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Posts posted by Money

  1. I'm excited but skeptical. BW can be a great franchise if they got better women to showcase. The little I saw of Gloria was boring, and as a headliner? Come on now. If the franchise want to expand they need to get women of famous basketball players who can bring the drama and dish the dirt!

  2. BW is great escapism but the girls need more than getting together talking about why they don't like the other side. It's old and it's getting repetitive. Could you imagine the ATL housewives doing the same? There's only so many segments Royce can call Eveleyn a hoe. The scenes with her dad not wanting her to dive into another relationship so quickly were good. The show needs more of this. They didn't show much of Jennifer because if she isn't kissing Evelyn's ass there's nothing for her to do. Susie is boring and irrelevant and unless Meeka is going to provide more than gossip then she needs to go. Why should we care about the feud with Tami and Meeka if all they're going to do is trade insults at each other. Producers need to tighten it up.

  3. Meeka looks like a bug and she's a snake for sure. She's badmouthing Royce behind her back and smiling in her face but Tami has her number! How did she find out? I guess one of the producers told her to get the drama poppin' :lol:

    If I were Royce I would be thinking WTF too with Susie bending over backwards to become Evelyn's friend again. And now Susie is "innocently" claiming she's caught in the middle between Royce and Evelyn's clique. Bitch!

    ETA: I'm catching up on Season 2. Had no idea Star's ex was on the show. This dude is so obviously gay. It's unbelievable Star didn't notice this before she married him. And what the hell went down in Vegas that had Evelyn foaming at the mouth. And I can't believe Jennifer was worrying about her marriage even back then. Sheesh!

  4. I think I'm officially hooked on this show. It's so freaking good!

    I love Tami. There's something so natural about her and yet there's a vulnerability even when she's dropping those F bombs and looking tore up. I love that she tried once again (in vain) to dissuade Evelyn from those ridiculous T shirts and explained her reasons. The fact that Evelyn had the audacity to tell her she was willing to share the proceeds with her for her charity was ridiculous. And then she topped it by claiming she was trying to turn a negative into a positive. UGH! She's such a nasty bitch. There's nothing that's even remotely pleasant about that woman. She looks slutty, dirty and her mouth looks stank from all the hoeing she's been doing over the years.

    I continue to love Royce. I can't believe the producers wanted to get rid of her. Her "garden of hoeing" was priceless. "Roses here... cabbage there..." all the while providing a visual with her hands. :lol:

    Shaunie's starting to bug. She and her "neutral" ass is as fake as they come.

    Susie - irrelevant.

    Meeka is trouble for sure. Nobody trusts her because she already started with the badmouthing and she ain't friends with none of 'em. She definitely wants to be in Evelyn's clique but they already got her number. And home girl needs to tighten her weave. Just sayin'.

  5. Oh. my. Gawd! What a teaser!

    The newest girl reminds me of Eric Snow's wife from RH of ATL. I cannot stand Evelyn and I love Royce. My only complaint about the show is that I wish these girls would cool it with the F bombs. I know they're ghetto but it's just too much. Otherwise, I'm there! :lol:

  6. TMZ reported the girls are getting around seven thousand per eppy and Evelyn is the now the highest paid with fifteen thousand. That's actually chump change compared to the girls from the Housewives franchise.

    On a side note: how many reality series end in "Wives". There's the Housewives, Basketball, Mob, and now "Wrestling Wives" is in production. Did I miss any? I think there's also Football, if I'm not mistaken.

  7. I looked at at the season finale from the links and BW is a great show. All the dynamics are there so I'm surprised it's so low key. I wonder if the show was on BRAVO if it would have done better ratings wise. Some of the zingers were hilarious but dang, Evelyn is ghe-tto! She's a skanky hood rat and she ain't all that either. She just looks nasty. I think Royce is really pretty and so is Jennifer. I love her weave. She needs to hook me up with her stylist. Tami cleaned up really well. During the clips she looked broke and tore up but in the finale she looked cute. And Shaunie seems so reserved especially being the creator(?) of the show. TMZ reported they were looking to replace Royce with Chris Bosch's girlfriend, lol. I like Royce so I'm glad she stayed.

    Cheap, when does the next season debut?

  8. It was a good move career wise for Camille to rejoin since she needed to stay relevant. She's already an after thought in Hollywood. BRAVO was trying their damnest to make her sympathetic in the end to entice her to stay so this isn't surprising.

    If BH is smart they'll amp the feud between Kyle, Taylor and Lisa with the twist of Kim and Camille being friends.

    And if ATL is smart they'll get Victoria Rowell on the phone. STAT!

  9. Regarding DC, I wonder if they're receiving political pressure because of the White House fiasco. The solution seems very simply by retooling the series without The Salahis but after some of the things I read in various blogs this series is definitely being held to a different standard to the other shows.

  10. Demi Moore can pull off pregnant photos - Ms Zolciak cannot.

    I have a feeling Miami will be a sleeper hit. I caught a few segments with Cole and Rodman and it wasn't that bad. It was actually a good idea to premiere the show now rather than postponing it even later than it already was. The shelf life was costing Bravo money since they taped the show in 2009. Those still upset over NY and OC will most likely get over it and if Miami is a hit BRAVO wins. Win-win all around.

    Very dissapointed with ATL and Andy really needs to do better. I had such high expectations but they were boring although they were still better than BH. Why he thought devoting an entire LONG segment on motherhood would be entertaining is beyond me.

    Kandi looked like a transvestite on Live but she and Phaedra were a hoot. I hated her new look.

  11. YES!!! Phaedra has moved to the top of my favorites list. I love the fact the she backs up what she says.

    She backed it up alright. I loved it when she told Nene "google me". HA!

    Nene looked stupid when she kept saying she didn't know her and Pheadra brought up the fact that she called her years ago. It would have been better if Nene said she doesn't have a personal relationship with her instead of flat out lying.

    Add me to the Phaedra is love group! :wub:

    The reunion was just ok... about on track with BH's first reunion episode.

    *balks* How dare you! :lol:

  12. I fuckin' LOVE Phaedra! She had me salivating like a fangurl watching the show. Homegirl provided pictures of her Equestrian days LOL! This is how a reunion should be and it's only part one.

    Love. Love. Love her. It can't be said enough. I loved her handling Nene and I loved her explanation of race. Should Kim treat Sweetie differently because she's Black. NO. But hell yes it's offensive that she treats her the way she does and she doesn't see the problem with it. Not seeing color my ass. In one of the clips Sweetie was channeling Aunt Jemima with that ridiculous head wrap. I was appalled to hear Big Poppa called her "Black Bitch" on the regular and Kim simply shrugged it off. It's even more ridiculous that Sweetie accepts this treatment from Kim. I hate to say it but I can totally see where Nene is coming from given her explanation. It wasn't even a racial issue for her but a human one. Why Sweetie puts up with that bullshit I'll never know and there isn't enough money in the world to stay in a job where you're being degraded and being talked to like trash. And if Kim is thirty two and Sweetie has been in her employ for the last eleven years, why did she need a P.A at age twenty one?

    She and Nene's facial expressions were hilarious. Nene said recently that the women formed alliances for the reunion and quickly apologized for their soundbites before the show. She and Phaedra definitely kept it real while Sheree and Kandi were choosing their words carefully not to offend. This was an entertaining eppy.

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    Thanks Sylph!

    Phaedra looks good. And it's amazing how polished and more sophisticated she looks outside of the show. For next season they should do a Nene and Phaedra feud with Kim and Phaedra being friends. Kim and Nene is played out and since Phaedra is throwing Kim a baby shower it wont be a manufactured friendship. And how triflin' is Kim? She got 80k and only gave Kandi 4. I'm glad Kandi called her on it.

  14. Bravo acts like DC is a problem when it isn't. They had decent ratings and the solution is very simple - reboot the series without the Salahis. I read on a blog where someone was upset that the DC wives was not a representative of the Nation's Capital. That's bullshit. Bravo is going out of their way to sabotage DC and it's ridiculous. For pete's sake, Michaele ain't all that. Get rid of her, find a decent replacement and move the hell on.

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