make some cuts. Joseph: Yep. And unlike the federal government, we can't just pretend to do it. Yvette: That's why I want to get your perspective. Where are these cuts going to come from? Joseph: Advertising is one budget that can stand to be cut. As a marketer, I know that makes you cringe, but it's necessary. Yvette: Putting it down on my list. I have to agree with you. Joseph: That will save a ton. I also think that cutting research and development some should be on the table. We aren't producing anything new at this time, we are spending heavily on R&D. Yvette: That one I really agree with. Joseph: And we'll need to lessen the burden more. I think we've got to go public again, being only privately held is not for us. Yvette: It was a precautionary after what Lightner pulled. Joseph: Yeah, I don't think he'll be doing that anymore, he's been trying to be a part of the family now. Yvette: It's his mother that concerns me. Joseph: She's sneaky, but I doubt she can maneuver that well anymore, now that the SEC is on her case. Yvette: I don't know, Mom was very insistent on the company being privately held. Just family holding shares. Joseph: She put us in charge so she and Dad could go off and work on their relationship. I wouldn't have suggested this unless it was entirely necessary. Yvette: I've always wanted to be a decision maker and now I've got it, so I should be decisive. Joseph: We'll be further in the clear if we do this. Yvette: I'm still a little nervous about going public again. Joseph: Don't worry, we're sharper now, no one that we don't want having a piece of this company is going to get it. Yvette looks closer at a balance sheet. Yvette: That is not good. Joseph: What is it? Yvette: These balance sheets show us with less money than we thought. Joseph: That doesn't make any sense, if we had less money, we would have known before now. Yvette: This is the latest balance sheet. There must have been an accounting error. Joseph: If this is right, we are in bigger trouble than we thought. __________________________________________________________ Cassandra is sitting down to lunch with George. George: I know you have a reason for asking me here. Cassandra: Can't I invite my son to lunch without a motive? George: Ever since I was a kid, you've always taken me to lunch to spring something on me. Cassandra: You are too paranoid sometimes. George: Mother. Cassandra: All right, I do have a small business idea. George: There it is. Cassandra: You can at least listen. George: I suppose. Cassandra: Rumor has it that McGregor is having a ton of financial problems. George: I'll stop you right there. Cassandra: You can at least let me finish. George: I have no desire to hear about another scheme involving McGregor. Cassandra: I'm only trying to help you make money. George: No, you want money yourself. Cassandra: I look out for you first. George: If you were looking out for me, you'd know I don't want to go down this road. I'm trying to build some connection with my family and have some normalcy for once in my life. Cassandra: You barely know these people, you don't know if they even want to know you. Your father has been out of the country for months now, not even trying to get to know you. George: He calls me often and I very much understand that he's got problems to work out in his marriage right now, which is why he's away. Cassandra: Whatever. From my viewpoint, no one in that family is all that interested in bridging any sort of connection with you. George: You are trying to manipulate again. Cassandra: I just don't want you to make a fool of yourself trying to be a part of this family. They are far to arrogant to ever welcome you into the fold. George: After how they found out me and the things I did to get control of McGregor, they're going to be apprehensive. Cassandra: Anyway, since you are not that connected, why not take this opportunity to further our company? Acquisitions are still lucrative for us. George: No, it's off the table. Look, I know the McGregors aren't a big happy family with me yet, but I at least want to try. I have brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. You know how much I've wanted that. Cassandra: What about Vance? George: After all the grief he caused, he's hardly a brother to me. And I didn't think you'd want him as a son. Cassandra: Just an observation, there is nothing I dislike more than discussing the past. George: Your dwelling on past events is what got us here. Cassandra: It's all up to you, if you choose not to take my advice, I will not press it George: And you won't go behind my back? Cassandra: This new trust thing is important to me. I feel bad that I lied to you about your father and I won't deceive you again. George: I just hope that I can believe you. Cassandra: Well, I wish I had something to occupy my time and it would be the perfect project. George: Mother. Cassandra: But, you don't want me to do it, so I won't. Cassandra rolls here eyes in frustration. __________________________________________________________________ Yvette is meeting with the board of McGregor. Yvette: And that accounting error has put us in even further trouble. Alden: I don't understand, how did something like that happened? Yvette: It was a new software the accounting department switched too, apparently some of the number were transposed. Leonard: If we don't have cash flow, we are out of business. Yvette: We do have a cash flow, but it's far less than we need to pay back on creditors on schedule. We've signed very strict agreements that if one payment is late, we automatically pay high penalties. They were high risk loans and the payments are high, these banks don't want to get burned. Evelyn: All right, we can't panic, what assets does the company have that it can use to back up the shortfall? Yvette: Not enough that can be liquidated quickly enough. We've got to come up with $19 million dollars within the next couple of weeks. Seeing as we aren't that big of a corporation, that's almost impossible. Leonard: Point is, something like this should never have happened, that accounting department is supposed to be double checking these numbers before they are finalized. Yvette: I know, but it since the oversight has been made and there is nothing that can be done, we can only move forward. Leonard: When Anna was running this show, none of this happened. Yvette: At this time, no one needs to start throwing around blame. Leonard: It's just an observation. Yvette: I realize that the transition from my mother's leadership to mine has been difficult for some, but it is how it is and we've got to work together regardless of any qualms. Evelyn: She's right, being critical of the leadership won't get us anywhere. We need to start thinking long and hard. Yvette: Thank you, Evelyn. As it stands, Joseph has formulated an emergency plan. Tomorrow we begin the process of liquidation on assets that can offer us immediate cash flow. It will only cover a fraction of the problem, but it's a start. Leonard: Are we done? Yvette: This meeting is adjourned. Leonard leaves, shaking his head. Alden walks over to Yvette. Alden: I know you were giving us the best case scenario version, which wasn't great itself. How bad is it really? Yvette: If we default on any of these loans, we are done for. Alden: Has it made it into press yet? Yvette: No and I intend to keep it like that. Alden: Good, because if it leaks, there is no telling what the creditors could do. Alden leaves. Yvette sits down in a chair and sighs. ________________________________________ Cassandra is reading a business journal on her iPAD, when Sterling Hart approaches her. Sterling: Lightner, long time, no see. Cassandra: Hart, long time, no see and would like to keep it like that. Sterling: You'd think we'd have a friendship bond over almost going to prison for business offenses. Cassandra: That's not something I'd be ecstatic about. Sterling: I'm more excited about the fact that I have more than once dodged incarceration. Cassandra: We share cleverness in common. Sterling: That's why I want to offer you an opportunity. Cassandra: The word is no. Sterling: When you hear my idea, you'll be saying sign me up. Cassandra: I don't think I will, but hit me with it anyway. Sterling: Some ambitious woman who thought she could be the next Oprah decided to buy the old WNOV station, but her venture failed pretty badly and left her with some debt. Cassandra: Go on. Sterling: She's selling that station now to cover her bills and her asking price isn't bad at all. Cassandra: You can't afford it, I imagine. Sterling: I've got some dough, but as you can guess, my cash flow hasn't been strong for a long time now. Cassandra: What on earth would you do with a television station? Sterling: I was thinking we could pull together one of those business channels with a stock ticker, business analysis and things like that. Cassandra: There isn't a market for that. Sterling: I have an idea that would make ours unique. You like gossip, there was never a time that I didn't see one of those gossip rags around the office years ago and you like to talk. What if you put on a talk show that was all about the business world and the latest in who is going broke, who is broke and is just flat busted. Cassandra: You may be on to something. Sterling: These days, controversial is in. There's no one doing a business show like that, you'd be breaking ground. Cassandra: Maybe a reality show to supplement it. Sterling: Now you are thinking big. Cassandra: My sources tell me that McGregor had a huge accounting error, they could default on their loans. It could be our scoop. Sterling: You got source inside McGregor? Cassandra: I didn't say my sources were inside, but I have people who can find information and make things happen. Sterling: Watch out, you don't want the SEC to come knocking again. Cassandra: Don't worry, my powder is dry. Besides, George has tied my hands, I can't do a thing at the company and I am very bored. Sterling: Anyway, this could be great for the both of us. Cassandra: Just when I think I'm finished, you come up with something fantastic and I can get on my feet again. Sterling: That's my job. Technically it isn't, 'cause I'm not getting paid, but it could be if this pans out. Cassandra: Before I invest, I'd like to talk with this gentlewoman, see if her offer is actually fair. Sterling: Sure, we can meet with her tonight. Cassandra: Great, you set it up and then give me a buzz. Sterling: You won't regret this. Cassandra: I hope not. Sterling: Hart and Lightner, back in action. Cassandra and Sterling high five. Fade to black.
Thanks for commenting. I'm not keen on skipping ahead in the story, but I had been absent so long, that I didn't want the story to feel as if it was dragging. The skip forward is smooth and these new episodes are better than anything I've done before. And I did notice my cast list on your blog, I was baffled by that as well. The blogs can have glitches sometimes.
After a very long hiatus, Varied Lives is back and better than before. Head Writer Phillip Connelly had this to say. “The show will be coming from a fresher perspective. I am adhering to a single vision theory and letting the characters drive the story rather than the plot from now on. The progress of the stories will be in real time, meaning that the show's time line will pick up about one year from when the last episode aired. The show is definitely going to be more sleek, but still maintain the modern edge.” When asked about specifics, the head writer had this to say. Cassandra: “Cassandra is still trying to regain George's trust, as George is still trying to get over the fact that she lied about his father. Cassandra decides to take a new career path, which makes for more tension.” Yvette: “Yvette is running McGregor Inc. now that Anna stepped aside to work on her relationship with Andrew. Yvette's approach to running the company is tough and unwavering, which will be a key element that makes the character a strong lead.” Donahue Family: “Carol wants to take her family's business to the next level, but struggles with a slow moving economy. An unlikely alliance will form and that will take the rivalry with the McGregors to another level. Carol's children will also be involved in some entanglements of their own.” George: “George is still trying to fit in with his new found family, but is still finding it difficult. His business practices may also take a turn, proving that he's more like his mother than he would like to admit. He'll also have to deal with other problems to deal with.” Phelps Family: “Teri will be entangled with George mostly, but a new character will play a part in the story for added tension. The rest of the Phelps Family will be involved in a storyline that is to say the least, very shocking. Dark secrets will come to light and shake up the family.” Other news: The show is now two episodes a week, maybe more if storyline dictates it. The head writer said, "I'm aiming for basic storytelling with very character driven stories, I feel I can better do that with a short week." There have been some recasts. The head writer stated that some roles were recast to coincide with the relaunch. “Some of the casting was never quite how I wanted it, now I am more satisfied. Casting: Phylicia Rashad joins the cast taking over the lead role of matriarch Anna McGregor. Other additions to the cast include Jada Pinkett-Smith as Trish Donahue-Dutcher and Daphne Duplaix as Lynette McGregor. Bow Wow is also joining the cast in the role of Hoover Phelps.
It's sad to see S.T.E.A.M go, but you had a great run and you really made the blog section lively with your stories, which was inspiring. As I'm continuing my show and revamping it a bit, I would like to have you write some scenes for Varied Lives.
I have decided to get Varied Lives back on track. I have to make some adjustments to story because of the long hiatus, but it will still have the same tone.
- Varied Lives
- Novi
(and 1 more)
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Glad that you are starting S.T.E.A.M back up again.
Celeste is Sister Patterson sister, good crossover character from the Days canvass. Liked the backstory we got to read about Sister Patterson and her mother. Sister Patterson finding Kevin was very sad, but a strong ending.
George and Cassandra are still shocked at the site of Andrew. Cassandra: This can't be. Andrew: I can't tell you how many times I've heard that since I've been back. George: This makes no sense. Andrew: It's a very long story and we've got a lot to talk about. Cassandra: I need to sit down. Cassandra sits down. Cassandra: I thought you were gone forever, now you're standing at the door. George: This can't be who I think it is. Cassandra: I'd know your father anywhere and that's him. George: It's not possible. We know that he died a long time ago. Andrew: Like I told you, it's a long story, but I am Andrew McGregor. I held you when you were just an infant, I know you couldn't possibly remember. George: I don't know. Cassandra: Let's hear what he has to say. I want to hear exactly why he left, without so much as a word why. Andrew: Now wait a minute, Cassandra. I think we both have some explaining to do to George. He needs the truth from both his parents. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ At the police station, Edmund and Stephen are just coming out of questioning. Edmund: Thanks for coming so quickly. Stephen: I'm glad you caught me, I was just about to go to Chicago on business. It wouldn't have good for you to be questioned without a lawyer. Edmund: I don't get any of this, I never would have thought Christina would have been involved in so many illegal things. Stephen: Sometimes you think you know somebody. Edmund: They think I had something to do with her dealings. Stephen: They didn't accuse you of anything. Edmund: Not in so many words, but it's obvious that I'm implicated. Christina deals in stolen merchandise, I'm in the retail business. Stephen: Stay calm. Edmund: I can't. I just got Troy and Kevin back, what if this causes me to lose them? Stephen: We'll handle this and it will all be fine. Christina and her lawyer come out of the holding area. Christina: Well, I made bail. Edmund: Yeah, I can see that. Christina: I know how upset you must be right now. Edmund: When were you planning on telling me the truth about you? Christina: I never intended to get this involved with you again, but when we started to get closer, I was afraid to say anything. I didn't even think it was going to be a problem, all of that was behind me. Edmund: That's not good enough. Christina: Please, you have got to believe me. Edmund: I can't even look at you right now. Because of you, I'm under a microscope. Christina: I'll make sure you don't get pulled further into this, I already told them you had nothing to do with this. Edmund: Your word is no good with these people. I could be up on charges of haboring a criminal and that is something that Leigh could use as grounds to take my kids from me. Christina: If I could do this all over again, I would have told you everything, I probably wouldn't have even come here. Edmund: It's too late for that now. Edmund leaves. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Leigh and Norm are at her apartment discussing the case. Norm: Just talked to my sources and the plan is done. Leigh: You mean Christina was busted? Norm: Yep, right at Edmund's house. Leigh: The judge surely will see that as an improper environment for children. Norm: I've petitioned the court on those grounds, we can get a hearing soon. Leigh: Finally, I have the upper hand. At least I hope I do. Norm: You do. The fact that the cops hauled Edmund in for questioning is extra security. Leigh: Wait a minute? They hauled Edmund in too? Norm: Is that a problem? Leigh: All I wanted to do was get custody of my kids, I never wanted Edmund to be in any real legal trouble. Norm: Relax, it was just questioning. Leigh: And things like that can lead to even more. I'm starting to think I went to far. Norm: You can't turn back now. Leigh: I've been so caught up in the case, I think I've forgotten this is really about the kids. Norm: It is, you want a chance to raise them yourself. Leigh: Yes, but look at what I've resorted to. I may have gotten their father in real legal trouble. Norm: Trust me, he won't get in trouble. Leigh: I don't want to risk it any further. Norm: It's too late. What's done is done. Leigh: And I'll have to live with the consequences. Norm: Stop worrying. The only thing that is going to happen is what you've wanted to happen and that's full custody of your kids. Leigh: I've never been a saint and never will be, but I do have a conscience and sometimes it speaks to me too late. What have a I done? __________________________________________________________________________ Back at the Athletic Club, Andrew is trying to explain things to George and Cassandra. George: So, you've been alive all these years? Who would have thought it. Andrew: It was a long road to recovery for me. Cassandra: That was you in that car I saw. I'm not crazy after all. George: You seem to love secrets, don't you? You kept your past a secret and on top of that, you kept it a secret you were alive. Andrew: I can tell you've grown into very much your mother's son. George: She was the only one there to raise me, so it makes sense. Cassandra: And I think I did a fine job of that, raising a son without a father isn't easy. Andrew: Don't play that game anymore. I'm sure you've told George a lot of things about me that aren't fair. George: You walked out without giving a thought about me. Andrew: Is that what she told you? George: It's the truth, isn't it? Andrew: No. Your mother and I got a divorce, it turns out it wasn't valid, but nonetheless she knew we were finished. I was supposed to be a part of your life. George: Divorce? Andrew: Of course, she didn't tell you. It seems like her goal was to make me out to be the villain. You mother took you and moved away, I tried to find you, but I never succeeded. Cassandra: The fact remains that you left me to marry someone else and started another family. Andrew: I never forgot about my son, but I did move on with my like and you knew that I intended to do that. And for the record, I didn't get involved with anyone until after the divorce. George: Is all of this true, Mother? Cassandra: Who are you going to believe? Me or the father who hasn't seen you since infancy? George: I know how you can be, sometimes you have your own version of the truth to suit yourself. Cassandra: What does it matter now? You grew up just fine without him. George: I want the truth. Cassandra: All right. After the divorce, I was angry and determined to raise you on my own, so I took off. When you got older and started asking about your father, I was afraid that you would want to go live with him because he become a business tycoon and could give you everything I couldn't, so I told you he left us high and dry. George: All about you, everything is about you. Do you know how terrible it feels to grow up thinking a parent cares nothing about you? Cassandra: I can't make any excuses, what I did was very stupid and selfish. George: I can't figure you out, it's one thing after another with you. I find out you've done one thing and try to let it go and then I found out something else you did. Cassandra: If we can talk this out-- George: I can't deal with this right now, either of you. George goes in the bedroom and closes the door. Cassandra: Never thought I'd ever have to deal with you causing me grief again. Andrew: Take some responsibility here, you didn't have to tell our son those lies. Cassandra: You broke our home in the first place. Andrew: That marriage wasn't going to work, had we stayed together, we would have both been miserable. Cassandra: You didn't want to try. Andrew: I'm not here to talk shoulda, coulda, wouldas with you. Cassandra: The funny thing is, we are still married. That quickie divorce lawyer of yours never filed the paperwork properly. Andrew: I know that and I'm prepared to fix it. Cassandra: You are, are you? Andrew: I certainly am. Cassandra: I suppose you want to make your marriage to the happy homemaker/CEO legit. Andrew: You always did have a sharp tongue, it's gotten even sharper over the years. Cassandra: I adapt over time, in this world you have to. Andrew: I'll have my lawyer contact you soon about the divorce papers. Cassandra: You do that as soon as possible. Cassandra opens the door and Andrew leaves. Cassandra shuts the door behind him and takes a deep breath, realizing her world just got more complicated.
Thanks for reading. Andrew definitely isn't going to have an easy time repairing things with Anna, I'm pacing that story a little slower than others. I'm wrapping up the custody drama soon with somewhat of a twist. Andrew and George's scene in the next episode is a can't miss, it won't be disappointed.