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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. 16 minutes ago, Cat said:

    I am not sure they will have any local Emirati women. As 'progressive' as Dubai is considered to be compared with, say, Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan, no Dubai family would allow a female member to be filmed on a franchise like the Real Housewives. That kind of public life risks embarrassing the family name which is mega-important. 

    I suspect this will be entirely focused on the ex-pat community in Dubai and within their gated, closed-off enclaves. No public screaming matches in a shopping mall. No mixing with locals. Ex-pats in Dubai are mostly Westerners who work in the oil, retail and financial service industries.

    South Asian? Depends on how untraditional their families are. There are a lot of Lebanese who live and work in Dubai, but again, the family thing will decide if they participate. I don't think Bravo would be producing this without a LOT of American women involved. And Caroline Stanbury, for whom Andy has long wanted to find anther project. They need US ratings for this show.

    The wealth on this show will probably make Kyle's life look like Tammy Knickerbocker's. But, um, hello, the ruler of Dubai? One of the wealthiest men on earth, he kidnapped and made disappear two of his daughters who tried to escape his grasp. His most recent wife, Princess Haya of Jordan, absconded to London in fear of her and her children's lives. 

    Therein lies the problem with a series set in Dubai. It’s incredibly tone deaf.

    A bunch of expat women (likely white) gallivanting and flashing the cash in a brown country with extremely oppressive laws? Seems like Bravo has learned nothing from the issues of recent years.

  2. Is it just becoming a tradition that Chris Bassett and Michael Darby will fight during the RHOP finale?

    48 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    I just don’t get it with urge laws they have there. They could’ve done London if they wanted to go international.

    The Emirates are super anti-LGBTQ, yeah. It’s definitely a money city, so we’ll get real estate porn, but that’s possible elsewhere. I wonder if they will have multiple South Asian/Arab Muslim housewives because centering white women in Dubai would be a bad look.

  3. 6 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    Another one that is probably going to more controversial: OLTL's Natalie. The multiple retcons around Jessica were problematic but I think creating Natalie was something of a risk (and frankly ridiculous on paper) but I personally think it paid off creatively and obviously Natalie ended up being a big part of the last decade of the show.

    I always resented and hated Natalie as a Buchanan, especially the idea that she was Clint’s actual daughter and Jessica’s father was Mitch Laurence (which they revealed was a lie years later). But Natalie was indeed a popular character, even though I despised her, with several well-received pairings. 

  4. For me, I get enough topical discussion from Twitter and podcasts that it’s hard to stomach these old-fashioned TV panel shows these days. Unless you *really* love the personalities (which I don’t with the current View ladies), I’m not compelled to watch. 

  5. Such a great music decade, even though it had gotten a bad rap for a lot of its very dated hit ballads and tinny synth-based production. So many genres really flourished and made good on the advancements of the ‘70s (dance music, hip-hop, alternative and New Wave out of punk and glam rock). Sexuality was bolder and more thoughtful. I love really Pet Shop Boys, New Order, The Smiths, Madonna’s ‘80s hits, Prince, Erasure, et al.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Cat said:

    Could very well be! Bravo does appear to be worried about the performance of some of its RH franchises for sure. It has been a not-so-great year for the network, and it wants to capitalize on the real-life buzz surrounding BH while it can in order to attract viewers. As for Potomac, it is building on its audience each season, which makes it a bit of a positive anomaly among the RH shows.

    Totally. And BH may very well have had a four-part reunion even if NY did ok and had a reunion. It was that buzzy. Potomac would have been an iffier proposition, but it’s now one of Bravo’s elite series instead of the “best-kept secret” of a few years ago.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Cat said:


    Agreed. Against the Covid odds, and with safety and travel curbs in place, Potomac managed to produce a relatively decent season. But it wasn't like the last 3 seasons which were full-on drama. Even with an extended Minaj segment, you can hit the salad toss, Candiace's rage issues, Wendy's new bod, Karen vs Gizelle, Mia's mom, etc., in 3 succinct parts.

    I wonder if these padded BH/Potomac reunions are due to NY underperforming and not having a reunion (make goods, etc.).

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