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Posts posted by Money

  1. RE: BH: IA they need to start promoting the show again. I happened to watch the premiere live only because I was channel surfing and it caught me by surprise. It's like they're scared to promote it in light of Rusell's death with the family claiming the show's responsible. I hope with all the rumored re-editing they did they didn't hurt what would have been a very entertaining season.

    It's amazing when Taylor can cries there are never any tears.

    Lisa's diva ski outfit was a hoot. It was funny the way they were making fun of her. Love it when she told Taylor Ken was entitled to have his opinion at a dinner party when Taylor said no one asked his opinion. The only time Taylor dares to cop an attitude with Lisa is when Kyle is around to back her up. She's such a phony.

    I actually feel sorry for Paul. Adrienne is such a nagging bitch. I wouldn't be surprised if he's cheating on her.

  2. I'm watching right now...

    LOL at Adrienne's chef.

    I agree this episode was boring but maybe it's because I want to jump to the aftermath of Russell's death. It's amazing that his family is now claiming he was murdered.

    Adreinne and Paul's bickering was cute last year but Adreinne is coming off as a bitch. Looks like she'll have more of a presence this year than she did last. She got even more work since last year. I had hoped she would have done something with that mop on top her head. Ugh!

    Camille is so meek she's almost unrecognizable.

    HATE Taylor being painted as a victim. I love that Lisa continues to have her number and I can't wait for the claws to come out.

  3. I like Lisa but that pic of her is so unnatural it should be criminal.

    Was the BH premiere moved up from a later date because I can't remember it premiering so soon except to capitalize on Russel's death. I only saw the opening scene of the wives discussing his death and the preview for the season looks delish!

  4. Good for them because the show's addictive. Tami vs Bug.. oops... I mean Meeka was highly entertaining, however I still maintain they need more. There were a couple of episodes that dragged primarily because they just sat around, like they always do, calling someone from the other side a f-ing hoe.

    With that said, I can't wait for the reunion. It should be good.

    TMZ reported Royce had a heart attack and Chris Bosh' ex is suing him but he's claiming he wasn't responsible for the show dropping her. I wish he would own it. He need to sit his ass down.

  5. This season flew by so quickly. Has it always been this short?

    The argument between Evelyn and Chad was so staged.

    Eric is a real piece of work, however that entire argument escalated because Jennifer engaged. The more she responded the more he attacked and she fell right into it. And what man tells a woman he doesn't have to check his mother because she's exactly that. Damn. Eric is a real bastard but I quite enjoyed the drink being thrown in her face.

    Royce should asked to be let out of her contract because she's doing squat.

    I'm not sure about this season's ratings but the show need to step it's game up. The women need more than just sitting around trashing other because it's beyond redundant and getting boring.

  6. While I'm not excusing Amercians for re-electing Bush, you have to remember two things. First of all, the expectations for Obama were far greater than the expectations for Bush were. (So Americans weren't too surprised when Bush's first term was mediocre.) Second of all, Bush would probably have lost re-election had the Democrats nominated somebody other than the inept John Kerry (or the hot-tempered Howard Dean). (Similarly, Obama still has a good chance of winning re-election because the GOP may likely nominate an even worse politician.)

    Max, the saying fool me one shame on you, fool me twice shame on me applies. Bush was inept - period. The guy was so out of touch on every level it was ridiculous. The only reason he got elected in the first place was because of dear old daddy and rich lobbyists. This is why no matter how angry I am with Obama his screw ups doesn't even come close to the level of Bush's. The level of expectations between the two really are irrelevant since it was and is their jobs to lead. I'm not going to excuse Bush's ineptitude because Obama's expectations were greater. If they can't lead and keep the country out of a recession they have no business being president. But it irks me that Americans who want to string Obama alive are some of the same folks who re-elected Bush and were his apologists.

    Obama isn't stupid but he's a damn coward. And even though he would rather be labelled a nice guy than get tough, If I had to choose between him and 'pubs in 2012 I'm choosing Obama. It's not even a contest. Absolutely no one from from the Republican party deserves to be president. Not when their one and only agenda is protecting the rich. It's always the lesser of two evils.

    Honestly, I would love if someone from the Democratic party gave Obama a run for his money and if the Dems thought he would actually win they would drop Obama in a heartbeat. Hillary says she's done. Gore? Kerry? I find it interesting that after months of being MIA he came out very passionately raging against the Tea Party.

  7. Considering the Republicans and FOX were blatant in their racist attacks against Obama in 2008 I was actually glad that their was a network who viewed him favorably. The guy did not deserve all the nastiness they kept piling on him.

    While it was a gush fest in 2008, MSNBC'ers are calling him to the carpet on his lack of leadership. Look at any show from any of those hosts, including Chris Mathews, from the past week and they're taking him to task on how ineffective he has become.

    Obama definitely isn't living up to expectations but this country had no problem giving Bush another four years in office and he ran it in the ground. Americans have selective memories. He is no where close to Bush's destruction and yet people have zero tolerance for his presidency.

  8. I watched Obama's press conference today and it's amazing how this guy says a whole lot of everything while saying absolutely nothing. I don't need my regular viewing interrupted only to hear he has faith in the American people to overcome economic "obstacles". If he can't provide a specific plan as leader to create jobs then he needs to STFU. He refuses to actually take a stand, formulate a plan and stick with it. He's too busy worrying about re-election and how he's perceived by Republicans. I have never seen a president literally scared to death of the other side.

    This dude still thinks it's 2008 and he's riding the wave of charisma and bullshit.

    AMEN! the military budget should be cut in half, and what about the corporations who make enormous profits with military contracts? Why can't the government hire their own people and build their own damn planes... cut out the middle man and save a buttload of money at the same time. The military isn't keeping us free, no country on earth is going to invade our shores, not when a large percentage of civilians are armed and can blow someone's head off before they get on the front porch. These SAME Republicans who bleat about responsible spending want to spend billions of taxpayer dollars to build a wall to keep all the "wetbacks" from coming in. Well, I have news for THEM... the government isn't hiring these illegal aliens, COMPANIES are. Find them... pass legislation, prosecute them, and if they are found guilty, sieze and liquidate all their assets, and use the funds to pay down the debt. If there are no jobs for them, they would stop coming. At the very LEAST, all these right wing pundits need to stop bumping their gums about BS, and do something worthwhile, like investigating, exposing, and organizing boycotts against companies that are hiring illegal aliens.

    Immigration reform is needed and many don't realize that with immigration reform implemented it would actually help the economy. If Obama was smart he would connect the both. It's one of the many resources not being tapped into to create jobs. After all the promises made to them I do think they deserve a path to legalization.

  9. Looking at the group pic again, whoever did the photo shoot should be shot. The girl in the middle literally towers over everyone else like the Incredible Hulk. The girl on the left looks so uncomfortable she looks constipated. The stilettos on girls #5 and #7 are clearly two inches too big. Girl #5 looks absolutely ridiculous.

    The individual pics are not too bad so that tells me they're not ugly but they're way too thick to be wearing those tight dresses. The ladies in the first and last single pics look nasty and the nasty looking weave... ugh, no words.

  10. Cheap, you're on a roll! Tam's been looking great lately.

    Ugh, most of the new cast look like butt ugly transvestites! Who are they wives of?

    I heard Lebron's girlfriend wanted to be on the show but he kept her on a leash.

  11. Americans are screwed either way because the Republicans and the Tea party have proven that all they care about is the rich and they would drive the country into the ground to protect their tax cuts. Obama, instead of being a leader, is so worried about being re-elected, he would rather throw his own party under the bus than take a stand and truly fight for this country. Every time he deflects blame to the 'pubs proves how inept he is. Yes they're opposing him on basically every issue but this guy is being bullied into submission and literally allowing them to define his presidency instead of using his power to make the necessary changes this country needs. Bill Clinton advised him and he actually balked at the idea of using the fourteenth amendment at his disposable since he would rather cater to the same bullies who keep punching him in the face. The fact that he was willing to sacrifice medicare and social security, two staples - that at it's core - is the backbone of not only the democratic party, but the country speaks to the fact that this guy is no better than some of the Republicans. I loathe Republicans, but I can actually respect their fortitude on their principles, as loathsome as those principles are.

    It's like I said, he's probably going to be re-elected but not because he deserves it but because he's the lesser of two evils. There isn't even another Democratic contender in sight.

  12. LMAO at Obama. I'm just shaking my head at how inept this guy is as a leader. His idea of compromise is giving Republicans everything they ask for. Every time he says the word "compromise" he's emasculated even further. He's their bitch. It's a sad for Americans that this guy is probably going to be re-elected by default.

  13. LMAO! Cheap, leave it you to make a gif out of the fight :lol:

    I have to admit I jumped on impact. I knew the fight was coming but the pop just came out of nowhere and was so sudden. Tami got her ass good. LOL at one of the producers telling Meeka to let go of Tami's hair. That weave was coming out for sure!

    I don't want to sound mean but Meeka really looks like a bug.

  14. Any more grovelling and Jennifer would literally be kissing Evelyn ass. She caved like a two dollar hoe like I knew she would.

    Meeka learned the hard way that Susie cannot be trusted because her diarrhea of the mouth led to the fight. And oh what a fight it was LOL! Tami popped her good.

    And speaking of Tami, I love her but I'm not feeling the bad ass attitude. Not when she sucking up to Evelyn. And Evelyn did a hell of a lot more to her especially with those T Shirts and she was the one who approached Evelyn to make the truce with Evelyn initially disregarding her feelings. It's no different than Meeka apologizing and Tami treating her like gum under her shoe.

    And if I were Meeka hell yes I would have sued because that pop HAD to hurt and both ladies' weaves were coming undone. Even though Meeka is trying to save her ass nothing she could say will make Tami be at least cordial to her and that's what makes Tami a bitch.

    Evelyn and Tami being buds and laughing it up is too unbelievable.

  15. WHAT? I had no idea Tami got sued. If ya'll don't post links I don't know jack. Tami is a ruff rider Meeka didn't recognize! She'll cut a bitch and I have no doubt she owned that ass.

    The thing with Evelyn is that Chad is her cash cow. She ain't giving dat up and it was telling when she said when people start talking about her family she don't care who it is she'll cut them like a fish. Jennifer better get with the program. It would be so juicy if Jennifer befriended Royce. Evelyn will go ape [!@#$%^&*] but Jennifer is to weak to stay on Evelyn's bad side. She'll start kissing her ass again next week to be in her good graces.

  16. Dang... BBW gets no love? I'm glad the show is back. Both Evelyn and Jennifer talk trash so I don't see why Evelyn was getting so bent out of shape with Jennifer's comment about Chad. The whole thing looked stage but I liked them fighting. Hopefully Jennifer will grow a a pair but I doubt it. Tami was pretty funny with her facial expressions.

    And speaking of Ms. Tami, I was really surprised to hear her say she doesn't give a damn about Royce. I guess she's drinking the kool-aid since she now has her mouth pressed against Evelyn's ass.

    Poor Royce, she really does seem irrelevant.

    Previews for next week look fantastic.

  17. Speaking of weaves... I really love Tami's. Last seasons she looked tore up and the wigs and weaves were a damn mess. The lipo kicked in, skin looks flawless and she looks fantastic, especially in the soundbites. Good for her.

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