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Posts posted by Money

  1. I agree it was good that Nene came clean to Cynthia but then when Cythnia got visibly upset she tried turning it on her and told her she's yelling at her. Sometimes I can take Nene's "I'm hot sh!t" attitude and other times it's a huge turn off. I did think she was funny though during the segment with her looking for a name star. Jay Z is out of town, Janet Jackson's on the moon.

    Anyone notice the previews with Cynthia that were suppose to air this week weren't shown. In the previews she was shown crying about the wedding and being overwhelmed.

    The assistant with the curly hair was hilarious when she came in on the argument and she promptly ran back out. Probably thinking those crazy bitches!

    Phaedra had another good line when she said Kim doesn't want to mess with her because she knows she's a crazy black woman :lol:

    I can't see Phaedra throwing Kim a baby shower. Would love to see that play out on air.

  2. Oh snap! Phaedra: How could she call me Fake-dra when she says she doesn't know me. I'm the one who hadn't had plastic surgery. I'm Real-dra :lol:

    Home girl still lying about the due date when Khandi outed her.

    The fight was good but it definitely should have been longer. Leave it to Bravo to hype this episode to the max and the drama is the last five minutes of the show. I officially love Phaedra. She's so full of herself but she owns it. There's actually something that's quite endearing about her.

    Kim needed to STFU. Was she serious when she said she's protective of Nene? After all the bitch fights they had? Nene sitting there not saying a word like she's all that while they went on and on was ridiculous. I'm really not feeling Nene in recent weeks. Her stuck up attitude about the friendship contract when it's clearly a joke is asinine.

    Sheree's hair when she entered her daughter's apartment was hilarious. Her hair looked like she had a peacock resting on top of it. She needs a news shtick. Elegant and sophisticated is worn out.

  3. Isn't she dropping him as her estate agent in the next episode?

    Unless Camille changes her mind in next week's episode then yes she dropped Mauricio as a client. That should be the deal breaker for Kyle so it's a huge WTF when she continues to try to be nice to her, especially when Camille keeps repeating in every. single. episode she's jealous of her. Even now she stated in the press she tried reaching out to her with the ongoing divorce and I'm wondering what the hell for. Kyle is an idiot, unless she thinks Camille has some type of power to ruin her husband's career.

    By the way, When the is the divorce going to start airing on screen. Seems like it's taking forever to get there.

    I forgot to mention but I was LMAO during Kim's fight wtih Taylor when she told her to "go blow up her lips some more". That was so random, yet very effective bc her lips are like the big elephant in the room.

    Kim reminds me of those teenage girls who get in an argument and because they can't keep up as a last ditch ditch effort they resort to comments like those. She looked flustered and completely out of her element. Kim is a joke. I fully see why Kyle get so exasperated with her. She takes air head to a whole other level.

  4. One thing about Camille - that chick sure has passive aggression down to a T. She'll cut you and then with blood on her hands sweetly ask if you need a band-aid. She's truly a vile person and I was rather surprised when she called into the Live show with Andy and apologized to Kyle and she readily accepted considering Camille threatened to drop her husband as a client. It's obvious they hate each other so it's time Kyle pull a Nene and drop the pleasantries.

    Maybe they're saving the insults NJ style for the reunion. At any rate, I'm tired of hearing about NY. I hope Alison does not make a reappearance since nothing about her is entertaining. She's the type of sadist who will orchestrate a gang rape on another female. Which woman with an ounce of class says she wishes she can shove a cigarette up another woman's ass but wishes the cigarette was actually bigger and to me, it looked like she used her hand for a visual. That [!@#$%^&*] is not entertaining to me. I truly hope that was Alison's one and ONLY appearance.

  5. I'm not surprised Nene wants Bryson to take a paternity test. The kid looks like a dead beat fully content to loaf off her and the girl he had sex with is probably no different. Even if she isn't, Nene will absolutely be footing the bill until Bryson mans up which isn't going to be anywhere near soon.

    In a very odd and unusual move, TMZ posted the following under Camille’s comments. “TMZ has no reason to doubt what Camille says about the sex tape, but we know she’s been telling anyone who would listen how bitter she is over the way Kelsey has handled the split.”

    Responding to the related article, Camille look like the type of woman who will bleed Kelsey. I'm very interested to know what she's gotten out of the divorce.

    I wonder who hates her enough to leak her sex tape with Nick. :lol:

  6. I'm looking forward to the finale because Nene was asked by a reporter about her relationship with Kim and she spat she's done with her and this time for good so I know they're going to have another knock down drag out fight.

    Nene really needs to lay off the weaves. I'm not sure if it's a lace front wig with a sewn in part but the part was really huge so if it isn't, then that's one huge bald spot.

  7. This week on ATL I thought Nene was being two faced about the friendship contract. I think Cynthia really values their friendship, felt caught between her and Peter and wanted to make light of the tension. Nene acted like she was bat [!@#$%^&*] crazy and then promptly ran straight to Kim to bad mouth her and had a good laugh at her expense. When Cynthia wanted to talk to her she acted like she didn't need the drama and didn't have time but when Peter wanted to talk to her she was all smiles and flirty. I wasn't feeling Nene at all!

    Sheree thinking she's ready to do film after a bit part in a play was hilarious.

    Cynthia looks like she really doesn't want to marry Peter but after three failed engagements thinks she must. I feel for her because ugly Peter it ain't all that.

    It was great to see Phaedra in action and the claws were out. It was funny how Cynthia tried to act like she didn't know what she was talking about when they all took turns gossiping about her baby with Nene leading the pack with the trash talking so it would be a treat to see her go after all of them. Next week looks good.

  8. Sheree: I'm not a model I'm an actress. That's like Shanana (from Martin) saying I'm a lady :lol:

    If Sheree is a grown ass woman with grown ass bills why the heck did she buy an Aston Martin? Home girl need to shut up.

    I'm really surprised Peter and Nene are beefing since I thought they were kinda attracted to each other. Both look like the type to have angry sex on the dime if they end up alone with each other.

    I really don't need to be seeing any more close ups of Peter's ugly head. I notice he has a slight accent; I wonder if he's West Indian.

    Cynthia is so boring. I don't see her lasting next season unless they manufacture some drama with her which is probably why she and Phaedra is going to feud next week.

    I miss Phaedra in action so next week looks good!

  9. UGH! Looking at the cast back then it was an epic fail, no wonder they made changes. The entire wardrobe is atrocious not just Nene's. But home girl looks like a worn out beaver in drag reminiscing on her Britney Spears hey day. So glad she updated her look. This season is her best - chic and contemporary. Although I could do without the little wasps of hair sticking out at the base of her neck but it's a minor pet peeve.

    I wonder if those girls take a long time coming up with their tags. For some reason I can see Kim practicing in the mirror, wringing her hands and thinking she has to come up with something witty before finally deciding which still doesn't measure up with the others. Nene on the other hand seems so quick witted, on the snap she rolled her eyes and said "Bitch please, I am the Jones'".

    Don't even get me started on Millionaire Matchmaker. Patti is pathetic and a wannabe. She's NOT cute, and is always insulting other women and their looks. Her track record is horrible too - I don't think I've seen an episode where her matches work out.

    This the first time I've decided to give MM a try. Patti's insults does make her seem like she's trying to be a bad ass to prove she knows what she's talking about. I loved the episode where one of the housewives from NJ wanted her to fix up her sons. That was a pretty entertaining eppy. She would go good to lay off the collagen in her lips and a tummy tuck wouldn't hurt either.

  10. Anyone watch the other Bravo shows like Millionaire Matchmaker and Fashion Show with Iman?

    I can only take Patti in small doses but I think she's kinda funny with her insults. For someone who makes a career with match making her husband is FUGLY.

    Iman gives this season of Fashion show some oomph but it's still boring to me. If it weren't for the Asian dude providing much needed drama the season would have been a complete dud.

  11. It seems making Camille the villain has worked in BH favor, although it really wasn't that hard to begin with seeing she's such a bitch. During the Live interview Adrienne kept choosing her words very carefully when discussing Camille. When Andy asked if she flaunts her wealth she gave a dramatic pause and finally said it's more of her thinking she feels she's fortunate. Also when he asked if she's difficult to get along with, she faltered again and finally said no. I'm really looking forward to their reunion since I know the fur is going to fly.

    Taylor is transparently insignificant. It's obvious her husband controls the relationship but I couldn't care less. In the intro she says "it may look like I have it all but I want more". She's a trashy gold digger and those crocodile tears she was crying about the dog made her fake ass so obvious. She's the one who doesn't want the dog and feels upstaged by it.

    Camille was boasting two weeks ago that in terms of pecking order her husband is at the top with his multiple awards and Mauricio is a two bit real estate agent employed by them. Can't wait for the bitch's face to crack with the fallout form the divorce.

    ATL: Last week's episode was an hour and fifteen minutes and they averaged 3.2 million viewers which is their highest rating to date. I wonder if they will continue to extend the show in the future.

  12. Nick and Camille's relationship is suspect at best. I knew he looked familiar but couldn't quite remember where I'd seen him till DaytimeFan made the connection. The other housewives found their relationship suspect as well with their reactions when he first showed up for lunch with them and Camille was draped all over him. Mauricio then joked if he was Kelsey. *cue laughter*

    Camille looks like the type of woman who want people to speculate on their relationship. The episode where she had both he and his wife over at her house was telling because the wife even commented that she always loans her husband to her. The wife ain't stupid. I don't know if they have an arrangement but Nick looks like the ultimate himbo who absolutely adores Camille's lifestyle and can't wait till her marriage to Kelsey is finalized so he can "pick up the pieces".

  13. OMG Cheap, I love it! Now this is what I'm talking about!!!

    Admittedly I didn't see reunion 1 so I was going off from what I saw from season 2 Part 1 which was quite lackluster but this is hilarious! How the heck did they continue to remain friends after this??? Now more than ever I'm looking forward to Phaedra in reunion 3.

    Close your legs to married men - :lol:

  14. I watched the season 2 reunion today and those girls are too sophisticated. They kept choosing their words carefully as to not offend the other. Andy tried to get Nene and Kim to talk smack about each other about the fight and they just wanted to move on. BLAH!

    They need the NJ girls to educate them on letting it all hang out LOL!

    With Phaedra in the mix, hopefully the reunion for season 3 will be a little more entertaining. Would love to see what Phaedra has to say when they show the clips of the girls talking trash about her.

  15. I'm catching up on the earlier seasons of ATL and I can see why a Phaedra was needed. I hated her ass before but she really is a hoot. Between her and Nene they're making this season very enjoyable. They really need to get rid of Cynthia because she's BORING. Absolutely nothing about her is interesting. I'm noticing a lil sum sum' between Nene and Cynthia's fiancee and I think they're attracted to each other.

    I'm interested in how much they get paid per episode and who gets paid the most. Nene seems to be the most popular out of the group.

  16. I just got caught up with the latest eps of BH and ATL...

    BH - I agree with you guys about Camille. Talk about a Grade A Bitch! I started disliking her immediately when she talked about how much of a giving person she is when she loaned her home to one of her friends who's husband had lost his job. She went on and on about how she was blessed to have so much with her giving nature while looking like a smug Bitch. The argument with Kyle was completely manufactured. Kyle was sincere and Camille knew exactly what she was doing. That shtick about winning the argument because she kept her composure while Kyle lost her cool was such a Bitch thing to say. "Never lose your cool in an argument" - cue smug smile :rolleyes:

    ATL - Hilarious! Those heffas were cheap! And their reactions to Sheree's dancing were fantastic. Sheree is so full of herself and that dancing was asexual as hell. I rolled my eyes when she rolled up in her Martin and she snarkily asked the valet if he wanted her to open the door.

    Cynthia is so boring; they really should have gone with Victoria Rowell. It was nice of Nene to help with the proposal however I agree with Cynthia that the proposal should have been intimate. It was tacky and Cynthia had every right to be underwhelmed. I wonder if Nene has a crush on the geriatric boyfriend. She kept gushing about Black love and the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice. :lol:

    Khandi and Kim were boring.

    Phaedra was ridiculous with her 'penis juice'. Who rolls up to the hospital to give birth in a backless number? One thing about Phaedra, it's ALL about her and she doesn't give a crap. I'm starting to warm up to her.

    Next week looks good. Sheree's boyfriend seem to be outed and Sheree definitely needs to be knocked down a peg.

  17. The latest episode of BH was BLAH. Loved the premiere but any of the house wives from the franchise could have been formatted into BH's last night. The women are suppose to be extravagant over the top BITCHES and they're coming off as ordinary bored housewives who happen to be wealthy trying to be catty. Eh!

  18. Loved tonight's ATL eppy. I can't stand Phaedra. The bitch is so uppity that baby shower was UG-LAY and my man Dwight neeeds to take it down ten thousand notches.

    Nene even drugged up is still da bomb. Glad she didn't have to break her nose completely and just got the sides done.

    Kyle is a hot mess. Those wigs are horrendous and I giggle every time she tries to act Black.

    Sheree and Khandi are the two girls with least drama and Cynthia is BORING. They should have gone with Victoria Rowell in a heartbeat.

  19. I'm starting to be really fond of DC. I felt they were extremely boring in the beginning but in recent weeks I caught up with the reruns and my opinion changed. They need to get rid of Stacie. She's too sophisticated and she brings nothing to the show. Cat however is da bomb! Totally love her. Michaela is too passive aggressive. She needs to own her crap. Mary and Lynda I could give or take.

    I did some research and ATL ratings for last week 2.247 million viewers, 1.6/2 HH, and 1.2/3 A18-49. Not too bad.

  20. I'm loving BH! I'm so envious of those bitches! There outfits are more three times my rent per month. I can't remember the name of the chick who flew in her stylist and was picking out clothes and the camera panned to the price tags. Damn!

    I laughed with the BH live premiere and the host said Jacke Collins wrote a blog and said they weren't "real" Housewives of BH because they weren't wives of moguls, famous celebrities, studio heads, etc... *meow* Ah, Jackie! Love her books :lol:

    Anyone catch the segment on TMZ about Kim Zolciak (ATL) when they ragged on her because she's claiming she's thirty five and they countered not only was it not true but they doubted she was even a woman. Hilarious!

    Anyone know which is the highest rated franchise? I think it's ATL but I'm not sure.

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