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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. 15 minutes ago, Ryan Chamberlain said:


    More ABC. Cause Martin looked so damn bangable in that gold suit. 

    Now for another sexy British man of the 80s. Robert Palmer. Loved his stuff, but all his vids were basically the same, 



    Except for this one with The Power Station. This song was pure sex. No lie.



    Lisa Vanderpump alert in the ABC video. She looks pretty much the same now.

  2. Yikes. That’s sad about the old GH stuff. Maybe there’s hope that classic GH will be on Disney’s streaming service? If there’s any possibility of a long-running soap streaming, it’s when the soap’s producer starts its own platform.

    9 hours ago, depboy said:

    Not sure exactly what happened, but the YouTube channel that was posting the episodes from ‘85, ClassicGH, has been terminated.  A shame really as I was enjoying the episodes.


    I noticed a while back that another channel I was subscribed to, called bogied2, was taken down due to copyright infringement.  I wonder if ABC is cracking down on people posting the classic GH stuff.


  3. 2 hours ago, Mitch said:

    I don't know why they don't create a daytime soap aimed at a black audience, when they see how successful nightime "soaps" aimed at a black audience are. I know soaps are expensive to create but with the success in movies and prime time and shows aimed at that audience its seems to have a chance. I mean, most of Tyler Perry's stuff have soap elements..multigenerational family run by a strong willed, matriarch. The young screw up, the middle generation frets and dithers, and the "old folks" have to step in and kick ass. I mean, I do think of Madea as a later day, if more foul mouthed and unconventional, Nancy Hughes!

    In this day and age it just makes more sense to do what Tyler is doing: make cheap drama with far fewer episodes  for primetime when more eyeballs are available. It’s much tougher to launch any show these days on any platform, which is why you see all the reboots with built-in recognition to cut through the glut of Peak TV. I think the four remaining soaps are lucky that daytime has become a no-man’s land for content development. No one really wants to start a new talk show or game show for the networks; it’s just not a smart business these days as most big-name talk shows have flopped, and the networks are just more interested in stopping the bleeding in primetime. Y&R, B&B, GH, and DAYS are likely to stick around for another 8-10 years until their audience finally dies off. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Bryton has shown he has the chops to be an adult character.  Although his character has a bit more agency now, Devon could have so many more aspects to who he is.  The same could be said for the Hilary character. 


    Y&R holds back with them and it's very unfortunate, especially in an age where Black Panther and Get Out have proven that you can have Black characters driving story and people will gravitate toward it, if the writing is good.  I don't know if soaps will ever figure this out.

    I was making the same point about Sterling K. Brown leading This Is Us, the biggest drama on broadcast while GH backburners Donnell Turner, easily the best male performer on that show.


    Daytime soaps are so done. There are no lessons to be learned because they are just filling time until the inevitable. 

  5. I think soaps don’t want to rock the boat anymore. They are in their twilight phase and have shed almost all of their viewers under 50, so they are pandering to an older, more conservative base. Even taking into account that Y&R is the most conservative soap, it’s crazy that there would be all of this trepidation about a lesbian storyline years after Bianca, Otalia, Zarf, NUKE, Will/Sonny, Fish/Kyle, and Brad/Lucas. But then you think, Oh it makes sense. They don’t have any room to offend a small portion of their aging audience, and they look back at those LGBT stories I mentioned and say, “Most of those soaps are gone.” I think it also applies to other social issues. They look at the risk and realize they have very little to gain from a swing and an almost guaranteed miss given the hostile climate we’re in for all of television, not just daytime.

  6. 58 minutes ago, Cat said:

    @Cheap21 @Faulkner Did y'all see CL and EXO at the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics??


    Super proud of my bias Kai for his solo!



    I saw CL (who was just SERVING - I don’t think any Western pop star at the moment aside from Beyoncé has that kind of effortless bravado as a performer). I saw a little bit of EXO. They looked sharp, of course. Loved the 13-year-old guitarist doing Vivaldi.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I caught a glimpse of Damon Wayans Jr. on an episode of "Happy Endings" and thought his dad had joined the show.  I kid you not.

    I remember when Daddy Damon showed up on Happy Endings. Let’s just say there’s no doubt about his son’s paternity, and Daddy Damon hasn’t aged since ILC.


    Jason O’Mara is a GREAT one.

  8. Ok the OP made me laugh harder than it should have. 


    But to surmise what this topic is supposed to be about, Vincent Irizarry has darkened the doorsteps of far too many soaps I’ve watched given my distaste for him (GL, AMC, Y&R, DAYS - wasn’t around for him on Santa Barbara).


    Robin Mattson has been on GL, GH, RH, SaBa, AMC, B&B, ATWT, and DAYS in varying capacities.


    Barbara Crampton has been on DAYS, SaBa, Y&R, GL (loathed her Mindy), and B&B.


    Jane Elliot was busy in the ‘80s with GH, GL, AMC, DAYS, and later The City.


    The late Augusta Dabney was prolific, of course, with roles on Young Dr. Malone, TD, GH, AW, ATWT, LIAMST, OLTL, A World Apart, and, finally, Loving.

  9. There are some cool photos of Matt Bomer and Tuc Watkins in this NYTimes piece about the revival of “The Boys in the Band” and its place in the history of gay theater.



    It’s part of a larger Times feature on the play. Here, the cast members each read a queer poem:


  10. 10 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    I wouldn't say Nene is natural in a funny way, not anymore at least. She might have a moment here and there, but she's just as "on" as Bethenny pretty much 99.5% of the time now. She's been Nene Leakes playing Nene Leakes for years now.

    I guess Bethenny’s such a tryhard you always see the wheels turning, and she’ll totally cut you off mid-sentence if she feels has a funny line coming. Nene just feels like my funny aunt. But she’s now in the “comedy” trade, so I can see her playing up that persona. In the past few years, Nene had been so mean, condescending and above-it-all, which made her abrasive. She’s still got that edge, but she’s better this season.

  11. 5 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    The shade throughout the episode was funny, but I think our favorite moment that had us rolling was when Nene did an impression of herself when she was really high-strung and would come home and Greg says they're out of ketchup and Nene screams "KETCHUP!!!!" LOL  It's the unrehearsed, unprepared moments like that that made me love Nene during her first 3 seasons. She's naturally funny without mugging for the camera and trying to create a new GIF worthy moment. 


    She’s by far the funniest housewife. Bethenny can be funny, but so much of the time she’s “on” like a comedian waiting to get it the next punchline, and it’s tiresome. Phaedra, as reprehensible as she was, could be very funny, but certainly not enough to make her enjoyable to watch. Heather Dubrow thought she was hilarious but meh. Like Nene, Dorinda is funny in a natural way. Most of the other humor on these shows is of the unintentional variety. 

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